Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut. We've all been there: - Doubting our… (2024)

Christopher Shurley

Consultant and Author | I help supercharge your NetSuite.

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It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our skills- Wondering if our work matters- Staring at a blank screen, paralyzed by indecision- Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grindBut here's the truth: Success in any career isn't about avoiding these feelings. It's about pushing through them.The real challenge? Taking action despite self-doubt. Making something real. Trying to make a difference, both in your own career and for others.Here's what I've learned about resilience:1. Acknowledge the struggle. It's normal and you're not alone.2. Set small, achievable daily goals. Progress, no matter how small, builds momentum.3. Celebrate your wins, no matter how minor they seem.4. Connect with mentors or peers who can offer support and perspective.5. Remember why you started. Reconnect with your passion and purpose.The key is consistency. Show up every day. Do the hard work. Learn from setbacks. And never, ever give up on your dreams.What strategies do you use to stay motivated in your career?


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    If you don’t know which road to take to reach your goal, any road will take you there. 🛣️This old saying 💬 couldn't be more true in the professional world. Without a clear roadmap, it's easy to get lost in the shuffle and lose sight of your ultimate destination. 🎯As someone who has experienced the importance of having a plan firsthand, I can attest to the critical role it plays in achieving success. 🎉Whether you're starting out on a new career path or striving for a promotion, knowing where you're headed and how you'll get there is key. 🔑Of course, having a roadmap is only half the battle. 🌗 It's equally important to follow it and make adjustments along the way as needed. Ignoring your plan can be just as detrimental as not having one at all. So, take it from me: if you want to reach your professional goals, take the time to create a roadmap and stick to it. It may not always be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. 🎯

    • Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (4)


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  • Patrick Rohn


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    Success isn't always found far from home. Too often, we find ourselves peering over fences, gazing at what we perceive to be greener pastures. However, the vibrancy of the grass is not a result of which side it's on, but how meticulously it's nurtured. Consider this in a professional context. Your current role might seem tedious or lacking in opportunities. But instead of seeking satisfaction elsewhere, why not focus on nurturing the role you're in? I remember early in my career, I was restless in a position that did not seem to promise growth. Instead of jumping ship, I decided to cultivate my present role. I sought training, took on challenges outside my job description, and before I knew it, I was not only enjoying my work but also progressing at an unprecedented pace. Your 'plot of grass', your current position, can flourish under diligent and dedicated care. This includes engaging in ongoing professional development, seeking feedback, and embracing the challenges of your present role. Before looking elsewhere, ask yourself: Have I fully explored and exhausted the opportunities available where I am now? Take care of your grass. Nurture it. And you might just find that the richest shade of green is right under your feet.

    • Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (7)
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  • Andrea M.

    Workable Solutions| Efficiency Optimization

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    What do you do when you are in the midst of what feels like your single greatest career failure, and you can't see a way out?🛑 STOP! Stop what you are doing. Take an hour. A day. A weekend.📏 TAKE MEASURE. Identify where you are in the process. To what extent changes may be harmful or helpful. Determine who has helped you and how they contributed.💡 THINK. Think over your options. Plan out potential pitfalls or challenges. Identify potential wins. Identify people who can help you plan. Identify people that will be champions of the new approach. Gather information.🎬 ACT. Take a beat after you have laid out potential options and outcomes to give yourself time to adjust. Then, do it. Pull in resources. Get everyone on the same page. Move forward.WHAT NOT TO DO:🚫 Keep going.🚫 Compound the problems by layering more problems over them.🚫 Ignore the issues and hope they go away.🚫 Wallow in misery alone and terrified to try something else.



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  • Alyssa Sharp, MBA, PMP

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    What is even the point of this? Thats what I thought every morning, after months of missing deadlines even after pumping in 50+ hours of work each week. I felt lost and unfocused. I just let the day happen because I felt like I had no control. Until one day I decided to go back to basics... " find my why" And I finally felt like I had direction again, a purpose. I was able to inject that into my day to day and bring joy back to my job. I also started to think long term and figure out what my next move should be to bring me even more alignment with my vision. A Vision statement helps to establish a compass and a pathway.A personal vision can help you plan for the future, clarify your values, and make progress towards your goals. It can also help you stay motivated and get back on track when you're feeling stuck. 👉It gives you a clearly defined roadmap for your own personal success.👉It helps you to avoid detours, such as distractions, as well as guards you against potential hazards.👉It gives you the inspiration to think forwardly and not focus on regrets or mistakes.Having a personal vision helps keep you grounded in work too. If you know who you are, your strengths & where you are going - You can better serve your organization in helping them define these things as well - and keep those goals on track! DM me VISION if you want my plan to define your vision and create action steps to achieve your project & career success!

    • Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (15)


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  • Alyssa Sharp, MBA, PMP

    I help project professionals become impactful leaders so they can advance their career, without burnout. 👉 Ask me about my Project Leader Uplevel Program

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    What is even the point of this? Thats what I thought every morning, after months of missing deadlines even after pumping in 50+ hours of work each week. I felt lost and unfocused. I just let the day happen because I felt like I had no control. Until one day I decided to go back to basics... " find my why" And I finally felt like I had direction again, a purpose. I was able to inject that into my day to day and bring joy back to my job. I also started to think long term and figure out what my next move should be to bring me even more alignment with my vision. A Vision statement helps to establish a compass and a pathway.A personal vision can help you plan for the future, clarify your values, and make progress towards your goals. It can also help you stay motivated and get back on track when you're feeling stuck. 👉It gives you a clearly defined roadmap for your own personal success.👉It helps you to avoid detours, such as distractions, as well as guards you against potential hazards.👉It gives you the inspiration to think forwardly and not focus on regrets or mistakes.Having a personal vision helps keep you grounded in work too. If you know who you are, your strengths & where you are going - You can better serve your organization in helping them define these things as well - and keep those goals on track! DM me VISION if you want my plan to define your vision and create action steps to achieve your project & career success!

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  • Leon Steyn

    Business focussed sparring, coaching, leader training made relevant, practical and underpinned by critical thinking.

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    Like the chapters of Your Book. Read on 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼



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  • Swapnicah Jain

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    • Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (23)


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  • Dawn Dahlby, CFP®, BFA®

    Speaker | Author of LIVE WELLthy | CEO at Relevé Financial | Founder at Dawn Dahlby | CFP® BFA

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    • Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (26)


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  • Hanit Benbassat

    Elevate Entrepreneurial Women Through Rapid Transformation | Hypnosis & NLP, Integrative Holistic Coaching | Max Your Life | Daily Growth, Trusted Insights

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    Recently, I was asked, "If you could change one thing in your career from the past 10 years, what would it be?" This question struck me deeply, presenting a choice like to swallowing a magic pill that could rewrite history—at the expense of giving away the wisdom and experiences I've gathered.The idea of instantly correcting past decisions is tempting. Yet, I realized that each step, each challenge, and each "mistake" over the last decade has been instrumental in shaping my resilience, character, and skills. The journey, with its mosaic of triumphs and setbacks, has been my greatest teacher, offering lessons in adaptability, growth mindset, and the true essence of achievement.Reflecting on this, I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything. They've taught me that success isn't just about the destination but about the journey and the person we become along the way. Erasing any part of this journey would mean losing invaluable insights and the profound satisfaction of personal evolution.Have you ever faced a moment in your career where you wished for a magic pill to change something from your past? What experiences have shaped you into the professional you are today? Please share your thoughts and reflections.A Valuable Practical Tool for Doubtful Moments:This will be a great resource for those moments when you're doubting yourself, as if longing to take this “magic pill.” Create a list of your successes, big and small. Immerse yourself in this list; it will undoubtedly shift your perspective and remind you of your journey's value and your capability to navigate the path ahead.Your experiences and insights are a treasure trove of wisdom.

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  • Jack Kelly

    Forbes, Board of Directors Blind, Founder and CEO of The Compliance Search Group and, Co-host of the Blind Ambition Podcast

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    Bouncing Back From Career Failures by Jack Kelly via Forbes Hunker down and think deeply about what your true purpose is, as it relates to your career. Your mission is to determine what meaningful work is for you. Having a purpose provides you the drive to overcome all the obstacles in your way, as you try to rise within the company or find a new job. Once you determine your “why” for achieving something, you can progress to your “how.”Start putting together a roadmap toward success. This will include short, medium and long-term goals. If you don’t create a career map, you’ll be aimless and get easily derailed.Target personal development. Immerse yourself in motivational stories and find inspiration in others’ turnarounds against all odds. Visualize future success vividly by wiring your brain to expect achievement by immersing in possibility. Stay hungry. Let past failures fuel deeper passion for your long-term goals rather than surrendering ambition.

    Bouncing Back From Career Failures


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Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (37)

Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.We've all been there:- Doubting our… (38)


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Christopher Shurley on LinkedIn: It's easy to get stuck in a rut.

We've all been there:
- Doubting our… (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.