Proteo Mics - [PDF Document] (2024)

Proteo Mics - [PDF Document] (1)


Starting with the discovery of penicillin, other antibiotics, and insulin, the questfor understanding and use of biological systems, i.e., microorganisms and ani-mal tissue, for the production of value products has lead to a dramatic increasein microbiological and bioengineering research in the last decades. Chemicaland pharmaceutical companies quickly realized the huge commercial potentialof these bioproducts and have spent millions of US dollars on R&D as well as ona build-up of production facilities.Although there was limited knowledge aboutthe cell’s molecular mechanisms, which are the basis for the formation of thedesired products, products from fermentation and extraction of biologicalmatrices were a success right from the start. R&D projects within industry andacademia on the continuous improvement of production processes, especiallymicrobial productivity and down stream processing, allowed a fast return ofinvestment and secured competitiveness in the market. Whereas the focus ofsuch research projects was mainly on the discovery of strains with higher pro-ductivity for the product of interest, e.g., antibiotics, a lot of expertise andknowledge was generated allowing the use of biotechnological products andprocesses outside the pharmaceutical arena. The tremendous increase in knowl-edge and the technological developments in microbial genetics where driven bythese research projects and, accompanied with the advancements in nucleotidechemistry leading to a much better understanding of intracellular processes,served as a basis for modern molecular biology and recombinant biotech-nology.

Since the late 1970s, the success of recombinant pharmaceutical products was the major impetus for the developments in academic research and in-dustrial biotechnology. New interdisciplinary research platforms were createdand introduced into the scientific community, e.g. genomics, bioinformatics,proteomics, and, just recently, systems biology. At the same time, biotechnologyhas matured into a solid and highly profitable business area with impressivegrowth rates and turnover. Biotech products and products developed by usingbiotechnology have brought innovation to a great number of market segmentsranging from forensics, analytics, detection of fakes, speciality chemicals, de-tergents and cleansers, cosmetics, consumer products, agriculture, diagnostics,food and feed, up to pharmaceuticals and medicine. All these market inno-vations,however,were heavily dependent on the targeted use of synergistic com-binations of already existing as well as on the development of new technolo-gies.


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Proteo Mics - [PDF Document] (2)

In this volume the editors have focused on one of the presently most excitingof these new technologies – proteomics. Whereas the pharmaceutical industryexpected genomics and proteomics to deliver proprietary and validated (new)drug targets faster and thereby lead to a shortage in overall development time, itwas the application of proteomics to microbiology and symbiosis, classicalbiotechnology and fermentation processes which has already generated valu-able as well as applicable results for the improvement of industrial biotechnolo-gy. The understanding of metabolic (protein) networks within an industriallyused cell is of clear importance for productivity of the organism and the wholeprocess. Since, cell metabolism is influenced in many ways by the fermentationconditions, e.g., aeration, pH, media, bioreactor volume, temperature, mechani-cal stress, cell density, feedback effects of the product etc., proteomics is present-ly the method of choice for identifying functional coregulated and cooperatingprotein networks. Excellent experimental results with respect to the elucidationof relevant regulatory networks in microorganisms were obtained in academicas well as industrial research, and the generated knowledge could be successful-ly applied. Further advancements in this area are strongly dependent however,on new and more sophisticated technologies. Especially the study of cooperat-ing protein networks and metabolic fluxes needs technologies with higher pre-cision on the sub-microliter scale.

In order to cover the whole range of aspects of the application of proteomicsand some selected supporting technologies for microorganism- and biotechno-logical processes, it was crucial to select a group of contributing authors not onlyfrom academia but also from the pharma and biotech industries.

The present volume brings together results,opinions and suggestions of someof the world’s leading experts in the field of proteomics and evaluates its impacton products and processes.

Greifswald/Leverkusen, April 2003 Michael Hecker and Stefan Müllner

X Preface

Proteo Mics - [PDF Document] (3)

The Impact of Proteomics on Products and Processes

Stefan Müllner

Senior Vice President Life Sciences, Fundamenta Capital AG, Bergische Landstrasse 67,51375 Leverkusen, Germany. E-mail: [emailprotected]

Not much more than 15 years ago a handful of visionary scientists around the world suggestedto sequence and analyze not only the human genome but also as many genomes as possible inorder to compare DNA as well as to deduce protein sequences. By that means they expected toget an idea about the organization of life. However, after now having now sequenced the hu-man genome and at least identified around 40,000 genes as coding regions, we are still left withthe fundamental questions of how genes are regulated, and what is the rationale of genetic reg-ulatory networks.

The basic knowledge and methodologies to elucidate functional regulatory networks of cellsand organisms on the protein level had been around for much longer than DNA-based dis-covery tools. This was mainly due to the fact that proteins have to fulfill universal functions innature and, unlike DNA polynucleotides, proteins differ not only in their amino acid sequences;they come in nearly all shapes and sizes and have all kinds of physical as well as chemical prop-erties. They can be highly water soluble, e.g., serum and milk proteins, or nearly insoluble inany solvent, e.g., keratin and some other structural proteins. In addition, structure, function,as well as the respective stability of proteins inside and outside of a biological system, are in-dividual features of any given polypeptide. On one hand, the individuality of proteins allowsadaptation of any life form to the environment, and on the other it is still a real challenge forbiotech R&D and production.

The present review is actually the first approach to evaluate and judge the achievementsmade by Applied Proteome Analysis and Proteomics over the last 27 years.

Keywords. Proteome, Proteomics, Insulin, Protein chemistry, Protein maps, Mass spectrometry,Fermentation, Bioengineering

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.1 Gene Expression and Protein Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.2 Receptor Signaling and Intracellular Signal Transduction . . . . . 31.3 Carbohydrates and Lipids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.4 RNA – Information and Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.5 Synthesizing Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.6 Proteomics – Basis for Advanced Biotechnology . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 Historical Aspects of Proteomics Development . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Insulin – The Most Relevant Molecule for the Advancement ofProtein Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 1– 25DOI 10.1007/b10944CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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2.2 Regulatory Demand and Technology Development . . . . . . . . . 62.3 Impact on Exploratory Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.4 Pioneers and their Place in Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.5 Automation, Bottlenecks, and Robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.6 Reproducibility of Protein Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.7 Micromethods in Protein Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82.8 PCR’s Impact on Protein Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.9 The Mass Spec Revolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.10 The Ultimate Goal – Understanding the Proteins’ Language . . . . 10

3 The Challenge – Applications of Proteomics in Life Sciences . . . 10

3.1 The Proteome Reflects Living Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103.2 The Normalome and the Need for Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

4 Applied Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

4.1 Drug Mode-of-Action and Drug Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.2 Expression Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.3 Biotechnological Processes and 2-DE Applications . . . . . . . . . 134.4 Proteomics and the Physiology of Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . 144.5 Streptomyces and Cycloheximide Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . 154.6 Proteome Analysis for the Identification of Key Enzymes for

Metabolic Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.6.1 Ethanol Fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.6.2 Biotin Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.6.3 Antibiotic Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.7 Characterization of Mammalian Cell Cultures Used in

Fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.8 Dairy Products and Beer Brewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174.9 Plant Biology and Productivity of Culture Plants . . . . . . . . . . 184.10 Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194.11 Symbiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

5 Technology Developments, Market Potential, and Outlook . . . . 19

6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23


Not much more than 15 years ago a handful of visionary scientists around theworld made the suggestion to sequence and analyze not only the human genomebut also as many genomes as possible in order to compare DNA as well as pro-tein sequences. By that means they expected to get an idea about the organiza-tion of life. However, after now having sequenced the human genome and at least

2 S. Müllner

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identified around 40,000 genes as coding regions, we are still left with the fun-damental questions of how genes are regulated, and what is the rationale of ge-netic regulatory networks.

The development of solid phase chemistry for biomolecules by Letsinger [1, 2]and Merrifield [3, 4] and the discovery and introduction of restriction enzymesby Paul Berg and others [5–8], were milestones which revolutionized our view ofbiological systems. The focus of scientific work was changed from macroscopicbiological phenomena to the molecular level.

The major achievements in biotechnology of the last two decades were basedon the discoveries in the DNA world – the characteristics of deoxyribonu-cleotides combined with codons, exons, and introns organized in operons andregulons as well as regulatory elements. It is now obvious that the informationstored at the DNA level can code for a much higher number of proteins, opti-mized and specifically adapted to their cellular tasks by a combinatorial use ofexons, i.e., differential mRNA splicing.

Furthermore, several possibilities for posttranslational modifications ofproteins are already known, e.g., proteolytic processing, glycosylation, three different phosphorylation types, –N-terminal acylation and other modifications,farnesylation, glycosylphospatidyl inositol anchoring, etc., which have not yetbeen found to be genetically encoded and which tremendously inflate the actualnumber of proteins. And with increasing sensitivity of technologies in proteinchemistry other relevant types of postranslational modifications will be dis-covered.

1.1Gene Expression and Protein Degradation

The intracellular molecular mechanisms and signals controlling protein as wellas RNA degradation are another area which is still not well understood, but con-trolled proteolysis of transiently needed regulatory proteins, digestion of incor-rectly folded or damaged protein as well as mRNA degradation are essential fora viable cell and therefore of high relevance for the expression yields of the desired products. Posttranscriptional regulatory processes which control geneexpression on the RNA level are more or less a white spot in the map of biology.The spliceosome, a multifunctional complex of small RNAs and RNA-bindingproteins, controls correct production of the blueprints used for protein synthe-sis. It is obvious that the understanding of the processes which control gene expression after RNA synthesis will have a major impact on the future of bio-technology.

1.2Receptor Signaling and Intracellular Signal Transduction

Complex reaction cascades between proteins can take place without any up ordown regulation of a gene or expression of a gene product. Furthermore, specificintracellular transport processes are responsible for the compartmentation of cel-lular proteins and therefore the adaptation of cells to changes in the environment.

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Since those protective responses have to occur immediately, an involvement ofgene activation/expression is not favorable.

1.3Carbohydrates and Lipids

The role of lipids and carbohydrates and how those molecules are involved in cel-lular processes is still one of the least understood areas in biochemistry. The sameis true for posttranslational modification of proteins with carbohydrate and lipidmoieties and their relevance to cellular compartmentation.

1.4RNA – Information and Function

RNA serves as an intermediate or blueprint between the DNA-data pool – thegenome – and protein function pool – the proteome; on the other hand someRNAs, so-called ribozymes, can catalyze chemical reactions like proteins can, orplay important roles in ribosome or spliceosome structure and function as wellas in other functional cellular complexes.

1.5Synthesizing Life

Based on this knowledge, Szostak and Eigen developed a hypothesis that lifestarted with the RNA world in which primordial cells lacking protein synthesisuse RNA both as the repository of “genetic information” and as “enzymes” thatcatalyze metabolism [9, 10]. In view of the advances in directed evolution andmembrane biophysics, Szostak more recently included phospholipid self-as-sembly and vesicular compartmentation of RNA molecules into his concept, andenvisions the synthesis of simple living cells as an imaginable goal [11].

1.6Proteomics – Basis for Advanced Biotechnology

However, even if the process of gene transcription in bacteria and higher organ-isms is by far the best understood area in biotechnology, the knowledge base isstill weak and only a very few organisms can be considered as (relatively) well un-derstood.

Over the last ten years, parallel as well as subsequent developments in totallydifferent scientific areas – from Atomic force microscopy to relevance of Zinc inmetallo proteinases – were made and created the new scientific field proteomics.Today, a direct linkage of 2-DE (2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis), micromethods in protein chemistry, mass spectrometry and biologicdata bases is feasible.

The present volume is focused on the relevance of new technological devel-opments in proteomics for microorganisms used in biotechnology, biotechno-logical products and processes. However, the major financial and technological

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driving force for the advancement of proteomics technologies is its huge poten-tial to speed up pharmaceutical R&D.

2Historical Aspects of Proteomics Development

Proteomics is a field, just as genomics is, rather than a closed and conceptuallystatic body of knowledge and the understanding of the much more complex pro-tein world and its linguistics will rely totally on the development of more sensi-tive and faster analytical nano-methods as well as new computational tools andalgorithms.

It was in 1994 that Keith Williams and Mark Wilkins first coined the term pro-teome, basing it on the term genome, which is defined as the entirety of all genesand all not-protein-encoding DNA sequences of a given organism. According totheir definition, proteome, then, refers to the entirety of all proteins that can bededuced from all the coding sequences of a genome of a particular organism. Dueto the fact that no known organism needs and uses all gene products at the sametime and in the same concentration, the term proteome today comprises thewhole set of proteins directly linked to the metabolic state of a tissue or organ-ism and precisely defined by descriptive experimental parameters.

2.1Insulin – The Most Relevant Molecule for the Advancement of Protein Chemistry

Going back in history we will find that proteomics and proteome analysis arebased to the largest extent on the achievements in protein sciences and physiol-ogy. The key driver for steady improvement of relevant technologies was and stillis medicinal research and the pharmaceutical industry. In this respect, insulin, thepeptide hormone which is produced by the pancreas and which is responsible forglucose homeostasis in all mammals, can be viewed as the molecule with thehighest impact on this technological development. Insulin was discovered byBanting and Best in 1923. This discovery was made when protein chemistry wasin an early embryonic stage but the specific features of this natural protein orpeptide soon allowed its therapeutic use. Since then protein chemistry and pro-tein analysis became an important area in the development of therapeutic pro-tein drugs, blood plasma and serum products, as well as vaccines. However, ittook more than 30 years to come up with the first protein sequence, which wasagain insulin. Paralleled by the progress made in nucleic acid chemistry, scien-tists realized that protein sequences are precisely encoded by DNA and are notrandom chains of amino acids. Starting with the early 1960s, evolving elec-trophoretic and chromatographic methodology allowed one for the first time toanalyze and to separate complex protein mixtures from different biologicalsources. When the molecular biology revolution started in the 1970s, the firstgene which was expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria was human insulin.Protein science was at that time just in its infancy. Nevertheless, a few years afterscientists at Genentech showed that the production of human insulin in E. coli ispossible, Eli Lilly decided to invest in this new technology and developed an in-

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dustrial production process for recombinant human insulin. This can be re-garded as a milestone in the history of recombinant biotechnology and the be-ginning of a new industrial sector, the biotech industry.

2.2Regulatory Demand and Technology Development

By working of the stepwise improvement of this and other production processesfor therapeutic proteins, a demand for all kind of new techniques evolved, anddue to the success of biotech products major investments in this area were made.The fast developments in molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, microbiologyand classical biotechnology were only possible by parallel improvements in pro-tein chemistry, amino acid analysis, protein sequencing, enzymology, immunol-ogy, polymer chemistry, carbohydrate chemistry, LASER physics and physicalchemistry, membrane technology, chromatographic methods, mass spectrome-try and computer sciences.

Historically, the portfolio of technologies which are now commonly sum-marized as proteomics has evolved mainly in academic groups with clear focus on protein analysis. Research there was solely technology driven. Re-gulatory administrations like the FDA, however, put increasing pressure on drug companies involved in the development and marketing of therapeutic proteins and created by that means a huge demand for new technologies in protein chemistry. That is why the developments described here were paralleledby the efforts of pharmaceutical companies to get the approval of drug re-gulatory administrations for the marketing and genetically engineered thera-peutic proteins and the steadily increasing demand for product quality and drugsafety.

2.3Impact on Exploratory Research

Besides a broad applicability of proteomics in pharma-related research, plenty ofother important applications in all fields of biotechnology are possible. For in-stance, optimization of bacterial or fungal strains used in fermentationprocesses is feasible by subtractive protein pattern analysis and identification ofmetabolic key enzymes and regulatory proteins. The use of proteomics furtherallows not only the identification of new pharmacological targets for drug inter-vention, but also makes the characterization of tissue specific expression prod-ucts in animals and plants feasible and allows the subsequent isolation of the re-spective genes as well as regulatory DNA sequences.

2.4Pioneers and their Place in Time

Leonardo da Vinci invented the parachute more than 300 years before peoplestarted constructing and building airplanes.And with him a lot of engineers, sci-entists, and inventors from past to present had the sometimes demotivating ex-

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perience that every idea has its time and some of those ideas and technologiesare far ahead of their time.

And like Leonardo’s parachute, the key technology for understanding the com-plex mixture of the cellular proteins – resolution two-dimensional sodium do-decylsulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) – has been in existencefor over 25 years for the subtractive protein pattern comparison of biological ma-terials by means of high developed methods published independently by Klose[12] and O’Farrell [13] in 1975. Separation of hundreds up to 10,000 proteins bymeans of two-dimensional gel electrophoresis according to their protocols wasalready possible when no other supporting technologies for making use of thegenerated information was available.

Whereas O’Farrell in his original article already referred to the broad applic-ability “high resolution, sensitivity, and reproducibility make this technique apowerful analytical tool which could potentially find use in a wide range of in-vestigations”, Klose was fascinated by the fact that embryonic development ofmice as well as genetically and teratologically connected problems can be stud-ied by a single and comparatively simple experiment. Norman and Leigh An-derson, at that time still at Argonne National Laboratory working on analyticaltechniques for cell fractionation, especially zonal centrifuges, immediately real-ized the huge potential of 2-DE. This was long before the genomics age. Then 2-DE seemed to be the method of choice for studying biological complexity on amolecular level. After evaluating the possibilities of 2-DE and the developmentof improved protocols, equipment (ISO-Dalt system), and concepts, the Ander-sons conceptually designed in 1980 the Molecular Anatomy Program in order toallow the construction of the biological equivalent of the periodic table for man:the generation of the Human Protein Index, or as it would be called today, the Human Proteome Project.

2.5Automation, Bottlenecks, and Robots

The methodology has improved over the years, but the possibilities for auto-mation are still limited. Furthermore, the nature of proteins, which, unlike DNA, differ not only in size but also in their pI (isoelectric point), lipophili-city, and relative concentration or dynamic range, hampers the overall resolu-tion, and still the present techniques are lacking the reproducibility, sensiti-vity, and selectivity required to study 100% of the proteins of a given cell or tissue.

Therefore, 2-DE is still not a common easy-to-use method and there are sev-eral reasons for this. First, well trained, experienced, and dedicated personnel areessential in every step of the laborious and cumbersome procedures to generatehigh performance two-dimensional protein gels – (a) precise definition of the bi-ological problem and careful recording of all parameters describing it, (b) arti-fact minimizing, reliable and individually standardized protocol for samplepreparation, (c) careful selection, storage and documentation on chemicals andsolvents, especially water, used in all experiments, (d) standardized proceduresfor the first and second dimension, (e) awareness of limitations of all published

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and used protein staining protocols and reproducible adjustment to the given bi-ological problem, (f) careful selection of data recording and storage tools as wellas quantification algorithms, (g) use of the best suited and straight forward pro-tein identification technologies, e.g. immunological identification by WesternBlot, N-terminal sequencing of the full length protein blotted on a suitable mem-brane (PVDF of glass fiber), N-terminal sequencing of peptides after tryptic ingel-digestion of polyacrylamide protein spots (peptide fingerprints), mass spec-trometric analysis of peptide fingerprints, (h) computerized comparison of ex-perimental peptide masses with protein data bases.

Second, the polyacrylamide gel-based technologies do not allow automa-tion of some crucial steps. Quantification is further heavily influenced by thestaining procedures employed and can therefore only be relative. In addition,present software systems for computational handling of the generated data havebeen significantly improved in the last two years but still have dramatic limi-tations.

2.6Reproducibility of Protein Maps

Reproducibility was the key issue of the early years of 2-DE after the first publi-cations in 1975. In particular, interlaboratory comparison of 2-DE patterns wasa real challenge until in 1983 Angelika Görg and Pier Giorgio Righetti [14] in-troduced the immobilines – defined acrylamide derivatives forming an immo-bilized pH gradient for the first dimension – marketed today by Amersham Phar-macia Biotech.

2.7Micromethods in Protein Chemistry

Microanalysis of the protein spots of interest based on 2-DE gels was not possi-ble before Ruedi Aebershold developed in 1985 a method for direct -N-terminalsequencing of peptides blotted to glass fiber membranes [15].

Whereas the possibility of protein transfer from polyacrylamide gels to chem-ically inert supports like glass fibers and PVDF-membranes dramaticallychanged the strategies in protein chemistry, there was still a need for a reliableand reproducible method for the generation of peptide fragments (maps)through direct enzymatic cleavage of protein spots within the polyacrylamide gelmatrix. Lottspeich and Eckerskorn [16] published the first protocol for such a re-liable micromethod in 1989.

At first this procedure was developed to provide access to a peptide mixtureof for N-terminal sequencing and to circumvent the problem of a chemicallyblocked N-terminus which was, at that time, a common problem in the analysisof blotted proteins. Now it provides the basis for high grade automation in pro-tein analysis. Especially with the increase of DNA and deduced protein sequencesavailable in data bases it became more and more possible to identify proteins byjust one or two isolated peptide sequences and to characterize the parent pro-tein(s) function by hom*ology.

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2.8PCR’s Impact on Protein Chemistry

The advancements in protein chemistry in the 1980s were paralleled by the in-vention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The broad applicability of thistechnology not only accelerated planned or ongoing DNA-sequencing projects.It was in addition the technological basis for all of the genome projects, and rev-olutionized existing methodologies and strategies in molecular biology, phar-maceutical and agricultural research, as well as diagnostics.

This was the starting point for the foundation of a growing number of ge-nomics start-up companies which peaked in the mid 1990s and of large invest-ments of all the major pharmaceutical firms into their R&D programs focusedmainly on the comparison of differential gene expression in different tissues andmetabolic states of organisms. The rationale of the pharma industry was to getfast access to unique and proprietary targets for the treatment of diseases. How-ever, all the genomic information which can be generated by this approach hasto be traced back to the exact functions of the identified genes. Since the rele-vance of a gene is reflected in the abundance and function of its gene product,further developments had to focus on proteins.

2.9The Mass Spec Revolution

The impact of enzymatic peptide fingerprints on modern protein chemistry andthe development of proteomics increased dramatically by the fast developmentof mass spectrometry paralleled by the exponential progress in computingpower, and was propelled by a new strategy for fast protein identification.A mile-stone for employing this strategy was the development and application of massspectrometric methods for the analysis of large biomolecules, especially proteins.Besides electrospray mass spectrometry, one of the major breakthroughs in thisarea was the development of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization massspectrometry or MALDI-MS by Hillenkamp and Karas in 1988 [17].

Having those new technologies at hand, fundamental work was done by JohnYates at the University of Washington, who introduced the computerized com-parison of peptide fingerprints and the calculated respective peptide masses gen-erated by enzymatic cleavage in silico with the masses of peptide fingerprintsfrom biological samples. By that means, fast, accurate and straightforward pro-tein analysis and identification is feasible. The possibilities of the so-called Yatesalgorithm for the first time allowed thinking about high throughput in proteinanalysis. It also initiated an exponential growth in technological development.With the turn of the century, modern mass spectrometry has nearly replaced protein characterization by N-terminal sequencing. In addition, manufac-turers of mass spectrometers have started their own business activities for the fast growing proteomics market or have formed alliances with companies of the electrophoresis and laboratory equipment business. The ultimate goal of these activities is to design and build an automated robotic system for pro-teome analysis.

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2.10The Ultimate Goal – Understanding the Proteins’ Language

However, even the ability to generate excellent and reproducible protein patternsof a given cell type or tissue just allows an enumeration of the respective indi-vidual proteins present in the biological sample at a given time point, character-ized by environmental or, more specifically, descriptive parameters. It is very im-portant to generate this type of information and it can be already very helpful ifthe set of descriptive parameters allows a data reduction and information selec-tion, but it provides no information about protein-protein interactions, the or-ganization of protein complexes, the cellular compartmentation of proteins. It isfurther important to understand how proteins interact with DNA and RNA aswell as with primary and secondary cellular metabolites. It is like the discoveryof an ancient book in a foreign language where you have first to figure out thelanguage, then you can learn the words, the writing, the grammar, you can startto read chapter by chapter, and after that you will start to think about the over-all meaning of the book’s content.

3The Challenge – Applications of Proteomics in Life Sciences

3.1The Proteome Reflects Living Dynamics

Proteome analysis as such is a very complex problem with every cell expressingbetween 4000 (bacteria) and 25,000 (mammalian liver) proteins in concentra-tions from just a few copies (transcription factors, regulatory proteins) up to 106

and more copies in a single cell. Besides other limitations of existing technolo-gies in proteomics there is a hitherto unmet need for new technologies andstrategies to deal with huge dynamic range of proteins within a cell.

The presence of specific proteins – not only regulatory proteins – within a cell,i.e., microorganism, tissue, organ, or whole organism, represents always a dy-namic adaptation of a given metabolic state A reflected by a set of proteins orproteome A to changes in the descriptive parameters (DDDp) of the environmentresulting in a metabolic state B reflected by a set of proteins or proteome B.

Microorganisms, for instance, use their receptors, chemical sensors, trans-porters, and ion channels to get constant access to the best nutrients in appro-priate concentration. Exceeding a given threshold, perturbations of a biologicalsystem, e.g., a change in the nutrient source, oxygen or CO2 concentration, tox-ins, drugs, xenobiotics, hormones, trauma, disease or stress always have influenceon the metabolic state of cells in general, by that means affecting the proteomesof the cell types present in a tissue, organ or the whole organism.

3.2The Normalome and the Need for Standards

Provided that mammals including man have around 200 morphologically clearlydistinct cell types with a characteristic “normalome” (normalized proteome) de-

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fined only by sex and age of this particular organism, measurable changes in allof the 200 normalomes will occur through any perturbation.

Whereas the genome of a microorganism represents a huge but still countablenumber of DNA building blocks and therefore static body of information, an in-finite number of proteomes is already possible. With higher organisms one hasto cope not only with the comparison of a minimum of 200 normalomes but alsowith metabolically defined, development-stage-dependent, sexual, age-relatedproteomes, as well as proteomes created by targeted perturbation of a whole setof normalomes.

This way of looking at things, however, makes it finally evident that genomeanalysis and genomics are not the true bottom line. Every textbook of biology ex-plains that proteins embody the functions within a cell and therefore stand forthe active life, while DNA and RNA represent only plans. In other words, thegenome is like a compact disc and the proteome is the music.

The genome is a constant for a given organism and comprises the com-plete program for this respective life form. However, as Leigh Anderson has pointed out, it’s more to paella than the recipe, more to Bach than ink on paper, and more to society than its code of laws. Now, anyone can have access to the notes that encode life, but the conductor and the quality of the musiciansin the orchestra, as well as the arrangements and instrumentation, are notknown.

Therefore, defining life from the DNA level will end up in cacophony ratherthan harmony.

4Applied Proteomics

4.1Drug Mode-of-Action and Drug Targets

The relevance of proteomics for the pharmaceutical industry has been discussedover the last three years at a lot of scientific and commercial conferences and several visions since the pioneering paper by the Andersons in 1979 [18] havebeen proposed to apply the proteomics approach to catalogue all human pro-teins and to use this book on human molecular anatomy, the Human Protein Index, for target discovery and validation, drug mode-of-action (MOA) stu-dies, and toxicological evaluation of chemicals and drugs [19–26]. In extensive series of in vivo studies of drug effects it was observed that proteins whose abundance or structure is strongly regulated by a drug or chemical are directlylinked with the mechanism of drug action [27–29]. And by that means several potentially new pharmacological targets to be used in drug discovery programswere identified, but not all of them are suitable for industrial drug screening programs or can be used directly, especially in high-throughput screening (HTS)formats.

The unbiased multiparallel proteomics approach applied in target discoveryand drug mode-of-action-studies normally delivers results which show charac-teristic changes of a whole set of proteins. Some of those might be directly linked

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to drug action. Most of them, however, are indirect or co-regulatory effects onprotein abundance and activity. Therefore, the experiment has to be designed insuch a way that a straightforward sieving process for unequivocally relevant tar-gets or validated targets can be applied.Whereas genomics, and, due to close link-age to cellular function to a much lesser extent, proteomics, produce an overflowof possible, potential, and more or less relevant targets, the experimental phar-macologist always faces the acute problem of developing an experimental animalmodel in which he can clearly show the in vivo relevance of a respective targetprotein. Animal testing as such is the most expensive and time consuming stepin preclinical development, and animal models are generally acknowledged byclinicians and drug regulatory administrations to be only few in number. In ad-dition, the establishment and introduction of any new animal model needs time,patience, and money.

In order to be bought, used, and applied by the pharmaceutical industry, thebest version of a validated target must fulfill the following criteria:

– Suitable for HTS, preferably a non-cofactor dependent enzyme– Expression in E. coli should be possible, no-posttranslational modification

with relevance for activity and stability– Good stability under HTS-assay conditions– Direct and proven correspondence between in vitro biochemical and in vivo

pharmacological data– An already existing animal model can be employed

In-house research programs as well as proteomics companies offering their services to big pharma firms have to meet these high class requirement stan-dards. Presently, proteomics approaches allow the precise understanding ofthe MOA or the toxic side effects of existing drugs. However, recent develop-ments in proteomics and bioinformatics will also allow predictions for drugMOAs as well as recommendations for better small molecule structures in the near future.

4.2Expression Systems

If only for historical reasons Escherichia coli is still one of the best understood(micro) organism and this mainly because the first heterologous or recombinantprotein expression was possible in this bacteria [30]. For the same reason, themolecular physiology and genetics of more interesting microorganisms for theindustrial production of value products and protein expression, like Bacillus,Corynebacterium, Aspergillus, and yeast were not as advanced and therefore themechanisms for the optimization of the expression yield in host organisms werenot well understood at that time. Classical microbiology including strain collec-tion and screening, random mutation and selection were the only way for iden-tifying organisms suitable for production processes. At the beginning of recom-binant biotechnology, it was considered an advantage that overexpression ofrecombinant (fusion) proteins in E. coli often lead to the formation of so calledinclusion bodies, insoluble and microscopically visible protein particles con-

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taining the majority of the product yield. On the one hand, product formation asmeasured by SDS-PAGE could be correlated directly to the development of in-clusion bodies in bacterial cells; on the other hand inclusion bodies could be sep-arated by low speed centrifugation allowing the use of existing equipment for theinitial enrichment step. However, several problems along the whole productionprocess – from initiation of expression to the amount of highly purified endproduct – are caused by choosing E. coli and inclusion bodies as a strategy forprotein expression. Besides the need for high concentrations of strong denatur-ing agents and chemicals, e.g., formic acid, urea, guanidine hydrochloride, SDS,which are needed for solubilizing inclusion bodies to make them amenable to allof the further purification steps, the high yield protein expression combined withintracellular formation of these particles obviously results in such a metabolicstress for E. coli that a lot of unwanted modifications occur and charge as well assize heterogeneity of the recombinant protein product can be detected. This inreturn heavily influences product yield as a whole and the ratio between possi-ble yield (calculated on the expression band) and the final yield of the purifiedend product [31, 32].

4.3Biotechnological Processes and 2-DE Applications

One of the first who applied 2-DE to the study of E. coli proteins was O’Farrellhimself. He already worried about possible artifacts and observed charge het-erogeneity of some of the protein spots [13]. However, some of the heterogene-ity could have been introduced by his experimental strategy by using radioactivelabeling of proteins and autoradiography for quantification. Labeling was doneby adding a mix of not further described labeled 14C-amino acids to the mediaover a not precisely defined time period. In general, the focus of his paper ismainly on the introduction of his new technology and some of the down-streamproblems like quantification of autoradiograms by microdensitometry.Very im-portant parameters, however, were neglected or not mentioned in the publica-tion; e.g., precise culturing conditions, growth stages of bacterial cells with orwithout T4 infection were not recorded. Rinas [31] was the first who publishedon the product heterogeneity of proteins in recombinant E. coli and observed thatoverexpression of any recombinant protein – even if it is native to E. coli – canoverburden the cellular machinery correctly to transcribe, translate and to foldthe expression product into the correct structure, and therefore leads to productvariants. In our own studies [32] we monitored, for the first time, fermentationkinetics and development of product yield by means of 2-DE. We were able toshow a time dependent appearance of charge and size heterogeneity of insulin fu-sion proteins produced in E. coli.A monospecific polyclonal antibody against thelast eight amino acids of the insulin A-chain, YQLENYCN, was used in Western-blot analysis of 2-DE separations of the crude fermentation product [33]. It couldbe shown that, at least for both of the insulin fusion proteins studied, no C-ter-minal degradation occurs during fermentation. This was a very important find-ing since the N-terminal fusion part – in this case either a part of b-galactosidaseor interleukin 2 – has to be removed anyway, but C-terminal amino acid degra-

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dation would have a direct and severe impact on the product yield. Therefore,the individually separated, charge-heterogeneous, and Western-blot positive protein spots were analyzed by N-terminal sequencing after 2-DE and semi-dry-blotting on PVDF-membranes. N-terminal degradation up to 3 amino acidshas been observed for both recombinant protein constructs, which, however,cannot account for the charge-heterogeneity seen. Taking into account that someoxidation reactions at several cysteine and methionine residues can also occur,at least most of the detected charge-differences should have no influence onproduct yield. Size heterogeneity, however, coming from the formation of dimersand trimers of the fusion construct obviously results in a decrease of productyield, since those oligomers are covalently linked – probably by the formation of Lys-Glu cross-links – and, dependent on the fermentation conditions, can represent up to one-third of the immunodetectable product which cannot be recycled. Finally, a finding, which was communicated by Hanco*ck at Anabiotec‘90 held in San Francisco, was confirmed by amino acid analysis of the insulin fusion protein spots. He and his colleagues at Genentech observed the introduc-tion of norleucine in place of methionine into overexpressed recombinant proteins produced in E. coli. This phenomenon was contradictory to the puri-fication strategies of the companies involved at that time, i.e., Eli Lilly, Genen-tech and Hoechst, which involved cyanogen bromide cleavage (or cyanogen chlo-ride in the Hoechst process) at a methionine between the fusion part, e.g.,b-galactosidase moiety, and the product part. The presence of a norleucineresidue at this position protects the fusion protein from BrCN attack and leadsto significant decrease in product yield.All the above effects and their significantimpact on product quality and yield are more or less due to large scale fermen-tation processes and are normally not detected in recombinant bacteria grownin shaker flasks.

4.4Proteomics and the Physiology of Microorganisms

Most of the studies published so far have put their main focus on the improve-ment of the down stream technologies for proteome analysis. Research on the up-stream side, however, was left for a long time to just a few academic groups. Inparticular, the work of Neidhardt [34], later together with van Bogelen [35] 1,Hecker [36] 2, Boucherie [37] and some other groups [38–40] was focused on therelevance of cultivation parameters on the cell physiology of microorganisms,i.e., cell growth, synthesis, and fluxes of primary as well as secondary metabolites,regulatory networks, and stress response. They all immediately realized the hugepotential of 2-DE for the study of cellular physiology, by simply comparing andsubtracting protein patterns which represent a certain metabolic state – preciselydefined by careful recording of the experimental parameters and results – fol-lowed by correlating the patterns with the descriptive parameters and extractingthe relevant information for (i) improvement of process efficiency and produc-

1 Contributing author of this volume.2 Co-editor and contributing author of this volume.

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tivity, (ii) characterization of regulatory protein networks, and (iii) identificationof molecular targets for drugs and metabolic design. What was proposed by theAndersons [18, 41–47] in the early 1980s for man and which was not possible un-til now – after completion of the Human Genome Project – Neidhardt and his col-leagues started to work out this information for bacteria in 1978, long before theE. coli genome was sequenced.

4.5Streptomyces and Cycloheximide Biosynthesis

Besides the common problems for the application of 2-DE, e.g., low repro-ducibility, laborious and expensive, lack of skilled personnel, Dykstra and Wang[48] used 2-DE to study the intracellular protein profile of Streptomyces griseusin relation to cycloheximide biosynthesis. Four proteins were found to be specif-ically repressed by the antibiotic and product yield could be increased twofold bysimple addition of a neutral resin to the culture broth and adsorption of cyclo-heximide.

4.6Proteome Analysis for the Identification of Key Enzymes for Metabolic Engineering

4.6.1Ethanol Fermentation

Zymomonas mobilis is an anaerobic, Gram-negative bacterium, which is widelyused in tropical regions for the fermentation of alcoholic beverages. Unlike mostother plants and fungi it utilizes the Entner-Doudoroff pathway for the conver-sion of glucose to pyruvate. The organism is of commercial interest due to itshighly active pyruvate decarboxylase, which is used in biotransformationprocesses for the production of fine chemicals. Ingram et al. investigated the gly-colytic and fermentative pathways in Z. mobilis with 2-DE with a special focus onthe ethanologenic enzymes.Alcohol dehydrogenase II was identified as a promi-nent stress protein and three other acidic stress proteins could be compared insize and gel position with E. coli DanK, GroEl, and GroEs [49]. With the knowl-edge generated by this and other studies, it will not only be possible to increaseethanol production by metabolic engineering and metabolic design, but also toidentify new enzymes for biocatalysis and to construct recombinant microor-ganisms for commercially interesting biotransformation processes.

4.6.2Biotin Biosynthesis

In their recent study, Shaw et al. [50] successfully applied 2-DE to detect enzymesof the biotin biosynthetic pathway from wild type E. coli. They identified the bi-otin synthase step as the major flux control point and as an important key stepfor any commercial fermentation process. By the introduction of the E. coli biooperon via a broad-host range plasmid they transformed Agrobacterium/Rhizo-

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bium HK4 which then produced 110 mg/l of biotin in a 2-l fermentor. This canbe considered a major achievement towards a commercially viable biotechno-logical production process for biotin, which should be in the range of 1 g l–1 day–1.Presently this commercially very interesting vitamin, with pharmaceutical, nu-tritional and cosmetic application and a market size of more than $100 millionper year, is synthesized on an industrial scale by multi-step chemical processes.However, biotechnological production could be advantageous in terms of cost,simplicity, and environmental considerations.

4.6.3Antibiotic Production

Fosfomycin [(–)-cis-1,2-epoxypropylphosphonic acid], first discovered in Strep-tomyces fradia, inhibits the initial reaction in biosynthesis of prokaryotic pepti-doglycans and thus has broad-spectrum antibiotic activity against Gram-positiveand Gram-negative bacteria. Watanabe et al. [51], while working on the im-provement on the biotransformation process of cis-propenylphosphonic acid(cPA) to fosfomycin with Penicillium decumbens, used 2-DE to monitor all theproteins which are induced by cPA. A 31-kDa protein (EpoA) was both cPA in-duced and overaccumulated in a strain which more efficiently converted cPA.Af-ter purification and cloning of the EpoA gene (epoA) and subsequent subcloninginto P. decumbens, a fourfold increase in epoxidation activity and product for-mation was achieved. epoA disruption mutants, however, could not transformcPA into fosfomycin.

4.7Characterization of Mammalian Cell Cultures Used in Fermentation

The fermentation of mammalian cell cultures is of high importance for the pro-duction of a huge variety of monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic and thera-peutic use as well as other important protein drugs like tissue plasminogen ac-tivator (tPA). Two examples of long-term in vitro culture – a repeatedly subclonednon recombinant human melanoma cell line expressing natively human tPA andrecombinant tPA producing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells – have been in-vestigated with 2-DE by Harant et al. [52]. Protein pattern comparison of the se-creted cellular proteins was used to monitor the changes which occur over a pe-riod of 14 months of continuous fermentation and those patterns were thancompared to the mother cell line recultivated after being frozen for more thantwo years. In the attempt to monitor the physiological consistency of animal cellsin culture by 2-DE it could be shown for the first time that the comparison of se-cretory protein patterns from nonrecombinant and recombinant reflect a qual-itative and quantitative picture of the physiological state of cell lines.

The productivity, the proteome, and protein phosphorylation in response tolower temperature was investigated in CHO cells engineered to synthesize themodel product secreted alkaline phosphatase [53].According to flow cytometricanalysis (FACS) 80% of the cells accumulated to the G1 phase after a temperatureshift from 37 to 30 °C. The G1/S transition is the most important restriction point

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in the mammalian cell cycle and its control is essential in many cellular processessuch as embryonic development and cancer.As expected, temperature reductionintroduces changes in the overall protein pattern and tyrosine phosphorylation.More importantly, low temperature cultivations lead to a 3.5-fold higher producttiter of secreted alkaline phosphatase with respect to fermentation at 37 °C.A de-crease in cultivation temperature seems to suppress cell growth obviously by halt-ing the cell cycle in G1, which may result in a delayed onset of apoptosis.

Due to the high commercial interest in cultivated CHO cells, it will be neces-sary to characterize all the responsible cellular mechanisms which result in ahigher productivity on the one hand, and changes in growth rate as well as nu-trient, e.g., glucose, consumption on the other.

The creation of 2-DE reference maps of protein patterns (normalome) withmammalian cells is dependent on the possibilities for the cultivation in serumfree media. These reference maps are very useful for further investigations ofphysiological responses to modifications in culture conditions, cell line im-provement, and culture supernatant protein content. In particular, the intracel-lular processes which are induced or repressed by the expression of recombinantproteins in CHO cells and which are reflected in a characteristic proteome haveto be identified. Champion et al. subjected CHO cells [54], harvested from a 2-lfermentor and during the exponential growth phase, to proteome analysis. Rel-evant cytosolic proteins, such as HSC70 and peptidyl cis-trans isomerase, both ofwhich play a role in cellular stress response and proper protein folding, as wellas polypeptides from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER), like GRP78, proteindisulfide isomerase, calnexin and calreticulin, and mitochondrial marker pro-teins, e.g., HSP60, were some of the 25 protein spots unequivocally identified inthis study and can serve as useful landmarks for protein pattern comparisons.

Cell-free protein translation has been a routine synthesis technique in mole-cular biology laboratories for several decades. Most advantageous applicationsinclude the generation of toxic proteins and the introduction of novel or deriva-tized amino acids into newly synthesized polypeptides. 2-DE was used in a recentstudy by Schindler et al. [55] to investigate the protein composition of an E. colicell extract employed in in vitro translation experiments. Green fluorescent pro-tein (GFP) was chosen as a target protein and in vitro synthesis was monitoredby a standard fluorescent assay.

4.8Dairy Products and Beer Brewing

The dairy and the beer brewing industries [56–61] rely on reproducible, con-trolled and predictable fermentations, but variations in the starter culture per-formance are not uncommon and require reliable and fast methodology forprocess monitoring. In addition, little is known about the physiology of the earlylag phase, whereas process economics would significantly improve by a reductionof the lag phase, making a faster and better-controlled fermentation feasible. Inorder to learn more about “early” protein synthesis, this phenomenon was stud-ied in Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus which in combination with Strep-tococcus thermophilus is mainly used for yogurt production as well as a starter

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culture for Swiss-type cheese. The proteomes of exponentially growing and sta-tionary cells in their natural environment, i.e., milk, were compared and severalcharacteristic proteins were identified and sequenced [56].An approach to elab-orate a reference map of soluble proteins of Streptococcus thermophilus has beenstarted by Perrin et al. [57] and underlines the importance of such studies. Pro-teolysis during cheese making was studied with 2-DE by Chin and Rosenberg[59] aimed at the better understanding of proteolysis-related variables and iso-lation of individual polypeptides relevant for ripening and quality.

The brewing industry is a field where traditional and new technologies coex-ist successfully. Recent studies have shown [60, 61] that proteome analysis ofbrewer yeast provides valuable information for process improvement, e.g., fed-batch cultivation with a high aeration flow rate.

As stated by Kuipers [58], food biotechnology in general will benefit greatlyfrom proteomics and functional genomics approaches. The new technologies willcreate novel opportunities to ensure the safety of foods, to improve quality andeconomics of fermentation products at the same time, and to substantiate healthclaims related to the ingestion of specific microbes as well as their respective in-fluence on existing microflora. Several interesting investigations on specialtyfoods, fruits, and wine are underlining this statement.

4.9Plant Biology and Productivity of Culture Plants

The Andersons recommended 2-DE for the study of wheat seed proteins as earlyas 1985 and to use the resulting protein patterns for variety control and patentprotection. Over 900 papers applying 2-DE methodology to a broad variety ofplants and phytobiological problems have been published since then. Comparedto other biomaterials, 2-DE studies of plants and plant-derived material in gen-eral are more complex. The rigid cell wall components, the relatively low overallprotein content, and the accompanying polyphenols make special sample pre-treatment protocols necessary. Thanks to the recent advances in the techniquesfor identifying proteins separated by 2-DE and in methods for large-scale analy-sis of proteome variations, proteomics is becoming an essential methodology invarious fields of plant biology. In the study of pleiotropic effects of mutants andin the analysis of responses to hormones and to environmental changes, the iden-tification of involved metabolic pathways can be deduced from the function of af-fected proteins [67]. In molecular genetics, proteomics can be used to map trans-lated genes and loci controlling their expression, which can be used to identifyproteins accounting for the variation of complex phenotypic traits. Linking geneexpression to cell metabolism on the one hand and to genetic maps on the other,proteomics has grown rapidly to become a key technology in plant research.

Since the development of a full range cacao aroma and taste precursors islikely to occur during fermentation – unfermented beans do not provide thecharacteristic aroma upon roasting – Lerceteau et al. [62] studied the fermenta-tion process of cacao beans (Theobroma cacao) with 2-DE prior to roasting. Asproteolysis seems to be essential for the formation of cacao flavor, they focusedtheir work on the first seven days of fermentation and the identification of lower

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molecular weight polypeptides with relevance to cacao flavor. Experimental 2-DEapproaches were also applied to learn about gene expression in the mango fruitripening process [63] as well as the analysis of muscadine wine proteins and theirpossible influence on wine stability and clarity [64, 65].


Another application of 2-DE in the area of food and food processing was pub-lished by Morzel et al. [66]. Changes in proteins influence to a very large extentthe quality of fresh or processed fish products, particularly texture attributes. Inthis current study, salmon fillets treated with Lactobacillus sake were comparedwith untreated material. Endogenous enzymes are responsible for most quanti-tative changes, however, fermentation has a significant effect only on proteinswith pI 6.25–8.25. Tropomyosin was found to be a suitable substrate for L. sake.


Plant microbe interaction, e.g., legume-rhizobium symbiosis, is important forworld agriculture [68, 69] since biological nitrogen fixation via the legume-rhi-zobium symbiosis is cost-effective, and avoids the often uneconomic use of ni-trogenous fertilizers. However, low pH in soil decreases the productivity oflegume crops and pastures due to the adverse effects of acidic soil on rhizobium.Therefore, acid-tolerant strains of root nodule bacteria from the Mediterraneanrim were identified and are now successfully used in Western Australia on largeareas of acidic soils. Mutagenesis and proteome analysis was employed to iden-tify the up to 50 genes essential for rhizobium growth at low pH.

Besides bacteria which are beneficial for plant growth and development, sev-eral plant pathogenic bacteria are known which are the cause of sometimes dev-astating losses in fruit production. In combination with classical microbiologi-cal methods, PCR and proteome analysis, a new Erwinia sp., Erwinia pyrifoliae,was characterized [70].

5Technology Developments, Market Potential, and Outlook

When the first genome project – the yeast genome – was completed it became apparent that proteomics would develop into one of the most important platformtechnologies in life sciences. In addition, despite the speed of the technologicaland application developments, especially in mass spectrometry and automation[71–74], proteomics is still in its infancy and most publications in the proteomicsfield are still on the exploratory side. However, some groups have put increasedemphasis on product and process oriented use of the technology.

The concept “From Genome to Proteome” of the pace making biennial Sienameetings – the first one was held in 1994 – is now generally accepted as a guide-line in life science research.We envisage exponential growth in all scientific fields

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needed for the advancement of proteome research. This trend is reflected notonly by the number of publications and patents, but also by an increase in gov-ernmental funding of academic proteome projects as well as founding of start-up companies.

Until 1998, worldwide, there was just a small group of scientists, mainly inacademia, who had realized the importance and the potential of proteomics. Onecould hardly count more than ten companies worldwide.

Just recently, especially pharmaceutical companies, desperately looking fornew and unique specific pharmacological targets, started to realize the huge po-tential of proteomics.As expected, this led to an increase in financial investmentand therefore to a tremendous push in development as well as acceptance of thisbiotechnological area [19, 20, 75]. Large pharmaceutical companies are nowbuilding up their own individual activities in proteomics. In addition, allianceswith proteomics companies are formed or existing collaborations with those ge-nomics companies which have actively adopted proteomics research programsare intensified. Table 1 gives a representative overview of the business dynamicsof the last two years.

Different older and very young companies are now exploiting the interest ofthe pharmaceutical industry to investigate protein abundance and interaction in the context of disease. In addition, some of the former equipment manu-facturers, e.g., Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, changed their business strategiestowards the elaboration and marketing of fully integrated proteomics pro-duction lines, or they placed a direct investment into promising start-up com-panies, e.g., Bruker’s engagement in GeneProt. It is obvious today that the firstcompany providing a fully automated device for quantitative proteomics – from sample preparation to problem solution – will have an impact on future development in biotechnology comparable to Genentech, Amgen, Millennium,and Celera.

However, provided that a fully automated proteome analysis machine with a throughput like the sequencing devices used by Celera for the human genomeproject will be available soon, we will be by no means able handle, to store, or to retrieve the information overflow. It is obvious already that existing con-cepts in bioinformatics and available software tools were not developed for and are therefore not suited for the handling of proteome data. Nature functionsby integration, and the adoption of a more holistic view of complex biologicalsystems is key to the development of better bioinformatics. To get the most from proteome data, we need to take account of information on the regulation of gene expression, metabolic pathways and fluxes, transport and turnover rates, signaling cascades, etc. Proteins do not work in isolation – approximately 10,000 different proteins in varying concentrations have to work together in everymammalian cell – but are involved in interrelated networks. In particular, the understanding of the linguistics – the language, grammar, and spelling ofproteins communications – of protein-protein-interaction, and also all the otherintracellular interactions of biomolecules, e.g., protein-DNA, protein-RNA,etc., will be vital to our understanding of normal and abnormal cell development[76], and will allow us to create an integrated mapping between genotype andphenotype.

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The Impact of Proteomics on Products and Processes 21

Table 1. Representative overview of the business dynamics of the last two years

Company Business activities Corporate Partners

Amersham Pharmacia, Supplier of genomic and proteomic Zeneca, Dyax Corp.,Biotech, USA systems, not active in drug development Procter & Gamble

Applera (Merger of two Proteomic research tools, molecular Oxford Glycosciences,divisions of Applied Bio- biology, bioinformatics and bio- Geneva Proteomics,systems and Celera), USA molecule detection Millipore Corporation

Curagen Yeast 2 hybrid

Geneva Proteomics Bioinformatics and data warehouses Novartis, Compugen

(GeneProt) Bruker, Daltonics

Genomic Solutions GeneTAC biochip system, Affymetrix, Introgengene expression analysisInvestigator proteomic system

GPC Biotech One stop shop for genomic and Evotec Biosystems,proteomic solutions Morphosys, Aventis,

Atugen, Bayer, Boeh-ringer Ingelheim,Byk Gulden

Hybrigenics, Paris, France High throughput yeast two hybrid Lynx Therapeutics

Large Scale Biology ProGEx, high-throughput high-resolu- Dow Chemical,tion proteomics platform, geneware, Gemini Genomicsgene expression in plants

MDS Proteomics Study of protein-protein interactions, NK(formed of Protana, drug developmentOcata and MDSMCD Inc)

Myriad Genetics, USA ProNet, positional cloning and protein Bayer, Schering-interaction program, yeast two-hybrid Plough

Oxford Glycosciences ProteoGraph, high-throughput Pfizer, Merck, Mon-proteomics santo, GlaxoSmith-

Kline, Upjohn,Bayer, Medarex

Proteome Sciences, UK Proteomics technologies for diagnostics Aventisand drug development

Proteome Systems Ltd., Automated proteomics machine Sigma-Aldrich,Australia Shimadzu,

Millipore Corp.

Rigel Yeast 2 hybrid NK

Xzillion (former Aventis Proteomics technology platform Brax, UKResearch & Technologies GmbH)

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Proteomics, and to a much higher extent genomics-based drug discovery, isdependent on precise and unequivocally functional annotation. Bioinformaticshas to deliver highly integrated, interoperable, and flexible databases – “datawarehouses.” Since an infinite number of proteomes can be – theoretically – ob-tained by any genome, a fully integrated biological data base or data warehousehas to allow the user to store and to retrieve an infinite number of descriptive parameters 3 (Dp). Some of those Dps will be hard data, e.g., DNA sequences, andsome will be derived data or meta-data, e.g., protease stability or cellular local-ization. Present data base architecture has severe limitations with respect to de-mands of proteomics research. On the other hand, any data to be stored has tomeet the highest possible quality standards, which will create major problems forthe experimentalist with respect to accurate recording of all Dps. The moregenome, proteome, and transcriptome annotation is automated, the greater willbe the need for tight collaboration between software developers, annotators, andexperimentalists.

Presently, companies like BASF, Bayer, Degussa, Novartis, and others in-volved in larger scale biotechnological production processes, e.g., vitamins,amino acids, organic acids, antibiotics, have started in-house proteomics projectsto optimize their respective fermentation processes. Due to the lack of fast,sophisticated, and reliable methods for studying cell physiology and cellular regulatory networks of organisms in fermentation processes, this field was ne-glected for a long time. Furthermore, most attempts to increase overall pro-duct yield by overexpression of selected proteins of the respective biosyntheticpathway failed or gave no advantage over classical mutation-selection ap-proaches. Now, having access to bacterial and yeast genome sequences, DNA chip technology, mass spectrometry, and 2-DE on the one hand, and on the otherhand the knowledge about physiological regulatory networks in response to stress and nutrients, much more straightforward strategies can be designed to increase product yield and purity as well as the overall economics of fermen-tation processes.

The market size for products from fermentation processes is in the range ofUS$ 25–30 in sales:

– Pharma proteins, e.g., EPO, insulin, human growth hormone, b-Interferon,G-CSF

– Antibiotics– Steroids, lipid lowering drug precursor, animal health antibiotics, vitamins– Organic acids– Technical enzymes– Amino acids

where antibiotics account for more than 60% of the sales, but pharma protein de-liver the best profits and the highest growth dynamics.

3 Descriptive parameters = any experimental data describing a biological system, e.g., species,age, sex, temperature, cell count, protein concentration, isoelectric point, molecular weight,protein sequence, protein structure, enzyme kinetics, etc.

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Proteome studies have now become feasible and – with vast speed – proteomicshas entered the biotech business arena. It is presently one of the fastest growingbranches in biotechnology. However, as always with new exiting technological de-velopments, you see a lot of hype and, therefore, utmost caution is advised wheninvesting in in-house or external proteomics projects. Some of the companiesmentioned above offer such excellent state-of-the-art services in proteomics andprotein analysis that the build-up of in-house capacities should be carefully eval-uated. In most cases, principal scientists in those companies have spent decadesin their field and show a proven track record as proteomics experts. In addition,as in the bioinformatics field, dedicated experts in protein chemistry and massspectrometry are very rare.

It should be clearly pointed out here that proteomics is not a product as such. It is a highly sophisticated technological area that can be used to improveprocesses and product safety, and to identify new products. First, proteome analy-sis produces raw data that are transformed into information by linking raw datawith the descriptive parameters (Dps) of the respective experiment. Second, thisinformation will be turned into knowledge by the intelligent and straightforwardapplication of this information on the respective biological problem. Third, thisknowledge will give a competitive advantage and will generate value by thatmeans.


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Received: April 2002

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Probing the Molecular Physiology of the Microbial Organism, Escherichia coli Using Proteomics

Ruth A. VanBogelen

Pfizer Global Research and Development, 2800 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105, USAE-mail: [emailprotected]

Genomics and proteomics technologies have yielded volumes of data for more than 20 years,and they continues to produce data at an astounding rate. Has all of this data helped us un-derstand more about life, or it is just bogging us down in details that cannot be assembled intomeaningful ideas? This review of the proteomics efforts over the last couple of decades is meantto emphasize that a new scientific discipline has emerged, Molecular Physiology, and that, in-deed, this discipline is contributing to our understanding of life. Molecular physiology offersthe reductionisms details of individual cellular molecules and offers the systems biology multi-variant and high-dimensional datasets of cellular molecules.

Keywords. Proteomics, Physiology, Microbiology, Escherichia coli, Two-dimensional elec-trophoresis, Stress responses

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

2 Proteomic Technologies Were Introduced Twenty-Five Years Ago,but Still Have Many Limitations that Hinder Studies of Complex Mixtures of Proteins in Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.1 Reproducibility of 2D Gels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302.2 Protein Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312.3 Protein Solubility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312.4 Protein with Extreme pIs and MW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312.5 Image Analysis Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.6 Protein Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.7 Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3 Establishing Standardized Methods for Experiments are Important for Obtaining Meaningful Results from Proteomic Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 Studying Microbial Organisms in Their Natural State is Usually notAmenable to 2D Gel Studies and These Conditions are Difficult to Mimic in a Laboratory Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 27 – 55DOI 10.1007/b11112CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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4 Proteome Analysis of Microbial Organisms Should Focus on Establishing the Goals of the Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4.1 Proteome Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.2 Global Physiological Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354.3 There are Four Types of Information Collected in Proteomic

Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.4 The Ability to Track Proteins Through Many Experiments is the

Key to Developing a Database of Proteomic Data . . . . . . . . . . 40

5 One of the Best Opportunities for Viewing what Happens to the Expression of Cellular Proteins when a Stimulus (Environmental Change, Chemical Insult, Mutant Strain, or the Under or Over Expression of a Gene) Is Invoked on the Cells is with 2D Gels . . . 41

5.1 Comprehensive Stimulus-Response Studies May Reveal Proteins that Provide a Function Needed by Cells in the “Stimulus”Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

5.1.1 Induced Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415.1.2 Repressed Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425.1.3 Unresponsive Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425.2 Comprehensive Stimulus-Response Studies Can Be Focused More

Intently on the Dynamics of the Cells’ Response Rather than Specific Functions of the Proteins Induced or Repressed . . . . . . 42

6 Collation of Multiple Stimulus-Response Studies Often Reveals the Cause of the Change in Expression of a Protein . . . . . . . . . . . 43

7 Relating Protein Responses to Physiology Allows for the Diagnosis of Cellular States of the Organism . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

8 The Wealth of Biological Data Being Generated is Providing the Impetus for a Wet Lab to Dry Lab Transition in Biological Studies 47

9 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

9.1 Technical Improvements for Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.1.1 Detection and Identification of Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.1.2 Reproducibility of the Separation System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.1.3 Image Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.1.4 Data Analysis and Data Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.2 Dynamic Cellular Parameters Measured in Routine Analysis . . . 499.2.1 Measurement of Cellular Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499.2.2 Measurements of mRNA Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509.2.3 Macromolecule and Cell Structure Determinations . . . . . . . . . 509.3 Establishing the Molecular Physiology Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509.3.1 Development of an Intensive Bioinformatics Databases of the

DNA Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509.3.2 Completion of the Genome Expression Database . . . . . . . . . . 509.4 Multivariant and High-Density Genomic Exploration . . . . . . . 519.4.1 Libraries of Conditional Mutants were Constructed . . . . . . . . 51

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9.4.2 Exploration of the Transition Phase Between Two Steady-State Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9.4.3 Exploration of the Sequence of Events Elicited by Terminal Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9.5 Interconnected Mathematically Descriptive Models and Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

9.5.1 Models of the Structural Features of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519.5.2 Models and Simulations of the Processes the Cells Can Perform . . 519.5.3 Simulate the Performance of Cells in a Pseudo Ecological System 52

10 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52


The mystery of how biological systems function has been the impetus for muchresearch for over 20 years. Biologists have addressed this problem in a reduc-tionist approach by studying in detail many cellular molecules. Engineers haveapproached this problem by viewing the biological system as a closed subsystemapproachable with mathematical descriptors. A few physiologists have tried todescribe the biological systems by studying stimulus-response behavior of cellsusing proteomics techniques [1].

Much knowledge about “the hows” of proteomics has been gained by manytrial-and-error experiments. Standardized conditions for designing experimentsand for running gels have been implemented for E. coli [2]. Much experience hasbeen gained from analyzing the image data. The attempts to collate all of this datatogether collectively into a comprehensive database have revealed a logical or-ganization scheme for grouping the experimental data into different projects andmaps so that logical queries of the data can be done [3]. In addition to the meth-ods for doing the work and analyzing the results, there was also a need to builda vocabulary with definitions of words useful in the description of the work sum-marized in [4].

Most importantly, much has also been learned about what global proteomicmonitoring can and cannot reveal about the cell physiology. Intriguing discov-eries have emerged from the experiences using the global analysis of protein ex-pression profiles. Two discoveries may greatly contribute to the understanding ofbiological systems [4]. First, the physiological behavior of cells can be diagnosedby changes in protein expression. Second, although the potential matrix of be-haviors for biological systems would appear to be enormously large (even forbacterial cells with less than five thousand genes), there is growing evidence thatbiological systems might be described by a relatively small number of “physio-logical modules” of behaviors.

This chapter will describe how proteomics can help with the elucidation of themolecular physiology of the microbial organism, Escherichia coli. The readermight want to skip to the Concluding Remarks for a vision of where microbialphysiology should be in ten years and then return to the first seven sections

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which discuss where we are now and what is needed to understand microbialphysiology at a molecular level. The first section discusses the current technol-ogy limitations of proteomics. The next four sections discuss methodologies forproteome studies and present examples of these studies. The sixth section beginsthe discussion of how the molecular physiology data generated with 2D gel stud-ies can be used for diagnosing the physiological states of cells. The seventh sec-tion briefly introduces the idea of switching from wet lab experiments to dry labexperiments using mathematical structures of biological data in the form of sim-ulations and cell models.

2Proteomic Technologies Were Introduced Twenty-Five Years Ago,but Still Have Many Limitations that Hinder Studies of Complex Mixturesof Proteins in Cells

In 1975, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D gel) was in-troduced as a methodology for separating complex mixtures of cellular proteins[5]. Almost immediately the method captured the attention of a few scientistsaround the world who viewed it as a tool for solving the mystery of what happensto cellular protein expression in the ever-changing environment of an organism.Despite the flurry of papers that reported exciting and new information about in-dividual cellular proteins in bacteria, yeast, plants, and animals, both the method-ology and the information yielded were not widely appreciated until the 1990s[6]. The word proteome was introduced by Wilkins [7] and coworkers and wasdefined as the “protein complement of the genome”.Although this word is a sta-tic description of the cell’s complement of proteins, the word proteomics [4, 6]connotes the studies of the dynamic phenotypes of individual proteins. Two re-cent reports have presented arguments for why proteomic studies are needed de-spite the intensive efforts underway to sequence entire genomes and analyzeglobal transcription changes [8, 9].

2D gels have been the method of choice for many years and much new biol-ogy has been discovered with the method. Despite the success of this method thelimitations are numerous (see below) and much effort is being focused on de-veloping a more robust method for global analysis of proteins.

2.1Reproducibility of 2D Gels

When 2D gel methods were first introduced both the equipment and reagents(used to produce gels) were prepared by each laboratory. Several formats were in-troduced in the first five years [10]. This led to much variation in the quality ofthe protein separation and in the overall protein pattern. In the last ten years, re-producing 2D gels from lab to lab has been simplified because much of the equip-ment and many of the reagents needed for 2D gels are commercially available(Genomic Solutions; BioRad; Amersham). 2D gels are now a “kit” technology orcan be done with biotechnology companies focusing on proteomics (e.g., LargeScale Proteomics).

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2.2Protein Identification

In the 1980s analytical methods for identification of proteins separated by 2D gelswere introduced. First, micro-scale Edman degradation methods were described[11]. Later mass spectrometry methods were developed to identify proteins from2D gels [12]. These analytical methods are now widely used [13, 14]. A largeamount (greater than 100 femtomole) of protein is required to link the polypep-tide to a gene on the chromosome. Many cellular proteins are not present at highenough concentrations to be analyzed by current technologies. The abundanceof individual protein molecules in cells varies from less than 1 molecule per cellto over 10,000 molecules per cell, five to eight orders of magnitude [6]. However,regardless of the cell type, about 150 polypeptides account for 70% of the proteinmass of the cell [15]. Analytical isoelectric focusing limits the amount of totalprotein that can be loaded, so typically a maximum of 300 proteins can be ana-lyzed without some fractionation method to enrich for the less abundantpolypeptides. A current approach is to fractionate the original cell material anduse isoelectric focusing on narrow pH ranges [16] to enrich for each protein inthe mixture. The information lost by this approach is the quantification of theeach protein relative to the complex mixture.Although this is useful information,this is not the approach that will define the physiology of an organism.

2.3Protein Solubility

Another technical problem in this area has been protein solubility. Proteins withseveral transmembrane domains have not been detected on 2D gels due to theirpoor solubility in the first dimension electrophoresis step. In studies to developmethods to increase the solubility of membrane proteins, investigators havefound many other proteins that were not detected by the standard solubilizationmethods [17].

2.4Protein with Extreme pIs and MW

A third problem has been the lack of standard methods to separate proteins withextreme isoelectric points and molecular weights. Gorg et al. have publishedmethods to separate proteins with isoelectric points as high as 11.7 [18]. Detec-tion of low molecular weight proteins can be done with mass spectrometry. Sep-aration of high molecular weight proteins continues to be difficult. One recent ad-vance that addresses this problem is the ICAT method being developed inAebersold’s lab [19]. In this method two protein samples are isotope tagged (onesample with the hydrogen form of the tag, a second sample with the deuteriumform of the tag) on the cysteine residues of proteins. The proteins are subse-quently cleaved with a protease (typically trypsin) and analyzed by mass spec-trometry. The quantitation of peptides that differ in mass by 8 Da allows for anaccurate determination of the ratio of that protein in the original samples. This

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method is likely to miss low molecular weight proteins that might not contain acysteine peptide, but should give good quantification of very high molecularweight proteins that would be represented by several peptides.

2.5Image Analysis Systems

A major technical difficulty has been with image analysis system [10]. Most of theearly 2D gels studies done in the 1970s generated data (largely image data) on thedynamic properties of proteins, namely changes in the level or synthesis rates ofindividual proteins induced by different stimuli or conditions. These studies haveprovided many new findings about cellular proteins that relate the proteins to theworkings of the cells rather than to the genome of the cell. However, few investi-gators have employed 2D gels for quantitative translation analysis studies.

Computer aided image analysis systems have been designed to convert the im-age data to numerical data and to allow for the data from multiple images to bemerges by image matching strategies [20]. Several software systems are com-mercially available, but these software systems tend to be difficult to learn and arevery labor intensive. Biotechnology companies have recognized the need for im-proved image analysis and several have intensive efforts underway to eliminatethis bottleneck step. One system being developed reverses the order of the analy-sis. This system, called Z3 (Compugen, Inc.) registers images prior to spot de-tection [21]. The advantage of this system is the reduced time for manual edit-ing. With current systems, the matching of two images takes hours; Z3 does thisin minutes.Another approach is image searching (Scimagix, Inc.) that is very im-portant for across experiment analysis. The unique feature of this system is thatit will perform a search of features within an image across many 2D gel images andthat it allows a matrix of gels and spots on gels that remains linked to the images.

2.6Protein Detection

Radiolabeling of proteins has provided a means for excellent quantitative analy-sis of proteins over three and a half orders of magnitude. However for many mi-crobial organisms, defined media (that allows radiolabeled amino acids to be in-corporated into protein) have not been developed. For work with humans andmany animals, the use of radioisotopes is not an option. This problem is being ad-dressed by developing methods for fluorescent dying and staining of proteins[22, 23].

2.7Data Mining

Tools and methods to explore quantitative variation of thousands of cellular pro-teins has not been solved [24]. Several reports have been published trying a va-riety of statistic approaches [25–27]. Just as with RNA expression data, there ismuch work to be done in this area.

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3Establishing Standardized Methods for Experiments are Important for Obtaining Meaningful Results from Proteomic Studies

When the goal of a proteomics project is to learn about the physiology of an or-ganism, much thought and consideration must be given toward establishing stan-dardized and systematic methodologies. This is true for studies of microbial or-ganisms and multi-cellular organisms. Many investigators have been critical of2D gels because the gels themselves are not considered reproducible (i.e., one gelcan almost never be perfectly superimposed on a second gel). Nevertheless, itturns out this problem is not the most limiting factor in proteomic studies. De-sign and execution of experiments is most critical to success in this area just asit is in many area of biological research [28, 29].

One of the early standardization steps in the physiological studies of E. coli wasthe development of a defined medium that allows any nutrient to be depleted orreplaced [30]. This medium, glucose minimal MOPS, has become the standardmedia for proteomic studies of E. coli. Supplements to the standard medium, in-cluding amino acids, vitamins, and nucleotides [31], allow for a faster growth rate,and are often used when changes to the standard conditions might restrictgrowth due to a requirement for one or more additional nutrients. For example,when E. coli is grown at or above 42 °C, it requires methionine [32]. Using thismedium, E. coli can be maintained at a steady state growth (constant growth rate)for many generations (by dilution). Growth temperature, aeration state, pH, os-motic pressure, and growth phase are additional criteria for standardization [33].

3.1Studying Microbial Organisms in Their Natural State is Usually not Amenable to 2D Gel Studies and These Conditions are Difficult to Mimic in a Laboratory Setting

Most pathogenic bacteria encounter two extremely different environments, lifeassociated with its host organism and life in the often harsh and variable envi-ronment outside the animal host. Ideally, scientists would like to study the or-ganism of interest in its natural state and environment. However, this is seldompossible. 2D gel studies have never been done on samples obtained from E. coligrown in an animal host due to difficulties in obtaining sufficient bacteria freefrom other contaminants. The proteins synthesized by Salmonella growing inmacrophages revealed about 50 proteins whose expressed was up or down reg-ulated during the course of the infection [34]. In this study, Abshire and Neid-hardt compared the protein expression profiles obtained during growth of thebacteria in macrophages with protein expression profiles from cells stressed bytreatment with polymyxcin B, heat shock, phosphate starvation, paraquat, acidshock, carbon starvation, sulfur starvation, peroxide, nitrogen starvation, or coldshock. The conclusion from this study was that the environment within themacrophage is not identical to any one of these single stress conditions.

Conditions that mimic life outside the animal host can to some degree be sim-ulated in a laboratory.Although the shift from inside the host to outside the hostoften entails encountering many changes simultaneously, scientists have tended

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to simplify their studies by eliciting one or a small number of changes at a time.In addition, scientists have defaulted to developing defined media and deter-mining growth conditions that allow the fastest growth rate of the organisms orconditions that allow a continuous growth rate for hundreds of generations. Agood example of a study that attempted to mimic the transient from in the host(nutrient rich) to outside the host (nutrient starvation) was the work done in the1980s on the bacteria Vibrio sp. S14 [35]. Vibrio, like many other marine bacte-ria, can survive prolonged starvation in the very dilute and nutrient-poor envi-ronment of the oceans. Many aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of theorganism were monitored both during the shift-down, but also during recoveryincluding morphological changes, cell wall, RNA and protein synthesis, ppGpppool sizes, DNA synthesis, mean mRNA half-lives, stress resistance and changesin synthesis rates of individual proteins with 2D gels. Observations made in thisstudy suggested that some aspects of the cell’s programmed “shift-down” weresimilar to sporulation and germination observed in differentiating bacteria withtwo distinct difference. First, Vibrio did not become dormant. They maintaineda low level of RNA and protein synthesis. Second, the recovery did not require aspecific activation condition as does germination.

4Proteome Analysis of Microbial Organisms Should Focus on Establishingthe Goals of the Project

An important initial step is establishing the goals of the proteome project. Willthe goal be to get biological evidence to support the interpretation of the genomeanalysis or to study the physiology of the organism? The frameworks for thesetwo different types of studies, proteome mapping and global physiological analy-sis, are reviewed below.

4.1Proteome Mapping

Several groups have focused on developing extensive proteome maps for differ-ent organisms [36–39]. In the 1980s Andrew Link and coworkers embarked onextensive proteome mapping project for Escherichia coli. They identified over300 protein spots from 2D gels by –N-terminal sequencing [40]. Another pro-teome mapping effort for E. coli was published in 1996 [41] using a combinationof analytical chemistry approaches. Proteome maps have also been published formany other organisms. Three of the more advanced proteome maps are for Bacil-lus subtilis [42], Hemophilis influenza [43], and the cyanobacterium Synechocys-tis sp. strain PCC6803 [44].

For the most part, proteome mapping is highly dependent on DNA sequenceinformation to supply the data needed to identify proteins. However, Cordwelland Humphery-Smith [45] described and tested methods to identify proteinsfrom organisms whose genome sequence is not known [46]. In these cases theidentity is based on the cross-species conservation of amino acid sequence andof the masses of peptides generated from proteolytic cleavage [47–51]. In a re-

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cent study 45 protein spots from Ochrobactrum anthropi were identified usingthis approach [52].

For proteome mapping one sample of the chosen organism is sufficient formany subsequent studies. A strategy currently used by most groups focused onproteome mapping is to fractionate the sample by several methods, and then usenarrow range isoelectric focusing and SDS PAGE techniques to allow maximumloading of each polypeptide species. In 1999 a proteome mapping project for E.coli was published that used hydroxyl appetite column fraction as an initial stepin the analysis in order to identify less abundant proteins [53]. Many new proteinswere identified in paper. Recent publications have suggested frameworks for cat-aloging data from proteome mapping studies [54, 55].

4.2Global Physiological Studies

Projects focused on studying the physiology of a microbial organism through theexpression of its proteins usually aims to provide physiological (reviewed in [2]),genetic, biochemical, regulatory, and architectural information for each cellularpolypeptide. Physiological proteomics studies are more complex than for pro-teome mapping [56]. For these project hundreds and even thousands of differ-ent conditions must be analyzed:

– An example of how proteomic analysis has contributed to the genetics of anorganism was the genetic mapping of the rpoH (htpR) gene using 2D gel analy-sis of expression from clones that complemented temperature-sensitive mu-tants in this gene [57, 58]. Using 2D gels Hirshfield et al. provided evidence thatE. coli has two genes encoding lysyl-tRNA synthetase [59]. The genes were laterfound [60–62].

– There are several different ways that proteomic analysis has contributed to ourunderstanding of the biochemistry and metabolism of an organism. In a cou-ple of cases, 2D gel analysis has revealed that proteins being studied by dif-ferent labs based on different properties or characteristics of the proteins wereactually the same protein [63, 64]. Proteins needed for sulfur utilization inPseudomonas putida -S-313 were identified using 2D gels. Matthews and Neid-hardt identified that elevation of serine catabolism is one of the biochemi-cal events resulting from heat shock in E. coli [65]. They correlated the effectsof metK (and lrp) mutation (using strain RG62) on the heat shock response,the excretion of metabolites and incorporation of radioactive catabolic prod-ucts of radiolabeled serine into other amino acids.

– Examples of how proteomics has contributed to the regulatory analysis of anorganism are plentiful. The analysis of mutant in regulatory proteins has beena very effective method for identifying members of regulons. Most of the com-ponents of the heat shock regulon were identified by 2D gels [63, 66–68] in E. coli, but also in many organisms. The OxyR and many Lrp regulon memberswere identified by 2D gel analysis [69, 70].

– The very first 2D protein separation studies contributed to our understandingof the architectural organization of E. coli. Wittman’s work on the 2D separa-

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tion of ribosomes [71], and Link’s work with membrane preparations [72] areexcellent examples in this area. Another exciting application of 2D gels wasdone by Teixeira-Gomes et al. in a study designed to identify the presentingantigens (bacterial proteins) in an infection. They used serum from a ram nat-urally infected with Brucella ovis for immunoblotting studies to identify theimmunogenic proteins recognized in the course of an infection [73].

4.3There are Four Types of Information Collected in Proteomic Studies

Exploring the molecular physiology of an organism relies on the use of multiplescientific strategies and many methodologies. Proteomic studies provide infor-mation about the biochemical, genetic, regulatory, metabolic and architectural ofthe organism through diversely designed experiments, but so do other strategiesand methods. How then can the data be brought together and organized so thatthe data can be probed [74]? This section describes an infrastructure upon whichproteomic data can be organized into different “databases”. The experimentsdone to construct each database yield different types of data on the cellular pro-teins. The databases are the reference 2D gel images that link data of a particu-lar type together and can be linked together but can also be linked to data inother database (e.g., SWISS-PROT, GenBank).

1. Theoretical data. Many properties of proteins can be predicted from the DNAsequence of the genes that encode the proteins. From the deduced amino acidsequence, the pI and MW of a protein can be calculated. Cavalcoli publisheda study summarizing the number of proteins in different pI and MW rangesfor E. coli [75]. This publication presented the limits of speculating the iden-tity of a protein based on its migration on 2D gels. Post-translational modifi-cation sites can also be predicted. Within the annotation found in Swiss-Protis the predicted and known post-translation modification sites. Cavalcoli hasalso created a database of all E. coli proteins that contains all the potential post-translational forms (J. Cavalcoli, unpublished data). In addition, Karlin has re-cently published a series of articles on a method to predict the abundance ofproteins [76]. Collado-Vides and coworkers has developed a method for pre-dicting the promoter structures of genes and thereby provides potential in-formation about when the gene might be expressed [77].

2. Genome expression data. This work validates that an open reading frame canbe transcribed and translated into a product. All of the efforts of proteomemapping contribute genome expression data. Another approach to obtaininggenome expression data has been underway for 20 years. The approach is toexpress specifically the proteins cloned into a plasmid or phage. In 1976 Clarkeand Carbon developed a colony bank containing segments of the E. coli chro-mosome [78]. In 1979 the first method for specific expression of plasmid-en-coded genes was published, the maxi cell method [79]. In this method the E.coli chromosome is damaged by ultraviolet light and the cells are treatedovernight with cycloserine. The chromosome-less cells can still transcript andtranslate proteins encoded by the high copy plasmid which survived the treat-

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ment.A minicell method was also described [80]. This method is based on anE. coli mutant in which cell division occurs aberrantly resulting in the gener-ation of minicells that have no chromosome, but does contain small plasmidsand the cellular molecules needed for transcription and translation of theplasmid-encoded proteins.A year later another method was introduced whichshowed that plasmid-encoded genes were specifically transcribed and trans-lation when cells were recovering from growth inhibition caused by chloram-phenicol treatment [81].Although all of these methods worked for some pro-teins, none allowed the expression of all the proteins on the clones. The firstgene-protein index for E. coli was published in 1983 and included identifica-tions based on these methods [82].In 1987 a phage library containing almost the entire E. coli chromosome in ap-proximately 20 kilobase segments was published [83]. The methods describedabove were tried with these phage clones [84], but also the T7 transcriptionsystem was developed [85]. Neidhardt’s group has done extensive genome ex-pression analysis with these Kohara clones by moving the inserts for the Ko-hara phages into a low copy plasmid containing T7 and SP6 promoters to drivetranscription of the cloned segments ([86] and Clarke et. al. manuscripts inpreparation). These results are being added to the protein expression infor-mation in Eco2Dbase.RNA expression profiling (DNA chips and microarrays) is a way to extend theinformation in a genome expression map. The first global RNA analysis waspublished in 1993 [87]. The studies tested in this report were experiments thathad previously been done with 2D gels. The correlation was good. For exam-ple, transcripts for all of the heat shock proteins were detected and several ad-ditional heat shock genes were revealed [87]. The DNA used in this first studywere large segments of the genome. Membranes containing all the E. coli openreading frames are commercially available (Sigma Genosys, Inc.) and an E. coligenome array (Affymetrix, Inc.) is also commercially available. Such tran-scriptome studies will likely contribute to bacterial response-regulation dataas well (see section below).

3. Cellular abundance and architecture data.When cells are grown in steady stateconditions, proteomic analysis can determine the abundance or relative abun-dance of individual proteins. Subcellular fractionation can also be done to gaininformation about the cellular location and macromolecular arrangement ofproteins.– Abundance measurements. Two of the large scale protein surveys done in the

1970s cataloged the levels of individual proteins during steady state condi-tions using different carbon sources and different growth temperatures[13, 88]. These studies allowed the grouping of proteins based on similar-ity of changes in their level in samples of cells grown in different conditions.These groupings in some cases allowed predictions of the potential functionof the proteins. One set included the identified ribosomal proteins and otherproteins that fit so tightly into the group that they were speculated to be ri-bosomal proteins (also based on their pI and MW). Another set, called theIa3 proteins, contained no identified proteins at the time of the publication.Since then several of these proteins have been identified as enzymes in the

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TCA cycle or enzymes in a precursory step to the TCA cycle. Informationfrom these types of studies could be of enormous benefit for understand-ing the coordinated activities of cells.As stated earlier in the introduction, one technical problem with such 2D gelstudies is that many more proteins can be monitored in abundance studiesthan can be identified. A recent article reported the identification of manynew proteins made possible by a fractionation step of the whole cell extractprior to 2D gel analysis [53]. The enrichment of the low abundance proteinsmade it possible to use traditional analytical methods to identify many pro-teins that had not been identified using whole cell extracts. Currently, thetracking of the proteins in the subfractions complicated the determinationof the abundance of the proteins. Technically, this issue should be solvablewith good computer-aided image analysis systems.

– Architectural information.As described above, there are technical problemswith the study of macromolecular structures such as the ribosome, mem-branes, etc. Two difficulties with this approach are the lack of reproduci-bility of many fractionation methods (obtaining consistent quantitativeamounts of each polypeptide) and the concern that some proteins may co-purify with a macromolecule based on the purification method rather thanon the association of the protein with that macromolecule. A classical ex-ample of the latter case is with the GroEL protein. Subramanian first foundthis protein in a preparation of ribosomes. He called the protein the A-pro-tein, and proposed that it was a new factor involved in translation. In1980,Subramanian and others showed that the A-protein and the GroEL proteinwere in fact the same polypeptide [63]. Because the MW of the native GroELis similar to that of the ribosome, the co-purification was thought to be anartifact. However, its role as a major cellular chaperone has sparked ideasthat it may in fact be associated with the ribosome. The GroEL protein is a14-mer so in a sucrose gradient, its sedimentation coefficient was similar tothat of the ribosome. Whether GroEL really associates with ribosome incells is still an open question.

The data in this abundance/architecture database is for defining steady state status of the cells and for discovering critical intracellular interactions.Such databases are also critical to the study of multi-cellular organisms.Determining what proteins are present in which cell types, tissues, and organs is important for understanding normal physiology as well as the pathology of diseases of these organisms. Norman and Leigh Anderson proposed a project to generate 2D gel maps of cells from nearly a hundred different tissues and organs of the human body, called the Human Protein Index [89]. Although this project was not funded at the level of the HumanGenome Project, the information obtained from such an index will providemuch insight and suggest many innovative chemotherapy and gene therapystrategies.

– Response-regulation database. Most of the 2D gel studies published on mi-crobial organisms could be categorized as data for this type of map. In theseprojects proteins are grouped based on their response to a stimulus and sug-gested regulation pattern.

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– Response data. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of microorganisms istheir ability to respond rapidly to changes in their environment. 2D gelshave provided an effective method for monitoring the correspondingchanges in proteins [57, 90]. In most cases pulse-chase labeling with radio-labeled amino acids are employed in these projects. This strategy permitsone to view the synthesis rates of proteins during a particular period of timein the transition from one condition/state to another.Using pulse-chase experiments many more proteins can be detected thancan be identified by analytical methods. However, these surveys should bethought of as the starting point of the analysis. Subsequent studies using avariety of genetic and biochemical approaches can yield the identity and thefunctions of the proteins. A perfect example of this is the discovery of thebacterial heat shock response using 2D gels. In the original publications, fewof these proteins were identified and for those that did have names attachedto them, they were only known because of the requirement for phage infection and reproduction [57, 91]. After the initial studies using 2D gels,literally hundreds of research labs began to focus on this small set of pro-teins found in bacterial but also found in all cells. Nearly 20 years later,the heat shock proteins are among the most well characterized proteins inbiology.In addition to the response-regulation map being done for E. coli, an ex-tensive response-regulation map has been developed for B. subtilis [42] andV. cholera [92]. This type of data has the most potential for antibacterialdrug discovery and bacterial biotechnology projects.

– Regulation data. Proteomics has been useful in identifying members of reg-ulatory networks as discussed in this section. Transcriptome studies shouldalso be a very effective method for identifying members of regulons. Stud-ies that combine transcriptome and proteomics analysis should reveal thepredominate regulatory mode for individual genes, their products and ac-tivities of their products.For example, transcription factor sigma-32 has many different levels of con-trol and therefore requires examination at multiple levels to provide an ac-curate picture of how it functions in the cell. The rpoH gene has at least fourpromoters that can trigger an increase in transcription of the gene under avariety of stress conditions [93]. The rpoH mRNA is also know to be tran-scribed at a higher rate than it is translated [38, 94] and thus there is muchevidence that translational control plays a major role in determining whenthe product is synthesized. Third, the protein product, sigma-32 has a shorthalf-life under some conditions [95] so, despite controls at the transcrip-tional and translational level, cells appear to be capable of controlling thelevel of this protein in the cell post-translationally.A fourth level of controlof this protein exists. This protein acts as part of a macromolecule, RNApolymerase, to direct the initiation of transcription of about 20 genes[96, 97]. It is one of six sigma factors that have been found in E. coli andsome evidence exists that the affinity of sigma-32 for core RNA polymerasemay be higher than that of the “normal” sigma factor, sigma-70 [97]. Thisevidence predicts that the transcriptional, translational, and post-transla-

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tional regulation are key to ensuring that this system is appropriately reg-ulated and yields the proper level of the cells’ chaperones and proteasesmost of which are transcriptionally controlled by this protein activity. Yetone study provides evidence that under chemostat conditions, sigma-32 lev-els are six to ten times higher than seen when cells are grown in standardlaboratory conditions without concomitant high production of the productsit transcriptionally regulates (J.N. D’Elia, A. Salyers, R.A. VanBogelen, un-published results). Thus it appears that cells must also control the activityof sigma-32 presumably by controlling its interaction with core RNA poly-merase [98]. Why has E. coli built in so much control of this one gene andits product? Is this unusual or are they many other genes/proteins whoseregulation is this complex? Combine transcriptome and proteomic studiesshould reveal how genes/proteins are regulated.

4.4The Ability to Track Proteins Through Many Experiments is the Key to Developing a Database of Proteomic Data

Because of the reproducibility of 2D gels, the idea of constructing a catalog of thedata obtained from 2D gels emerged almost immediately after the technique wasintroduced. Spot names were assigned to the protein separated on 2D gels so thathundreds of unknown proteins could be tracked from gel to gel and from ex-periment to experiment [99]. Each new publication was tied to earlier publica-tions through the spot names. For some catalogs, a master image was markedwith all the spot names [100–102]. Others placed a grid over the master imageso that X and Y coordinates could be assigned to each spot [82]. These spot namesbecame accepted protein names, even appearing in the titles of publications[63, 68].

In addition to the experiments these groups were publishing, most had re-search efforts dedicated to identifying the protein spots to known proteins. Forexample, Neidhardt’s group had a series of publication that correlated the spotnames with known proteins [102, 103]. The early methods for identification ofproteins relied heavily on the use of purified proteins (obtained from other in-vestigators) that were comigrated on gels with whole cell extracts and also on an-tibodies to specific proteins that were used on immunoblots of the gels.

In the 1980s Celis organized the publication of a book that focused on the 2D gel methods and the catalogs being developed [104]. In 1990, 1991, and 1992the journal Electrophoresis dedicated one issue a year to the publication ofmanuscripts that tied together the protein identifications and experimental data on the proteins. Also during this period many of these groups posted electronic versions of these databases at public sites, so that others investi-gators could download the entire database. Later web sites were developed.Models for 2D gel databases have been published for the gene to protein spotlinkage (federated 2D gel database) but not for the tracking of proteins throughexperiments. Interestingly, most of the current web sites report only the proteinidentifications, but not the experimental data. The commercial value of these experimental data has been realized and many are available by subscription

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(Proteome Sciences plc; Proteome, Inc.) or through contractile collaborations(Large Scale Proteomics). Robust databases have been developed by the pro-teomics companies mentioned above. These databases often have added directlinkage to the images, statistical analysis of the data, routine query and data visualization tools.

5One of the Best Opportunities for Viewing what Happens to the Expression of Cellular Proteins when a Stimulus (Environmental Change,Chemical Insult, Mutant Strain, or the Under or Over Expression of a Gene)is Invoked on the Cells is with 2D Gels

There are hundreds of publications each year that include 2D gels to show howthe synthesis rates or levels of proteins change in response to some stimulus. Inthe early 1980s Neidhardt and Gottesman coined a new term, stimulon, to be usedto describe the set of proteins whose expression changes in a stimulus-responsestudy [105]. This word has been used extensively by those doing proteomics be-cause it is non-categorical with respect to the known genetics and biochemistryof the responding proteins.

Whether the data is qualitative (by gel gazing) or quantitative (by image analy-sis) most of the published 2D gel studies of a single condition compared to a con-trol can be categorized into one of the two following specific aims. First aim, usethe global approach to find one protein or a small number of proteins to be fur-ther explored by more reductionist approaches with a goal of making a connec-tion between the “condition” and the function of the protein(s). Second aim, de-termine the breadth of the cell’s response to the condition by analyzing both thenumber of proteins whose level or synthesis rate changes and the amount of cell’sprotein synthetic capacity is diverted toward a response to the condition.

5.1Comprehensive Stimulus-Response Studies May Reveal Proteins that Provide a Function Needed by Cells in the “Stimulus” Condition

5.1.1Induced Proteins

When the aim is to find an interesting protein whose function might relate to the condition of interest, most investigators pick the protein(s) whose level orsynthesis increases most dramatically. The expectation is that the dramaticchange in the protein is indicative of the importance of that protein in the cell’sresponse. There are numerous examples of the success of this approach. The heatshock proteins are perhaps the best example. The synthesis rate (and in somecases the level) of these proteins is dramatically increased when the temperatureat which the organism is grown approaches the fatal temperature for that or-ganism. When these findings were first revealed [106] the functions of these proteins was not known. In fact, chaperones were a proposed but unidentifiedprotein type.

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5.1.2Repressed Proteins

By focusing on proteins that are induced, have we missed important details abouthow cells cope with new conditions? Clearly the induced proteins correlate withnew functions the cell needs. What about proteins whose synthesis rate or leveldecreases with a particular condition? Here are two reasons why decreases in thesynthesis rates or levels of proteins may reveal interesting information about thephysiology of the cells. First, a decrease may reflect that the cell no longer needsthe protein’s function, and thus the protein’s synthesis rate or level is actively (bytranscriptional repression, proteolysis, or post-translational modification) or in-actively (by dilution with each generation) decreased. Second, a decrease couldalso indicate that the cells are no longer able to maintain the protein (by prote-olysis or leakage of the protein from the cell) and this loss contributes to a sec-ondary stress on the cells. A nice example of this scenario is the report fromSteiner’s group [107]. Proteomics was used to investigate the nature of the renalfailure that is often an undesirable side in transplant patients receiving cy-closporine A. It was discovered that calcium binding protein, calbindin-D 28 KDadecreased in abundance in the kidneys of rats treated with cyclosporine A. Thedecrease of this protein was associated with the urinary calcium wasting and in-tratubular corticomedullary calcification in the kidney. Further studies showedthat the level of this protein did not decrease in the kidneys of dogs and monkeythat do not have nephrotoxic side affects of cyclosporine, but that the protein diddecrease in levels in humans.

5.1.3Unresponsive Proteins

What about the third category of response – the “no change” category – which isthe proteins whose expression is not altered by a condition? No report has fo-cused on this category although cell behavior could be learned by monitoringwhat proteins do not change.What can be learned by knowing the expression ofprotein is not affected by a stimulus. If a metabolic pathway or macromoleculeis inhibited by an agent, a first hypothesis for the cell’s response to the inhibitorwould be an up-regulation of the protein(s) that is inhibited. In fact, in some casesthe cells trigger others systems (e.g., stress systems).

5.2Comprehensive Stimulus-Response Studies Can Be Focused More Intently on the Dynamics of the Cells’ Response Rather than Specific Functions of the Proteins Inducedor Repressed

In some instances the goal is not to gain insight into new or lost functions in thenew condition. Instead, the goal is to gain an appreciation for the commitmentcells make in order to adapt or survive in a new condition or a different growthor development phase of the organism. To date, very few studies with this focushave been published. One example is the study done on the developmental phases

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of Streptomyces coelicolor [25]. Most studies of Streptomyces focus on the pro-duction of antibiotics (with potential commercial value) which typically occursin the transition phase of development. In this study 2D gels were used to mon-itor the levels of proteins as the organism moved through the different develop-mental phases. No protein identifications are reported in this report.A variety ofmultivariant statistical analysis methods were applied to the data (numerical dataobtained from a computer-aided image analysis system) in order to gain new in-sight into Streptomyces physiology. Sixteen time points were examined (triplicategels). Correlation analysis, cluster analysis, and principle component analysis re-sulted in the grouping of the timepoints into four groups (one timepoint was anoutlier to all others). These groups corresponded with the four developmentalphases previously characterized by morphological, physiological or biochemicalcharacteristics.

6Collation of Multiple Stimulus-Response Studies Often Reveals the Causeof the Change in Expression of a Protein

In a single stimulus-response study, is there really just a single change in the bi-ology of the organism? Although it is true that the scientist can control the pa-rameters of the experiment to ensure that a single stimulus is invoked, cells arerobust and adaptive. In most cases, many changes in the cell’s biology occurs witha single change in the condition the cells are grown [33]. For example, considera simple case of steady state growth of bacteria in two cultures each containingdifferent carbon sources, glucose and glycerol. Metabolism would be the majorarea of change. Some proteins will be present at higher or lower levels based ontheir roles in uptake, catabolism, and metabolism required for the particular car-bon source. However, these are not the only changes that should be anticipated.As a consequence of differences in metabolism and energy output there wouldbe differences in the rate of growth of the two cultures. The protein syntheticneeds and the number of chromosome replication origins are also adjusted to thegrowth rate. Thus, the levels of the proteins involved in these two macromolec-ular synthesis pathways would also be expected to be different in these two con-ditions. For well-characterized proteins, like ribosome proteins, one can specu-late that expression changes are due to a particular physiological parameter(growth rate), but for many proteins an obvious correlation may not be as easy.

One approach to identify correlations between protein expression and bio-logical parameters is to integrate carefully information about the biology of theorganism with the experimental data [29]. In the design of the experiment oneshould consider which parameters could be monitored while the experiment isunderway? A second approach is to survey many conditions. For example, in onestudy E. coli was grown in steady state conditions with five different media com-positions but all with the same growth temperature, same state of aeration, etc.[99].Another study used the same growth media, but seven different growth tem-peratures [15].With these combined studies, Neidhardt’s group was able to iden-tify proteins that responded to specific nutrient or environment conditions. Forexample, although 22 proteins were present at their highest level in acetate min-

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imal media, only 5 were scored as uniquely elevated in acetate. The others wereshown to become present at progressively higher levels as the generation time in-creased (acetate yielded the longest generation time).Another example, two pro-teins, called thermometer proteins, were found that appear to respond specificallyto changes in growth temperature but do not exhibit a change in growth rate dueto changes in nutrients supplied to the culture. Other proteins were found to bepresent at a specific level depending on the growth rate, regardless of media ortemperature.

When comparing protein expression patterns obtained during a flux betweensteady state conditions, the question of which proteins are responding specificallyand uniquely to the condition of interest becomes even more of a challenge. Com-parisons of the proteins induced by different stress conditions have been madefor a number of organisms.

Escherichia coli can grow on a variety of phosphorus sources.When phosphateis present in sufficient quantities, the growth rate of the organism is limited byfactors other than the phosphorus source. The cellular response of E. coli to phos-phate starvation is one of the best studied starvations. Nearly 30 years of geneticand biochemical studies have revealed many mechanistic details of the regula-tion that controls the metabolism of phosphate and other phosphorus sources.A comprehensive proteomics study of how cells respond to a depletion of phos-phate as the sole phosphorus source (study of a transition) has been published[108] and compares this response to the adaptation of cells to growth on a lim-iting phosphorus source, phosphonate (a steady-state condition). Nearly 900 pro-teins were monitored in this study. The study offered some statistical informa-tion about the variation seen between identical experiments and gels fromidentical samples.A 13-page table gives the numerical data from the experiment.The analysis starts simply by presenting a histogram of the numbers of proteinsinduced and repressed in the study. A more complex distribution diagram al-lowed the overall responses to be compared by tracking the proteins. A Venn di-agram was used to compare the proteins that respond to phosphate limitation tothe proteins present at higher or lower levels in the phosphorus restrictive con-dition (phosphonate). The gene members of the PHO regulon are known to beinduced by phosphate limitation and their protein products present at higher lev-els in phosphonate cultures. Thus, it was hypothesized that the overlap in theVenn diagram should also include members of the PHO regulon. Thus, this pro-teomics study suggested that the regulon may include 137 proteins. This numberincluded 19 proteins that are repressed by both conditions, the first evidencePhoB may act as both transcriptional activators and repressors.A consensus pro-moter for members of the PHO regulons has been identified based on 10 pro-moters (over 30 protein products). The final figure in this paper presents im-portant information that can only be gleaned from proteomics studies. These piegraphs illustrated the protein synthetic commitment E. coli allocated to phos-phorus starvation.

Phosphate, nitrogen, and carbon starvations were done independently and asa triple starvation in Vibrio vulnificus [93]. The synthesis rate of proteins wasmeasured (by 2D gel analysis) after 1 h of starvation. The results were presentedas a Venn diagram showing the overlap in the protein responses. For example, of

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the 34 proteins induced by carbon starvation all were also induced by the triplestarvation, whereas only 9 and 3 were also induced by nitrogen and phosphatestarvation as a single starvation. A similar study in B. subtilis included carbonand nitrogen starvation in addition to heat, salt, ethanol, and oxidative stress [24].In this study proteins were categorized as specific stress proteins (10 proteins)and general stress proteins (31 proteins). Listeria monocytogenes was monitoredduring acid, alkaline, SDS, deoxycholate, ethanol, heat and cold stress [109]. Thelevels of 68 proteins expressed in the control but elevated by one of more of theseconditions was presented in a table. Another 57 proteins that had not been de-tected in the control were observed in one or more of these conditions. In Liste-ria no single protein was induced by all of these conditions, and unlike B. subtilis,most proteins responded uniquely to one condition tested in this study [110].

7Relating Protein Responses to Physiology Allows for the Diagnosis of Cellular States of the Organism

Changes in protein expression (observed by the use of 2D gel electrophoresis)can be used to validate and extend information learned from other strategies andmethods. This is an important application of proteomics. However, while ex-ploring how E. coli alters its protein expression by numerous conditions, it wasnoted that predictions about the physiological state of the cells could be made [4].At first, these observations seemed too obvious to declare as a significant scien-tific finding. However, while using proteomics to assist with drug discovery, thispredictive capability proved to be more and more intriguing. The word signatureis a common term use in science when interesting correlations are observed. Sev-eral examples of proteomics signatures have been presented [4].

Finding proteomics signatures requires that a large number of conditions havebeen studied, the proteins that respond uniquely to one condition have a highprobability of being involved in adapting to or surviving the condition. This keyquestion requires a transition in the analysis of the data. By surveying conditionsand cataloging the resulting changes in protein expression, a comprehensivedatabase can be built. To begin using this data to address questions in biology, aknowledge base of the organism and of the conditions used must be infiltratedwith the protein data. With these combined data sets, correlations between theconditions tested and the protein responses (for a particular organism) can beidentified. This step serves two purposes. First, it validates the protein expressiondata in the context of previous knowledge (and vice versa). Second, it also allowsus to begin to learn about the cell behavior. The correlations become the frame-work for making predictions about the physiology of the organism using proteinexpression data.

The cellular sensor for stimulus-response networks is often the most difficultentity to identify. For the heat shock response network the sensor was especiallydifficult because of the large variety of agents that had been reported to inducethe synthesis of this set of proteins. Some investigators have renamed the heatshock proteins as universal stress proteins. Conditions that truly mimicked a heatshock (defined by the induction and repression of the large sets of proteins that

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can be monitored by 2D gels) are treatment with antibiotics that target the bac-terial ribosome [110]. It was found that all antibiotics that target the ribosomeelicit either a heat shock response or a cold shock response. The level of induc-tion of the heat or cold shock proteins are altered with increasing or decreasingtemperature and the same was found to be true with antibiotics. As the concen-tration of the antibiotic was increased, the synthesis rate of the heat or cold shockproteins increased. The hypothesis drawn from this data was that the ribosomewas the sensor for the heat and cold shock responses. It was proposed that theconfirmation of the ribosome could be in the heat shock or cold-shock state andthat these two states were exclusive. One experiment showed that the ribosomein the cold shock state (caused by treatment with tetracycline) blocked the nor-mal heat shock response after a temperature shift. Although this article focusedon the evidence that the ribosome was the sensor for the bacterial heat shock re-sponse, the finding that an environmental stress condition and a drug treatmentcould cause the same cell behavior (changes in the protein expression profile)was also a key finding for the authors.

Caution must be used in making these correlations because proteins are verydynamic cellular molecules and changes in their synthesis rates, levels and ac-tivity can be quickly altered by the cells’ regulatory mechanism. In the mid-1980sa series of experiments were done and the resulting correlations were used to for-mulate an incorrect hypothesis. Initially the following set of observations weremade:

1. Oxidative stress was found to induce a set of proteins that were all regulatedby the OxyR protein [64]

2. Oxidative stress was found to increase the level of adenylated nucleotides [111]3. Heat shock was found to increase the level of the same adenylated nucleotides

[112] and the heat shock proteins4. One agent, CdCl2, causing oxidative stress induces oxidative stress proteins

and also the heat shock proteins [113]5. Oxidative stress renders cells thermotolerant (increase survival to a shift to

a lethal temperature) suggesting that the physiological role of the induction of the heat shock proteins was to protect the cells death at lethal tempera-tures [112]

These observations lead to a hypothesis that the two regulons, heat shock and ox-idative stress, were activated by the same signal (the adenylated nucleotides) andwere interrelated in their physiological role for cells.A more comprehensive studywas done to compare directly the kinetics of induction of different stress re-sponses and accumulation of nucleotides [114] in side-by-side studies of sevenagents or conditions that elicited the induction of the stress responses. This studypresented evidence that the hypothesis was incorrect. Specifically, it was shownthat the heat shock regulon and OxyR regulon could be independently induced.H2O2 and ACDQ induced the OxyR regulon but not the heat shock regulon andshifts to 42 °C and treatment with ethanol cause an induction of the heat shockregulon but not the OxyR regulon. It was also demonstrated that the adenylatednucleotides did not accumulate in all conditions that induced the heat shock pro-teins suggesting that these nucleotides were not the inducing signal for this reg-

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ulon. Finally, it was shown the induction of the heat shock proteins was not suf-ficient to render cells thermotolerant [115].

Another example of using correlations between protein expression and cellphysiology had a more positive outcome – although even in this study the cor-relation could not be proven experimentally. In 1993 Abshire and Neidhardt [116]used correlations between the degree of post-translation modification of a pro-teins and growth rate in vivo to estimate the growth rate of cells growing intra-cellularly. The primary aim of the study was to try to identify the stresses the bac-teria were encountering in the macrophage [34], but they also used the proteinexpression data to estimate the generation time of the cells while in themacrophages. They used a protein post-translational modification as one indi-cator of growth rate. The ribosomal protein, L12, can be modified (acetylation)in both E. coli and Salmonella. Previously, a correlation between growth rate andthe ratio of modified protein to total L12 protein had been found in E. coli. Thesame correlation was found to exist in Salmonella. The degree of modification ofthis protein in the bacterial cells growing intracellularly estimated a growth ratethat was much faster than the rate proposed by plating the bacteria after disrup-tion of the macrophage cells. Results from other experiments suggested that thedegree of modification of L12 was the more accurate estimator of generation time.

A recent report in Science demonstrated that mRNA expression studies couldalso be used as a molecular diagnostic tool [117]. In this study 38 acute leukemiasamples were analyzed using DNA microarrays. The expression of nearly 7000genes was monitored. They developed a method called neighborhood analysis toidentify a set of genes whose expression highly correlated with the classificationof the cancer (acute myeloid leukemia or acute lymphoblastic leukemia).A set of50 genes was chosen as the distinguishing predictor set to diagnosis the type ofcancer. The expression of these genes was then monitored in an additional34 leukemia samples. The predictor set was effective on 29 of the 34 samples with100% accuracy according to other clinical indicators.

These examples demonstrate the potential for using protein (and mRNA) ex-pression data as biotechnology tools for the molecular diagnosis [118]. For ba-sic research studies these tools will focus on providing more details of the mol-ecular physiology of biological system. For clinical research, these tools will helpin the development of more reliable indicators of disease so more successfultreatments can be used [119].

8The Wealth of Biological Data Being Generated is Providing the Impetusfor a Wet Lab to Dry Lab Transition in Biological Studies

The next step in using protein (and RNA) expression data as diagnostic indica-tors and as monitors of cell behavior is to use them as test sets for formulatingmathematical simulations of how cells work. The value of cell models and sim-ulations is to allow scientists to do a “dry” experiment (using a computer) beforethe real, “wet” experiment is done. By simulating a cellular response, the scien-tist can look at many parameters in the cell and can predict which parameterscould simultaneously be monitored in the real experiment. Better experimental

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designs mean better experimental outcomes. A variety of models and simula-tions are being constructed to describe different aspects of “biological life”; how-ever, to date no one has integrated these functional genomics studies into anymodels.

Cellular metabolism is one area where modeling and simulations are beingmade and used [120–128]. Two reasons for the intense interest in modeling me-tabolism are: first, many details of enzymes are known from intensive biochem-ical studies; and second, these models have immediate application in industrywhere the re-engineering of biological systems has the potential to yield com-mercially valuable material. There are numerous success stories where geneticengineering of an organism has yielded the desired outcome (reviewed in [129]).However, other attempts have failed. For example, yeast strains were geneticallyengineered to over express the enzymes in the glycolysis pathway with the ex-pected outcome of increased ethanol production [130]. However, no significantincrease was obtained.Another example of frequent genetic engineering failuresis with the overproduction of foreign proteins in E. coli. Some proteins are pro-duced in high quantity and have activity, whereas other proteins are inactive, in-soluble, and/or just poorly expressed. What cell behaviors jeopardize these ef-forts? Can these behaviors be controlled? James E. Bailey wrote a commentary forNature Biotechnology suggesting that protein and RNA expression data might bevery beneficial for overcoming some of the current difficulties with metabolic en-gineering [131].

Regulatory circuitry is an area where simulations and modeling has been done[132–137]. Interesting developments in this area include the application of theelectrical engineering simulation program, SPICE to modeling biological reg-ulatory circuits ( In November of 1999 it was announced that a group of labs in the United Stateswould work together to build a map of cell signaling that would be the impetusfor building a “virtual cell” [138]. This effort called the Alliance for Cellular Sig-naling (AFCS), headed by Alfred Gilman, brings together systems engineers, bi-ologists, and information scientists and will cost about 10 million dollars a yearto run [138]. The goal is that the products of this effort be publicly available tothe scientific community.

There are other efforts required for modeling whole systems [139]. For ex-ample, the E-cell project is structured to include eventually interrelated modelsof all aspects of E. coli biology [140]. A commercial effort to model the humandisorders obesity and asthma is also underway (Entelos, Inc.; http://www. Ente-los, com). This recent burst of effort toward building simulations and modelingis likely only the beginning.All of the data being generated by genome and func-tional genomics has clearly spurred this effort toward the ultimate goal in biol-ogy that is to be able to “solve the cell with mathematics”.

9Concluding Remarks

This chapter has reviewed work contributing to the discovery phase of applyingproteomics to elucidate the molecular physiology of the microbial organism,

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Escherichia coli. These concluding remarks are a vision for proteomics in thetwenty-first century. Suppose the year is 2015 – could this be an accurate de-scription of the current state of proteomics technologies and how proteomics hasbeen integrated with other approaches to create the current state of biological research on microorganisms?

9.1Technical Improvements for Proteomics

9.1.1Detection and Identification of Proteins

Of the predicted open reading frames in a genome, 80% can be detected (quan-titatively) and linked to the encoding gene. The four critical criteria for detectionof proteins are isoelectric point, mass, abundance, and solubility of the proteins.The most difficult single criterion is the detection and identification of low abun-dance proteins. The distribution of the proteins in a complex cellular sample isa one-tailed extreme distribution that extends over eight orders of magnitude.

9.1.2Reproducibility of the Separation System

A method of protein separation that yields a 99% success rate is standard in pro-teomics labs.

9.1.3Image Analysis

Image analysis methods process and search images at a rate equivalent to thethroughput of the separation system. The typical lab generates and processes100 image per day per person.

9.1.4Data Analysis and Data Mining

Standard routines for data analysis that include quality control checks and de-termination of reliability are implemented.A series of data mining routines thatrelate the data to previous knowledge and explores the data for new informationare developed, standardized, and implemented.

9.2Dynamic Cellular Parameters Measured in Routine Analysis

9.2.1Measurement of Cellular ProteinsProteomics has proven to be a very powerful approach to reveal novel infor-mation about biology and to diagnose the states of cells, but it became even

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more powerful when done in concert with other approaches. Labs routinely monitor the level, the synthesis rate, and the degradation rate of each protein.In addition all post-translation species of the protein are identified and mo-nitored. In addition, the mechanism of regulation of activity at the trans-criptional, translational, and post-translational level is being revealed for eachand every gene.

9.2.2Measurements of mRNA Molecules

Determination of the level and ideally the synthesis rate of each mRNA moleculeare done using samples from the same culture used for proteomic studies. Thewealth of protein and RNA expression profiles has revealed interesting rules forrelationships between the messenger and the product.

9.2.3Macromolecule and Cell Structure Determinations

Reproducible and biologically accurate methods for isolation of many macro-molecules have been established. This information has had an impact on recon-structing the architecture of cells.A diverse set of approaches was established todetect and follow structure in cells.Action movies of the structures are available(using methods like reconstructive electron microscopy) so that processes suchas cell division, chromosome segregation, protein translation, protein transloca-tion, and chemotaxis can be viewed “in action”.

9.3Establishing the Molecular Physiology Base

9.3.1Development of an Intensive Bioinformatics Databases of the DNA Sequence

This includes the prediction of what the organism is capable of doing, whatconditions it can grow in, and which conditions it can survive. Metabolic potential, growth conditions, and stress responses can be predicted from genome information. The database focuses on collecting experimental data that is used to determine if all of the predictions from bioinformatics are correct. A critical step is a clear determination and definition for steady stategrowth.

9.3.2Completion of the Genome Expression Database

The experimental determination that predicted open reading frames encoding aprotein is important. This is determined by a high throughput expression systemthat allows the actual ORFs to be produced and analyzed. This system overridesthe gene’s own transcriptional and translational regulation.

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9.4Multivariant and High-Density Genomic Exploration

9.4.1Libraries of Conditional Mutants were Constructed

Mutants in each gene on the chromosome are available and controllable so thata determination of how cells adapt (or do not adapt) to the absence of the gene’sproduct can be determined by the dynamic cellular parameters listed above. Be-cause bioinformatics has predicted when the gene is necessary, the number of ex-periments can be constrained.

9.4.2Exploration of the Transition Phase Between Two Steady-State Conditions

Experiments continue to be done to analyze the dynamic cellular parameters dur-ing the transition from one steady-state condition to another where the conditionis defined as a change in the cells’ environment or genetic state (see above). Thetime requirements for the transition is experimentally determined and defined.

9.4.3Exploration of the Sequence of Events Elicited by Terminal Conditions

Many conditions (both environmental and genetic) are bacteriostatic or bacte-ricidal. The exploration and analysis of the dynamic cellular parameters in theseconditions is revealing how the cells attempt to counteract, evade and survivethese conditions. The terminal state of cells is being defined.

9.5Interconnected Mathematically Descriptive Models and Simulation

9.5.1Models of the Structural Features of Cells

The structural features of cells have been monitored dynamically in vivo formany conditions. This monitoring being done in concert with extensive moni-toring means the physicochemical parameters of intact cells have led to manynew findings in the area of physical chemistry. A new discipline, molecular ther-modynamics, has emerged and is one of the “hottest” areas of science. This disci-pline defines the chemistry outside dilute solutions and has transformed the frame-work upon which mathematical models of the infrastructure of the cells are built.

9.5.2Models and Simulations of the Processes the Cells Can Perform

All the major processes of the cell have been modeled as independent systems.Metabolic models are now open system models that integrate active and passivemovement of molecules in and out of cells and include data on the synthesis rate,

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degradation rate, level, and specific activity of enzymes. Two types of networkconnections have been modeled and made available as simulations. One type isthe regulatory networks that use the database of gene-expression phenotypes ofeach individual gene (from transcriptome and proteome data) and the circuitrysystems (Bayesian networks) that interconnect the genes and predicts modes ofregulation. The second type of network connection is the crosstalk systems thatinterrelate cellular process (metabolic, polymerization, and growth) with cellu-lar structures (membranes, chromosomes, and ribosomes).

9.5.3Simulate the Performance of Cells in a Pseudo Ecological System

Most simulations focus on applications in biotechnology and drug discovery.These simulations predict the best genetic and environment plan for using mi-croorganisms for a desired fermentation outcome. Using these simulations,Streptomyces and yeast strains have become extremely important for human life.The DNA sequence of these organisms is determined “in the field”, as is their po-tential for useful biotechnology applications. Thus patents are often filed beforethe organism arrives at the research or production laboratory. Both anti-bacter-ial and anti-viral antibiotic development has grown exponentially in the lastdecade. All antibiotics developed over the last decade are narrow spectrum notonly with respect to causative agent, but also with respect to the tissue or cell typeaffected. Researchers have recognized that human cells create the environmentfor the infectious agent and thus influence which genes and gene products are re-quired. Most diseases have been shown to stem from bacterial or viral infectionseither by triggering an autoimmune response or by horizontal gene transfer tohuman cells. In many cases, the infection occurred historically (some traced backmore then ten generations) and has been latent for generations. Pharmacoecol-ogy studies provide much of the data for simulations used in drug discovery.


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A Proteomic View of Cell Physiology of Bacillus subtilis –Bringing the Genome Sequence to Life

Michael Hecker

Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald, Institut für Mikrobiologie, F.-L.-Jahn-Strasse 15,17487 Greifswald, Germany. E-mail: [emailprotected]

The genome sequence is the “blue-print of life”, and the proteomic approach brings thisgenome sequence to life. Simple model systems are urgently required to “train” this transfor-mation of the genome sequence into life: why not Bacillus subtilis, the model organism forGram-positive bacteria and of functional genomics?

By combination of the highly sensitive 2D protein gel electrophoresis with the identifica-tion of the protein spots by microsequencing or mass spectrometry we established a 2D pro-tein index of Bacillus subtilis. In order to depict the entire proteome of a B. subtilis cell, alka-line, cell-wall associated, or extracellular proteins were also included. The proteins of thisdatabase (see were allocated toproteins with house-keeping functions typical of growing cells and to proteins synthesized par-ticularly in non-growing cells. A computer-aided evaluation of the 2D gels loaded with ra-dioactively-labeled proteins from growing or stressed/starved cells proved to be a powerful toolfor the analysis of global regulation of the expression of the entire genome. This is shown forthe analysis of glycolysis/TCA cycle (house keeping proteins) and for the analysis of the heatstress stimulon.

For the heat stress stimulon it is demonstrated how the proteomic approach can be used:(i) to define the structure of a stimulon, (ii) to dissect stimulons into regulons, (iii) to analyzethe regulation, structure, and function of unknown regulons, (iv) to define overlapping regu-lons or modulons, and finally (v) to explore complex adaptational networks.

Furthermore, it will be demonstrated how the “dual channel pattern comparison” [24] or“proteomics signature” (R. VanBogelen) can be used for a comprehensive understanding orprediction of the physiological state of growing or starving cell populations. This is shown forglucose-starved cells.

In order to describe the structure and function of gene regulation groups it is generally rec-ommended to complement the proteomics approach with DNA array technologies. Furtherstudies will focus on the analysis of the global regulation of gene expression by the proteomicapproach that cannot be addressed by the application of DNA array techniques:

– The phosphoproteome and its implications in signal transduction– The global control of protein stability– Protein targeting and protein secretion

Keywords. Physiological proteomics, Transcriptomics, Reference map, Adaptational network,Protein targeting, Post-translational modification

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 57 – 92DOI 10.1007/b11031CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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1 Introduction – Bacteria as Model Systems for “Functional Genomics” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

2 A Proteome Map of B. subtilis as an Experimental Tool for Analyzing Cell Physiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

3 From Proteome to Cell Physiology: Two Main Groups of Proteins 60

4 Adaptation to Stress and Starvation – The Adaptational Network 64

5 Limitations and New Perspectives of the Proteomic Approach . . 82

6 Proteomics, Cell Architecture and Protein Sorting/Targeting on a Proteomic Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

6.1 Mechanisms of Protein Secretion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846.2 Physiology and Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

7 Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

8 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

1Introduction – Bacteria as Model Systems for “Functional Genomics”

In 1995 a new era in biology was opened with the publication of the first genomesequence of a living organism, the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae [1]. For thefirst time the genome sequence of an organism became available, giving an op-portunity for understanding a living cell and thus life in general. This new era hasculminated for the moment in the publication of the human genome sequence inFebruary 2001. The genome sequence, however, represents only the blue-print ofa living cell, not “life itself”. Now functional genomics is necessary to bring thisgenome sequence to life, in terms of genome-wide mRNA profiling, proteomics,or bioinformatics. The functional genomics of the human being will be of enor-mous importance, not only for analyzing processes of human development anddifferentiation, but also for a basic understanding of many diseases, leading tonew developments in diagnostics and therapy. However, the “human being”, witha huge number of different cell types, tissues, and organs, is much too complexto lead to a comprehensive understanding of life. A world-wide focus on a fewmodel systems of human cell differentiation and disease is required for such acomprehensive study and for understanding developmental processes in termsof the global regulation of gene expression. Even if such model systems becomeavailable in the near future, the potential expression of 30,000 to 40,000 genes andof many more proteins as the main players of life, their structure and function,their interplay, and cellular destination would need to be taken into considera-tion. It follows that simple organisms are required as model systems to “ensurethe transformation of the genome sequence into life”.

Bacillus subtilis, a Gram-positive bacterium, has become a model organism forfunctional genomics through the joint efforts of many research groups in the

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USA, Japan, and Europe [2]. There is extensive knowledge of the biochemistryand genetics of B. subtilis through the world-wide interest in B. subtilis as a sim-ple model for understanding cell differentiation on a molecular scale. Further-more, the long-standing use of members of the genus Bacillus in biotechnologyhas necessitated studies of the genetics and cell physiology of Bacilli. The B. sub-tilis genome sequence, published in 1997 [3] as the result of a joint research pro-gram in Europe and Japan, has revealed more than 4100 genes. Of these 4100genes more than 1700 code for proteins whose functions are still unknown. Theelucidation of the function of these proteins is a big challenge for future research.A start has been made in this direction, through the construction of a mutant li-brary containing single mutations in each single gene of unknown function anda comprehensive phenotype screening program to obtain some indication of thefunction of the individual proteins [4]. Altogether these facts justify choosing B. subtilis as a model system for functional genomics, demonstrating the trans-formation of a genome sequence into the physiology of a living organism.

In 1975, O’Farrell [5] and Klose [6] introduced a new, highly sensitive proteinseparation technique that allowed the simultaneous study and separation of farmore than 1000 proteins. This new technique relies on the typical features of pro-teins, their isoelectric point, and their molecular weight, which together bringeach single protein to a unique position on a two-dimensional (2D) polyacryl-amide gel. A few years later Fred Neidhardt and Ruth VanBogelen, the foundersof the “physiological proteomics of bacteria”, were the first authors to introducethis powerful approach into bacterial physiology ([7] for review).

We started our work with this new approach at the beginning of the 1980s, aswe began to analyze the response of B. subtilis to stress and starvation, the envi-ronmental conditions that bacteria typically encounter in nature.We used the 2Dseparation technique to get a global view of the stress response, and found a dra-matic change in the gene expression program of B. subtilis in response to stressor starvation [8–10]. This approach, recently adorned with the catchy term “pro-teomics”[11], has made remarkable progress during the last five years, stimulatedparticularly by the recent genome sequencing efforts. The sequencing of the B. subtilis genome provided a large amount of new information. Many predic-tions were derived from the genome sequence, including that of a large numberof new regulators and regulons with still unknown functions, a great number ofABC transporters and secreted proteins [3]. However, these predictions basedsolely on the genome need experimental verification by the approaches of func-tional genomics. In this review article, a proteomic view of cell physiology ofB. subtilis is presented as a model of how to transfer genome sequence informa-tion into the “real life” of B. subtilis.

2A Proteome Map of B. subtilis as an Experimental Tool for Analyzing Cell Physiology

In order to use proteomics for analyzing cell physiology, a comprehensive 2D pro-tein map depicting almost the entire proteome is the basic tool. First of all thegenome sequence can be used to present a theoretical protein map derived solely

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from the genome sequence. Two main peaks were found: approximately twothirds of all proteins are located in the neutral or weak acidic region and the re-mainder in the alkaline region [12]. Many proteomic studies have ignored this al-kaline fraction, focusing more on the pH range of 3–10 or even 4–7.

Furthermore, many proteins are secreted to fulfill their functions at the cellsurface or extracellularly. This indicates one limitation of the method. In contrastto DNA arrays that may cover the entire genome on one single DNA chip, the de-piction of the total proteome on one single gel is not possible; instead one has torely on the combination of individual sub-proteomic fractions. When extracel-lular or cell-wall associated proteins are considered in addition to neutral and al-kaline proteins, the majority of proteins synthesized in a bacterial cell can be vi-sualized, and this technique may be used for physiological studies that focus onthe cell as a whole [12, 13] (Fig. 1).

The alkaline fraction contains many proteins with more than two membrane-spanning domains [12]. However, no intrinsic membrane protein has been foundamong the 42 alkaline proteins identified so far [14]. This finding shows anotherlimitation of the technique. Because a procedure for the complete visualizationof all membrane-bound proteins is still lacking, 20–25% of all proteins are miss-ing in proteomic studies. Our master gel contains almost 500 entries organizedin a 2D protein database named Sub–2D [15] which is available via internet( In the followingsections I shall show how these proteome data are used to gain new informationon cell physiology.

3From Proteome to Cell Physiology: Two Main Groups of Proteins

From a physiological point of view, two main groups of proteins can be distin-guished: vegetative proteins synthesized particularly during growth, withmainly house-keeping functions, and proteins induced in response to stress andstarvation, with mainly adaptive functions against stress or starvation. In de-picting the entire proteome this physiological feature has to be taken into con-sideration. It will not be possible to visualize all proteins (no matter how sensi-tive the techniques) because a large portion of the genome is activated only whenenvironmental stress or starvation stimuli or other extracellular signals are pre-sent.

Quantitative evaluation of the protein composition of growing cells revealedthat biochemical functions are known for most of the abundant vegetative pro-teins. They have house-keeping functions typical of growing cells: in glycolysis,in the tricarboxylic acid cycle, in the synthesis of amino acids or nucleotides, intranslation or in protein folding [12]. It is interesting to note that the transcrip-tion of these highly expressed genes correlates with the direction of replicationof the B. subtilis chromosome. To consider functional groups of vegetative pro-teins more systematically, we can open a textbook of biochemistry and follow itchapter by chapter. This is done as an example for almost all proteins involved inamino acid biosynthesis [16] (Fig. 2) or in the basic routes of carbon catabolismsuch as glycolysis and TCA cycle (Fig. 3). The enzymes involved in amino-acid

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Fig. 2. Enzymes involved in amino acid biosynthesis in B. subtilis (from [16])

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Fig. 3. Enzymes involved in glycolysis and the TCA cycle of B. subtilis (see [18]).blue-labeled – glycolysis; red – pyruvate dehydrogenase complex; yellow – overflow meta-bolism; green – TCA cycle

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biosynthesis were found by comparing the proteomes of cells grown in thepresence or absence of casamino acids. These functional subproteomic fractionsallow a detailed study not only of some selected metabolic steps, but of entiremetabolic pathways (as shown for the regulation of glycolysis/TCA cycle as anexample).

Almost all enzymes involved in glycolysis and the TCA cycle were visualizedon the 2D master gel at pH 4–7. This offers the chance to analyze simultaneouslythe regulation of glycolysis and the TCA cycle. We found that glycolysis is not a constitutive pathway, as is suggested in many textbooks. Cells were culti-vated in the presence and in the absence of glucose. An excess of glucose stimu-lates glycolysis and strongly represses the TCA cycle (Fig. 4). The excess glycol-ytic intermediates cannot enter the TCA cycle because it is repressed, but in-stead they are metabolized via an “overflow” pathway and secreted into the extracellular medium as acetoine or acetate. Under the conditions of glucose excess ATP seems to be produced via substrate-level phosphorylation. This repression of the TCA cycle occurs only if glutamate is supplied simultaneously,because otherwise the anabolic functions of the TCA cycle would be necessaryto provide the C-skeletons for amino acids [17–19]. In glucose-limited cells,however, the rate of glycolysis is strongly reduced, and the TCA cycle (now urgently required for the complete oxidation of glucose via acetyl CoA) is derepressed, making an overflow metabolism unnecessary. Finally, this control of the glycolysis and TCA cycle occurs only in the wild type and not in the ccpAmutant. The ccpA gene encodes the global regulator of catabolite repression in many Gram-positive bacteria [20]. This is, however, probably an indirect effect, because glucose uptake may be reduced in the ccpA mutant, thus de-creasing the level of glycolytic intermediates [18]. This example demonstratesthat the proteomic approach allows a global view of entire branches of meta-bolism because changes in the level of many enzymes/proteins can be consideredsimultaneously.

4Adaptation to Stress and Starvation – The Adaptational Network

We have been more interested in proteins induced in response to stress and star-vation because stress and starvation are the rule and not the exception in naturalecosystems and the adaptation to these environmental stimuli is crucial for sur-vival in nature. Continuous fluctuations from slow-growing to non-growingstates, long-term survival strategies in a non-growing state, or even cell death, arethe consequences of bacterial life in harsh natural ecosystems [21].

As a result of this longstanding interplay between bacteria and a continuouslychanging set of environmental stimuli, a very complex adaptational network hasbeen developed. This is a most characteristic feature of a bacterium, and its de-tailed understanding is crucial for understanding microbial physiology in gen-eral. At first, it is essential to look for those environmental stimuli that have lim-ited B. subtilis growth in nature and thereby forced the complex adaptationalstrategies to maintain viability even during stress or starvation. Starvation for es-sential nutrients such as carbon/energy, nitrogen or phosphorus sources or oxy-

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Fig. 4. A model of the regulation of glycolysis and the TCA cycle of B. subtilis during glucoseexcess. Glucose activates glycolysis and represses the TCA cycle (shown on the right). Therefore,excess glycolytic intermediates can not enter the TCA cycle, but have to be secreted into the ex-tracellular medium as a result of an overflow metabolism (for details see text). ATP is mainlyproduced via substrate phosphorylation

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gen, or water/osmotic, heat, cold or acid stress may contribute to growth defi-ciency in nature. These environmental stimuli usually induce a large set of geneswhich are otherwise more or less silent in exponentially growing cells under lab-oratory conditions. The proteins that are induced together by a single environ-mental stimulus are responsible for adaptation to the stimulus [22].

The crucial steps in exploring adaptational networks are to define the genesinduced by a single stress or starvation stimulus, to identify and analyze the cor-responding proteins, and to understand their adaptive function in response tostress or starvation. Proteomics is an excellent tool for elucidating this network,dissecting it into its individual components and studying the various adaptivefunctions of these components. The basic steps for exploring the modules of theentire network are:

1. The definition of stimulons (a stimulon is the entire set of proteins/genes in-duced or repressed by one stimulus) [23]

2. The dissection of stimulons into single regulons, the basic modules of globalgene expression (a regulon consists of a set of genes distributed on thegenome, but controlled by a global regulator)

3. The analysis of regions that overlap between different regulons (mo-dulons), an essential step towards exploring complex adaptational net-works (see Fig. 5)

The first step in analyzing stress adaptation is to define all the proteins inducedby the stress or starvation stimulus, because these induced proteins are togetherresponsible for adaptation to the stress. For defining stimulons the dual channelimaging technique [24] was developed to facilitate the search for proteins be-longing to stimulons or regulons. This technique allows a rapid allocation of pro-teins to functional or regulation groups (stimulons, regulons) simply by lookingfor red-colored (newly synthesized) or green colored (repressed) proteins. Twodigitized images of 2D gels have to be generated and combined in alternate ad-ditive color channels. The first one (densogram) showing accumulated proteinsvisualized by silver staining or some other staining techniques is false-coloredgreen. The second image (autoradiograph) showing the proteins labeled duringa 5-min pulse with 35S-L-methionine is false-colored red. When the two imagesare combined, proteins accumulated and synthesized in growing cells are coloredyellow.After the imposition of a stress/starvation stimulus, however, proteins notpreviously accumulated in the cell but newly induced are colored red. Identify-ing red proteins is a simple technique for finding all proteins induced by a sin-gle stimulus and thus defining the stimulon structure.

Heat stress, for instance, induces more than 100 proteins, some of which areof known function while others are of totally unknown function (Fig. 6). Forthese unknown proteins a preliminary prediction of their function may be fea-sible: Because of their classification as members of the heat stress stimulon theywill somehow be involved in adaptation to heat stress.A similar technique can beused for a preliminary functional prediction of unknown proteins involved inadaptation to osmotic, acid, oxidative stress, etc. Proteins repressed by heat stresscan be visualized by their green color, which indicates that they are present in thecell and probably still active, but no longer being synthesized (Fig. 6).

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Fig. 5. Towards the elucidation of genes expression networks: from stimulons via regulons andmodulons (overlapping regulons) to the network (see text)

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In most cases stimulons consist of more than one regulon. The next step in exploring the network is the dissection of stimulons into regulons, which are better defined from a genetic point of view. Different kinetics of induction ofindividual members of the stimulon frequently indicates such heterogeneity ofthe protein group. The procedure for this dissection of stimulons into regulonsis to look for proteins that follow the same induction pattern and kinetics, as dictated by the global regulator that controls the regulon, and then to analyze a mutant in this regulator; proteins no longer induced or repressed in the mu-tant will probably belong to the regulon. Following this approach two main regulon groups were found: proteins induced by only one stress or starvationstimulus with a specific adaptive function against that stimulus, and more general stress or starvation proteins induced by a different set of environmentalstimuli.

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Fig. 6. Protein pattern of heat-shocked B. subtilis cells. Dual-channel imaging technique according to Bernhardt et al. [24]. The red-labeled proteins form the heat stress-stimulon.Details see text

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The specific adaptive functions of the first group, the stress-specific proteinsare:

– To neutralize the stress factor– To adapt to its presence– To repair damage caused by the stress stimulus

Starvation-specific proteins, on the other hand, may allow uptake of the limitingsubstrate with very high affinity, a search for alternative substrates not used inthe presence of the preferred one, replacement of the limiting substrate by oth-ers, or moving to new nutrients by chemotaxis.

In addition to these stress- or starvation-specific proteins induced by a singlestimulus, a totally different set of stress or starvation stimuli may induce the sameset of proteins. This pattern of induction by stress or starvation indicates thatsuch proteins may have a relatively non-specific, but nevertheless essential, pro-tective function under stress, regardless of the specific growth-restricting signal.Therefore, these proteins have been called general stress proteins [8, 10, 25].

Most of the single stimulons within the network consist of specific and non-specific regulons such as the osmotic stress response, the heat- or acid-stress re-sponse or the response to glucose, oxygen, or phosphate starvation. One excep-tion is oxidative stress, which does not induce a general stress response but onlythe specific oxidative-stress stimulon. This interplay between specific and gen-eral stress/starvation responses is shown for the phosphate starvation stimulon(Fig. 7). In addition to the sB-dependent general stress response (see below)phosphate starvation induces the main phosphate starvation-specific regulon,which is controlled by a two-component system with PhoP as the sensor kinaseand PhoR as the response regulator [26]. These proteins are no longer inducedby phosphate starvation in a phoPR mutant [27]. Identification of these proteinsallows insights into the function of this starvation-specific regulon. It turns outthat the proteins strongly and specifically induced by phosphate starvation havespecific functions that help the cell to adapt to phosphate starvation. They are in-volved in a high-affinity phosphate uptake system when the external phosphateconcentration is limiting (e.g., Pst-system), in the utilization of alternate phos-phate sources (e.g., extracellular phosphatase PhoB and D), or in the replacementof the phosphate in structural components (the phosphate-containing teichoicacid is replaced by the phosphate-lacking teichuroic acid, function of TuaD). Asimilar proteomic approach can be used for exploring the adaptive function ofthe specific responses to glucose, nitrogen or oxygen starvation if mutants inglobal regulator genes are available (see [28, 29]).

A different kind of adaptation is achieved by the specific stress responses. Wecan use heat stress as an example. In addition to the general stress proteins, alsoinduced by phosphate starvation, heat shock induces a small group of heat-spe-cific stress proteins, the chaperones (GroEL-machine and DnaK machine) thatare characteristic of heat stress and controlled by the global HrcA repressor mol-ecule [30]. In an hrcA mutant the proteins are not repressed but are synthesizedat a high level even at normal temperatures. The most essential specific protec-tive function is to assist protein folding under heat stress or refolding of partiallyheat-denatured proteins. A second group of heat-specific stress proteins are the

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Fig. 7. The phosphate starvation stimulon of B. subtilis consists of general stress proteins alsoinduced by phosphate starvation (sB-regulon, sB-dependent proteins marked in blue) as wellas of phosphate starvation specific proteins (PhoPR-Regulon marked in red). The stress/star-vation induction profile of both groups and the function of the proteins are indicated. co – con-trol, heat – heat stress, eth – ethanol stress, salt – NaCl stress, acid – pH 5.5, oxid – oxidativestress (H2O2), pur – puromycin, starvation for gluc – glucose, O2 – oxygen, phospH – phosphate,amino acids. Details see text

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Fig. 8. The heat stress stimulon of B. subtilis (details see text). Induction profile: C – control,H – heat, E – ethanol, S – salt, G – glucose starvation, Pm – puromycin, Ox – oxidative stress(H2O2). The function of the HrcA- and CtsR regulon is known, but what about the sB-depen-dent general stress response?

Clp proteins (ATPases, proteases), controlled by the global CtsR repressor [30].Only three genes/operons, clpP, clpE, and the clpC operon, form this small regu-lon. All Clp proteins were identified as heat-inducible on 2D gels. In addition totheir chaperone function ClpC, and probably also ClpE, in combination with theproteolytic component ClpP, form the Clp proteases, which degrade unstable orhopelessly denatured proteins in order to remove toxic protein waste (Fig. 8).

The most striking protein group within the heat stress or phosphate-starva-tion stimulon, however, which is strongly induced by heat but also by many otherstress and starvation stimuli, is controlled by the alternative sigma factor sB

[31, 32]. When we started analyzing this regulon 15 years ago we did not know

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anything about the genes of the regulon, the global regulator, or the signal trans-duction pathway – or indeed the physiological role of the regulon. We only no-ticed that many proteins on the 2D protein gels were strongly induced by differ-ent stress and starvation stimuli. A systematic use of the proteomic approachallowed us to uncover part of the structure/size and function of an unknown reg-ulon, in this case the sB regulon. The general procedure is as follows. Proteins thatfollow the stress and starvation induction pattern typical of sB are good candi-dates for regulon members.About 50 proteins were found that followed this typ-ical induction profile and which were no longer stress- or starvation-inducible ina sigB mutant (Fig. 9). To obtain information on the stress induction mechanism,it was necessary to look for the target sequence of this regulon.All sB-dependentgenes so far identified by the proteomic approach are preceded by sB-dependentpromoters with typical –10 (GGGTAT) and –35 (GTTTAA) regions. We couldthen imagine an induction mechanism for the regulon. All the stress and star-vation stimuli enhance the level of active sB, which competes successfully withthe remaining sigma factors for the core enzyme of RNA polymerase, thereby in-ducing all genes that contain an accessible sB-dependent promoter. The fractionof the translational capacity that is used for the production of these stress pro-teins increases from less than 1% during growth to about 20 or even 30% in re-sponse to stress and starvation. The most intriguing question, however, is to askfor the function of this huge regulon. This crucial question can also be addressedby the proteomic approach, simply through looking for proteins within the sB-regulon whose function is already known. The function of these proteins per-mitted a preliminary prediction of the function of the entire regulon, which wassubstantiated by phenotypic studies of a sigB mutant [33]. sB-dependent generalstress proteins are expected to provide the non-growing cell with a non-specific,multiple stress resistance in “anticipation of future stress” [22, 25, 32, 34].

In addition to the already known general stress proteins, a large number of sB-dependent genes coding for still unknown proteins were also discovered. By al-locating these genes/proteins to the sB-regulon, we can predict an adaptive func-tion for those unknown proteins, too. They are probably also involved in thedevelopment of multiple, non-specific stress resistance in non-growing cells.

This interplay of stress- or starvation-specific responses with non-specific re-sponses is probably of considerable physiological significance.Whereas the spe-cific responses guarantee a direct interaction with the specific signal, aimed at theresumption of growth, the general sB-dependent response protects the non-growing cell during a lengthy survival period against “future stress” as an es-sential feature of dormancy in vegetative cells (an alternative to sporulation).During this interplay of specific and general stress/starvation responses, sB com-petes with the remaining sigma factors (mostly sA) for the core RNA polymerase.This was shown for the phosphate starvation response of a sigB mutant: the in-duction rate of the proteins specific to phosphate starvation is much higher thanin the wild type, indicating that the concentration of core RNA polymerase is lim-iting in the cell [27, 35].

In this section the sB regulon of B. subtilis has been presented as a model toshow the value of the proteomic approach for defining the size and physiologi-cal function of an unknown regulon. This is a question of current importance, be-

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Fig. 9. A Strategies to find sB-dependent proteins. B Use of the Decodon software package delta2D to define the sB-dependent stress proteins induced by heat stress in the wild type only (red),but not in the sigB mutant (green). The proteins marked in red may belong to the sB-regulon



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cause many previously unknown regulators (probably global) have been discov-ered by genome sequencing, with each controlling its own, still unidentified, reg-ulon [3]. New alternative sigma factors, unknown two-component regulatory sys-tems, and additional global activators or repressors and the regulons they controlawait detailed characterization. The approach described here for the sB-reguloncan also be used for analyzing the size and function of these remaining uniden-tified regulons provided that the physiological conditions that activate the reg-ulon are known. The steps are as follows:

1. To construct a mutation in the regulatory gene2. To allocate the genes to the regulon by proteomics (or more recently by DNA

array techniques)3. To predict the function of the regulon from the function of already known

proteins belonging to the regulon4. To confirm this prediction by phenotypic studies of mutants5. To predict the function of the still unknown proteins of the regulon that might

be expected within the context of the physiological role of the regulon to whichthe genes belong (see [34]).

To dissect the entire genome into its basic modules of global gene regulation, andto put the still unknown proteins into these functional categories, is a good ap-proach for an overall, albeit still preliminary, prediction of the function of mostof the unidentified proteins (Fig. 10). This procedure, however, is not sufficientfor understanding the global regulation of gene expression in the adaptationalnetwork, because the single regulons do not exist independently but, instead, aretightly connected, forming the adaptational network. Genes that are controlledby two global regulators function as overlapping elements between the single reg-ulons that connect the regulons together. Proteomics again is a good strategy forfinding such connecting elements between regulons, which is shown for ourmodel regulon.

A search for proteins that follow the stress and starvation induction patterntypical of sB regulation but with some modifications provides candidates forsuch a search. For example, the reason for the atypical induction of the sB-de-pendent ClpC protein by puromycin or oxidative stress is the dual control by sB

and CtsR that connects the sB-regulon with the CtsR-regulon. Similarly, the reason for the atypical induction of the sB-dependent general stress protein YvyDby amino acid starvation is the dual control of yvyD by sB and sH, which formsa link between the sB-regulon and the sH-regulon [22].

The tight integration of the single regulons into a group of related regulonsmay have a physiological significance. In principle, all sB-dependent genes haveto follow the sB-dependent stress/starvation induction pattern. However, a fine-tuning of the expression of some genes by environmental stimuli not related tosB can occur if additional regulatory elements interacting with other global orspecific regulators have been acquired. By this fine-tuning of gene expressioneach gene can be expressed at a level required for an optimum response to the en-vironmental stimuli.

These results show that a group of stress-specific regulons, of starvation-specificregulons and of general stress or/and starvation regulons form the complex

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Fig. 10. The allocation of still unknown proteins to functional groups (regulons, stimulons) isa good strategy for a first prediction of the function of those unknown proteins

network. As already shown for the sB model case, the network itself seems to bestabilized by genes that connect two or more regulons. Following the route fromregulon to regulon is a good method for analyzing this network. From the sB-reg-ulon there is a direct path to the sH-regulon, which in turn is connected with reg-ulons involved in sporulation [36] and also with the RelA-regulon [22]. By this“regulon walking”the complex adaptational network can be explored step by step.

To summarize this point, different methods can be used to explore the net-work. First, all the single stress- and starvation-specific, or more general, regu-lons have to be studied. In the second step, all these basic modules have to be in-tegrated into the network, and finally the overlapping areas will provide thecement that stabilizes the entire network. This systematic approach allows us todiscern all functional boxes, the stimulons regulated by the most essentialgrowth-restricting stimuli, their dissection into regulons, and finally their over-lapping areas in the network. The final aim might be the presentation of a “vir-tual cell”, including “clickable” information on the single stimulons and regulons,their genes and proteins, their DNA target sequence, their induction/repressionratios by environmental stimuli at the protein or mRNA level (see later), theirprotein stability, their integration into the network by means of overlapping el-ements, and finally the functions of all proteins arranged in the boxes in responseto stress or starvation stimuli. Such a cell model connecting DNA sequence in-

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formation with cell physiology and biochemistry would provide a most com-prehensive understanding of cell adaptation to stress or starvation, an excellentexample of functional genomics which would show how to proceed from genomesequence information to real life (see Fig. 5).

The complete set of proteomic data collected in this adaptational network can be used for diagnosing the physiological state of the cell. Most stimulons/regulons contain characteristic proteins that can provide information on thephysiological stimuli imposed on the cell. This “proteomic signature” [37] is a useful tool for predicting the physiological state of a cell population, e.g., ofcells grown in a bioreactor, or of cells harvested in natural ecosystems such as biofilms. Marker proteins will indicate if the cells suffered from heat (GroEL, DnaK, etc.) or oxidative stress (KatA, AhpC, etc.) or other stresses orstarvation for nutrients. This “proteomic signature” can also be used to pre-dict the molecular mechanism of action of some unknown antibacterial drugs. Drug-treated cells that show the “proteomic signature” for oxidative stress,for instance, indicate that the substance has produced oxidative damage of cellstructures.

The network we have presented so far has given a picture of a single momentin the life of a B. subtilis cell. However, this network is not static but dynamic, withsequential gene expression programs as an essential feature. If one assembledsuch proteomic pictures through time, the growth and development of a bacte-rial cell population would be depicted at the molecular level as in a “movie oflife”, which would demonstrate the synthesis and accumulation of each singleprotein. This is shown for growing cells entering a glucose-starvation-inducedstationary phase, a typical environmental situation for B. subtilis in its natural en-vironment (Fig. 11). Again, the dual channel imaging technique [24] is an ex-cellent tool for visualizing changes in the synthesis and level of each protein sep-arated on the 2D gel. During exponential growth most of the proteins are coloredyellow because synthesis (red color) and accumulation (green color) are in steadystate. After glucose exhaustion, however, most of the vegetative proteins typicalof growing cells are no longer synthesized, and their color then changes from yel-low to green. At the same time a great number of red-colored proteins are in-duced in a sequential order, representing the glucose-starvation stimulon thatconsists of starvation-specific and general stress responses [38]. With a basicknowledge of bacterial physiology one can reach a comprehensive understand-ing of what is happening in the cell. Among the reactions specific to glucose-starvation, one can find a diminution in glycolysis, an induction of genes for theusage of alternative carbon sources such as acetoine, and the induction of glu-coneogenesis (Fig. 12). Among the more general starvation responses one can follow the kinetics of the negative and positive stringent response, the sB-de-pendent general stress response, and some other reactions (CodY-dependent,Spo0A-dependent), and finally proteins that indicate that some cells have alreadystarted the sporulation program. However, there are also unknown responses tobe explored by future studies, because the function of many proteins is stillunidentified. In many cases, however, the allocation of some of these unknownproteins to already known regulons may provide a provisional indication of theirfunctions in glucose-starved cells.

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Finally, using the “three color code” offered by the dual channel imaging technique [24] it is possible not only to follow the induction/repression ki-netics of entire regulation groups but also to study the “fate” of each single protein with the three colors: “red” – newly induced but not yet accumulated;yellow – synthesized as well as accumulated; and green – no longer synthes-ized but still present and probably active in the cell. This is shown for AcoB – one subunit of the acetoine–dehydrogenase – which is necessary for the utili-zation of acetoine as a secondary carbon source when glucose is exhausted(Fig. 13).

In conclusion, the transition of B. subtilis from growing cells to glucose star-vation is accompanied by an almost complete reorganization of gene expression.Almost 400 proteins change their color from yellow to green because their syn-thesis has been switched off in the stationary phase. This behavior is typical ofvegetative proteins synthesized during growth. Because the growing cell enteringthe stationary phase of growth probably contains an excess of these vegetativeproteins, their continued synthesis in the non-growing state would be wasteful of resources during energy- and carbon-source limitation. On the other hand,

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Fig. 13. Kinetics of synthesis (red) and accumulation (green) of acetoine dehydrogenase sub-unit AcoB during growth (1, 2), glucose starvation (3–7) and recovery of growth (8, 9)

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more than 150 proteins with different protective functions are induced in a sequential manner in the course of glucose-starvation-specific and more generalresponses.

The conclusion that the gene expression network is totally reprogrammed hasbeen confirmed and extended by the application of DNA macro-array nylonmembranes that contain PCR-products of each single gene. These DNA arrays al-low genome-wide mRNA profiling.Almost all genes transcribed under these spe-cial circ*mstances are involved, either repressed or induced/derepressed duringglucose starvation [38]. In contrast with the proteome approach, which depictsonly a subpopulation of the proteins, the expression of all genes can be followed.Both approaches have specific advantages (see below), but the combination of thetwo techniques offers exciting possibilities for a much expanded understandingof cell physiology.

5Limitations and New Perspectives of the Proteomic Approach

A comparison of the proteomic approach with DNA array techniques showedthat for the allocation of genes to regulons, or for the study of genome-wide geneexpression, the DNA array technique records changes in gene expression morecompletely than the proteome approach. Too many proteins of the cell – partic-ularly intrinsic membrane proteins but also low abundance proteins, very acid oralkaline proteins, very large or small proteins – cannot be visualized by the con-ventional proteomic approach. By contrast, the DNA array technique allows a re-liable depiction of all bacterial genes expressed at a definite time point, includ-ing information on putative operon structure etc. Only around half of the genesfound to be active by DNA arrays were detected by proteomics (e.g., sB-regulon[39, 40], stringent response [41]).

Accordingly, the proteomic approach is now being replaced by transcrip-tomics, where genes belonging to regulons or stimulons, or genome-wide geneexpression patterns, are analyzed [29, 42–44]. Nevertheless, proteomic studieswill maintain their central importance when they focus on aspects which cannotbe replaced by DNA arrays or which over-extend transcriptome data. The pro-teome depicts the final level of gene expression, since proteins rather than mRNAmolecules are the players of life. mRNA molecules are highly unstable interme-diates on the path from the genes to their destination. The fields of proteomicsthat cannot be replaced by transcriptomics or which extend or complement tran-scriptional data are:

– Comparative analyses of mRNA and protein synthesis that indicate posttran-scriptional or translational regulation, when the mRNA level does not neces-sarily reflect the rate of protein synthesis

– Analysis of protein sorting/targeting– Analysis of posttranslational modification of proteins– Analysis of protein turnover and stability, including the role of proteases– Analysis of proteins in non-growing cells that are still present but no longer

synthesized (“green” proteins)

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Protein quality control, including protein folding, stability, and turnover, and alsoposttranslational modification, repair of proteins, or protein degradation, are be-coming more and more prominent, and can be followed on the proteomic scaleor at the level of single proteins.

In the final section, the capacity of proteomics to explore protein secretion atthe proteomic level has been selected to show one of the new perspectives of pro-teomics.

6Proteomics, Cell Architecture and Protein Sorting/Targeting on a Proteomic Scale

Genome-wide mRNA profiling only provides information on the transcription ofthe genome, but provides no information about the activity, level, or final desti-nation of the gene products, the proteins. Proteomics, on the other hand, providesinformation about the concentration of most of the individual proteins in the cell.A big challenge for future proteomic studies is to follow the route and fate of allproteins from the polysomes to their final destination. However, again knowledgeof all the proteins, their concentration in the cell, and their functions is notenough to make an organism viable.

Only in rare cases do proteins act independently of other proteins. Cellular lifeis characterized by a complex protein interaction network, with many proteinstaking part in highly ordered protein complexes that need a particular spatialstructure for their function. Recent efforts have been aimed at detecting theseprotein-protein interactions during proteomic studies, e.g., by using the yeast twohybrid system, affinity chromatography, and other techniques [45, 46]. Metabo-lism does not function in a bag of enzymes, but instead seems to be highly or-ganized in complex structures that allow the channeling of intermediates fromenzyme to enzyme [47]. An understanding of this ordered interplay of individ-ual proteins is crucial to an understanding of what constitutes life.

The majority of proteins act in the cytoplasm, but many proteins have spe-cific sorting signals that lead them to their final destination outside the cyto-plasm, e.g., to the cytoplasmic membrane, the membrane cell wall interspace,the cell wall, or even the extracellular space. Two main approaches to visualizethese final destinations may be considered. One is to look for localization of theproteins by sophisticated microscopic techniques after labeling the proteins withfluorescent dyes. In practice, some proteins may have a fixed position in the cell, while others move, e.g., from cell pole to cell pole as shown by time lapse microscopy [48–50]. A “molecular topology” of the cell may be the intriguingoutcome of these novel studies. An excellent example of how this technique can be used on a proteomic scale is given in this issue (Chap. 8). The more “clas-sical” proteomic approach analyses the protein composition of subcellular frac-tions, the membrane fraction, the periplasmic fraction, and the “outer mem-brane” proteins for Gram-negative bacteria, the cell wall-associated proteins orthe extracellular proteins. As mentioned earlier, proteomics visualization of themembrane-bound proteins is an unsolved problem which remains a challenge forfuture research.

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B. subtilis, a soil-living bacterium, seems to be optimized for protein secretion,probably because extracellular polymeric substances are typical nutrients for thisspecies. van Dijl et al. [51] inspected the entire genome sequence of B. subtilis forspecific secretion signals and predicted four distinct pathways for protein exportfrom the cytoplasm. It is probable that around 300 proteins are exported, and themajority follow the major Sec pathway for protein secretion. Only a few proteinsappear to be transported via the more specialized pseudopilin export pathway forcompetence development, or via a pathway relying on ABC (ATP-binding-cas-sette) transporters, or via the recently identified twin-arginine translocation (Tat)pathway that allows the transport even of folded proteins [51]. Again, the pro-teomic approach is an excellent means of providing experimental evidence forgenome-based signal peptide predictions. In a recent paper entitled “A proteomicview on genome-based signal peptide predictions”, Antelmann et al. [52] recog-nized almost 200 extracellular proteins by 2D gel electrophoresis. Of these, 82were identified (see also [53]). These included 41 proteins with a signal peptideand a predicted type I signal peptidase cleavage site. Surprisingly, the remaining41 extracellular proteins were predicted to be cell-associated [52], either becauseof the absence of a signal peptide (22 proteins) or because of the presence of spe-cific cell retention signals in addition to a signal peptidase cleavage site (19 pro-teins) (see [52]).

A collaboration between a laboratory well known for its expertise in proteinsecretion and a proteomic laboratory afforded the opportunity of gaining new in-formation on protein secretion on a proteomic scale. By the use of a wide col-lection of mutants and the cultivation of cells under different growth and star-vation conditions, new results on the mechanism and regulation of proteinsecretion can be obtained, as shown by a few selected examples (Fig. 14).

6.1Mechanisms of Protein Secretion

– The PhoD precursor, an extracellular phosphatase, was predicted to contain atwin arginine motif in its N-terminal signal peptide (van Dijl, private com-munication). Experimental evidence for this prediction was provided by theanalysis of a mutant lacking the tatCd gene encoded downstream of the phoDgene. Whereas the amount of the remaining extracellular proteins was unaf-fected in the extracellular proteome of the tatCd mutant, secretion of PhoDwas completely prevented [54] (Fig. 15).

– Pre-lipoproteins are characterized by a specific “lipobox” containing a con-served cysteine residue in the signal peptide which is the target for lipid mod-ification by the lipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (Lgt) and subsequentprocessing by the lipoprotein-specific type SPase II (LspA). After processingthe diacylglyceryl residue is anchored into the cytoplasmic membrane [55, 56].Inspection of the genome sequence revealed 114 putative pre-lipoproteins [51]containing the characteristic lipobox. Surprisingly, eight potential lipoproteinswere found in the extracellular space. All of them lacked the cysteine residueat the N-terminus, indicating a proteolytic shaving after their processing bySPase II or an alternative protease [52].As expected, lipoprotein shedding was

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Fig. 14. Combined efforts of a genetic and proteomic group to elucidate the mechanisms ofprotein secretion at a proteomic scale (for details see text, according to [51, 52, 54, 58])

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strongly increased in a lgt mutant that is unable to produce the lipid-modify-ing enzyme diacylglyceryl transferase and hence the cell retention signal [52](see Fig. 14). The non-modified Pre-PstS protein, the binding component of ahigh affinity phosphate uptake system, was found in the cytoplasmic fractionof a lgt mutant [52].

– The B. subtilis genome encodes five type I signal peptidases (SigSTUVW)[57, 58].A systematic proteomic study of single, double or multiple sig mutantsrevealed that either SipS or SipT is almost sufficient for efficient precursor pro-cessing. Specific “substrates” for the single type I SPases, which may have over-lapping substrate specificities, were not found, with one exception: all mutantstrains lacking both SipT and SipV showed impaired secretion of the mem-brane protein YfnI [52] (see Fig. 14).

– Cytoplasmic chaperones and targeting factors, like the Ffh protein hom*olo-gous to the 54-kDa subunit of the mammalian signal recognition particle(SRP) and the FtsY protein hom*ologous to the mammalian SPR receptor a-subunit, facilitate targeting of the pre-proteins to the Sec-translocase in themembrane [59, 60]. Studies of the extracellular proteome with conditional ffhand secA mutants revealed that many proteins are translocated via the SRP-Secpathway [53].

– The chaperone and peptidyl prolyl cis-trans isomerase PrsA seems to be es-sential for the proper folding of extracellular proteins [61], because a prsA mu-tant is drastically impaired in protein secretion [62]. Presumably any mis-folded proteins that are secreted are degraded by cell-surface locatedproteases. In the absence of SPase II the secretion of non-lipoproteins was

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Fig. 15. PhoD is secreted via the twin arginine translocation pathway (see [54], details see text)

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reduced, indicating that an essential lipoprotein may be required for properprotein folding of extracellular proteins. Because PrsA is a lipoprotein thischaperone, which is probably no longer fully active in the pre-protein confor-mation, is a good candidate for such a predicted role.

6.2Physiology and Regulation

A systematic study of the pattern and level of extracellular proteins duringgrowth in L-broth medium revealed a marked increase in protein secretion whencells entered the stationary phase of growth. This is not surprising because oneof the main functions of these extracellular proteins seems to be to provide al-ternate growth substrates when the preferred substrates are exhausted. This is thephysiological role of many extracellular hydrolases such as a-amylase, various b-glucanases, chitosanase, pectate lyases, xylanases, various proteases, nucleases, orlipases. The kind of nutrient limitation has a crucial influence on the extracellu-lar protein pattern which differs, for instance, totally in different stationary-phasecells, depending on whether they are grown in L-broth medium, or are glucoseor phosphate-starved. The mechanisms that keep the genes silent in growing cellsare partly known. In glucose-starved cells, genes encoding extracellular enzymessuch as a-amylase or b-gluconases are derepressed because the global repressorCcpA is no longer active, but in phosphate-starved cells a phosphorylated andthereby activated form of the response regulator PhoP is required for gene acti-vation [26]. Furthermore, a two-component regulatory system with DegS as asensor kinase and DegU as a response regulator seems to be involved in the reg-ulation of enzymes in cells grown to stationary phase in L-broth medium or inresponse to carbon source/energy source starvation. Strong overproduction ofmany extracellular proteins was found in a degU32(hy) [52] mutant that is char-acterized by a hyperactive (hyperphosphorylated) response regulator DegU [63,64]. The extracellular proteins overproduced in this degU32(hy) mutant strain areprobably under direct DegU control. The different protein pattern of glucose- orphosphate-starved cells is not surprising because the proteins/enzymes producedin the two cell types have a totally different physiological function, either to pro-vide new carbon/energy sources when glucose is exhausted or to provide newphosphate sources when phosphate is limiting [27]. This explains why only a sub-set of extracellular proteins is dependent on the source of nutrient limitation, il-lustrating that proteomics should always be considered in close relationship tocell physiology. The physiology of the cell does not allow one to cover the totalextracellular protein fraction no matter how sensitive and sophisticated the sep-aration/identification techniques are because many genes remain silent underspecific physiological circ*mstances.

Accordingly, the large number of proteins that is presumed to be secreted bythe SecA or Tat pathway but not yet detected by the proteomic approach is rathersurprising.A more systematic study of the low-abundance extracellular proteins,or a more systematic study of starvation conditions (e.g., oxygen, nitrogen) willprobably provide more members of the extracellular proteome. However, is theprovision of new and alternate substrates really the only role of extracellular pro-

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teins in B. subtilis, or are there other functions that have not yet been considered?Another function of protein secretion is to organize cell-cell communication. InGram-positive pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus or S. epidermidis, an im-portant function of cell-surface located or extracellular proteins is to adhere tohost cell surfaces, to invade host cells or to act as virulence factors (see [65]). Itmay be that environmental conditions exist in the natural ecosystems of B. sub-tilis that require specific extracellular proteins, but are not taken into account inartificial laboratory studies. Examples of such a “natural lifestyle” of B. subtilisthat are not replicated in laboratory conditions would be growth in the neigh-borhood of plant roots (rhizosphere), growth in the form of microcolonies onsoil particles, or even biofilms [66, 67]. It may be that: (i) some extracellular pro-teins such as exopolysaccharide-forming enzymes are required for the formationof biofilms and (ii) the pattern of extracellular proteins in such biofilms is dif-ferent from that found in a growing cell population in liquid medium. A pro-teomic approach, complemented by a DNA array approach, is needed to addressthese problems, which are crucial from a physiological point of view.

A final physiological item considered in this chapter is secretion stress. The ex-perimental overexpression of heterologous genes whose products will be secretedmay overload the secretion capacity of the cell. In this case the cell activates atwo-component system (CssR/S) whose gene products deal with this secretionstress [68]. Two stress-inducible chaperones/proteases, HtrA and YvtA, belong tothis regulon, which may help to overcome protein secretion stress by refoldingdenatured proteins or by degrading hopelessly destroyed (and hence toxic) pro-teins.A proteomic approach has demonstrated that HtrA, a chaperone and stress-inducible protease, is the major protein of the regulon found in the extracellularspace, because it probably has lost its membrane-anchoring domain [69].

These examples should demonstrate that proteomics is not only a part of pro-tein biochemistry and protein analysis. Technical developments, such as novelhigh throughput techniques based on mass spectrometry, are extremely impor-tant and form the basis for many fields of proteomics application. The combina-tion of proteomics with cell physiology or molecular genetics, however, (which wecall “physiological proteomics”) opens new perspectives for functional genomicsto reach a comprehensive understanding of life processes at a molecular level.


Proteomics offers new opportunities to observe events in the cell never seen be-fore by looking at cells in a new and wider context. Not just a few interesting pro-teins, but almost all the proteins of the cell, are the subject of those studies. How-ever, one can get lost in the mass of data that have to be considered. The pitfallmay be that one remains at the surface of the problem, and does not leave the de-scriptive level – which is, however, necessary for a comprehensive understandingof the phenomena to be studied. That was in our mind when we started to ana-lyze the response of B. subtilis cells to stress and starvation more than 15 yearsago. Visual inspection of the 2D protein pattern in response to stress and star-vation revealed obvious changes that were not visible by means of other tech-

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Fig. 16. From the genome sequence to cell physiology

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niques available at that time, indicating that a huge, and probably essential, stressresponse had been activated. This finding initiated a systematic study of the roleof what is probably one of the most comprehensive stress and stationary phaseresponses of Gram-positive bacteria, the sB response (see [22, 32] for a review).This example from our own work should illustrate the fact that when proteomicsis used to pinpoint the most interesting problems, and is supplemented by moredetailed experiments using biochemical or genetical approaches, the intriguingpotential of proteomics can be fully exploited.

This review chapter should show that the sequencing of entire genomes yieldsonly a first, introductory chapter in the “book of life”. From genome sequencinga long route must be followed to “bring this genome sequence to life”(see Fig. 16).The route passes through genome-wide mRNA profiling, followed by “physio-logical proteomics” which provides information on protein function, protein dis-tribution inside and outside the cell, protein-protein interactions, degradation,repair, or posttranslational modification, and it aims at a new understanding ofcell physiology in its entirety. To assemble and analyze all the data collected byfunctional genomics, bioinformatics is urgently required, which has the ambi-tious aim of simulating the working of cells by mathematical models.Within theensemble of functional genomics, which reach from genome sequencing to bioin-formatics, proteomics will retain its central position because it deals – as no otherdiscipline does – directly with the players of life, the proteins.

Acknowledgements. The author is very grateful to his co-workers and many PhD students fortheir contribution to this work, Michael Yudkin (Oxford), Lindsay Winkler and Haike Antel-mann (Greifswald) for critical comments, and Jörg Bernhardt for his support in preparing thefigures. I thank particularly U. Völker (Marburg), R. Schmid and K. Altendorf (Osnabrück),E. Ron (Tel Aviv), J. Hacker (Würzburg), S. Bron and J. M. van Dijl (Groningen), M. Sarvas(Helsinki), S. Seror (Paris), and others for a fruitful cooperation. This work has been supportedby grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the European Union, the Bun-desministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), the Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, andthe Fonds der Chemischen Industrie to M. H.


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Received: April 2002

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Proteomics of Bacterial Pathogens

Phillip Cash

Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Aberdeen, Foresterhill,Aberdeen AB32 6QX, Scotland. E-mail: [emailprotected]

The rapid growth of proteomics that has been built upon the available bacterial genome se-quences has opened provided new approaches to the analysis of bacterial functional genomics.In the study of pathogenic bacteria the combined technologies of genomics, proteomics andbioinformatics has provided valuable tools for the study of complex phenomena determinedby the action of multiple gene sets. The review considers some of the recent developments inthe establishment of proteomic databases as well as attempts to define pathogenic determinantsat the level of the proteome for some of the major human pathogens. Proteomics can also pro-vide practical applications through the identification of immunogenic proteins that may be po-tential vaccine targets as well as in extending our understanding of antibiotic action. There islittle doubt that proteomics has provided us with new and valuable information on bacterialpathogens and will continue to be an important source of information in the coming years.

Keywords. Proteome, Bacteria, Protein, Pathogenesis, Antibiotic resistance, Antigens

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

2 Bacterial Proteome Databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

3 Identification of Pathogenicity Determinants . . . . . . . . . . . 97

3.1 Comparison of Virulent and Avirulent Bacterial Isolates . . . . . . 973.2 In Vivo Induced Protein Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

4 Analysis of the Host Response to Bacterial Infection . . . . . . . . 104

4.1 Non-Specific Response to Bacterial Infection . . . . . . . . . . . . 1044.2 Analysis of the Immune Response to Bacterial Infection . . . . . . 105

5 Determination of Therapeutic Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

6 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

List of Abbreviations

2DGE 2-Dimensional gel electrophoresis

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 93 – 115DOI 10.1007/b11118CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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The technologies that support the rapidly developing field of proteomics havebeen extensively used in microbiology (see the following reviews for examples[1–3]). The extensive gene sequence data that are now available for many bacte-ria make bacterial proteomes eminently suitable for characterisation. The continuing reports of complete genome sequences for a variety of bacteria havefuelled the rapid developments in the study of microbial proteomics. Sixty-three complete microbial genomes are presently listed at the NCBI web site( and a further 137 genomesare being actively sequenced and annotated.

In the field of proteomics there has been rapid progress in the development ofnew techniques to investigate the proteome. Novel high throughput methodsbased on mass spectrometry [4] and specialised protein arrays [5, 6] are being de-veloped. These methods will complement or, in some instances, replace the tra-ditional methods of classical proteomics, namely 2DGE for protein separationand peptide mass mapping for protein identification. Nevertheless the use of thelatter methods still play a key role in defining bacterial proteomes [1] and havebeen used in many of the studies to be discussed below. Comprehensive de-scriptions of proteome and genomes are being established for a number of dif-ferent bacteria. For example, with the small bacterium Spiroplasma melliferum,which is predicted to encode up to 1000 proteins, 456 of the proteins were re-solved from unfractionated cell lysates using 2DGE and 98 of these proteins wereassigned an identity [7, 8]. This review will consider the investigation of the pro-teomes of pathogenic bacteria. One of the key areas of interest to the medical mi-crobiologist concerns how bacteria interact with their host and most significantlyhow they cause overt disease. The control of these processes in bacteria is liableto be polygenic and modern techniques of functional genomics, for exampletranscriptomics and proteomics, are ideal for the large scale screening of gene ex-pression on a genome wide scale.

2Bacterial Proteome Databases

Global analyses of bacterial proteomes have been a feature of a number of in-vestigations. Ever since the first description of the 2DGE methodology, the tech-nique has been used as a means to discriminate related isolates of the same bac-terial species, for example Neisseria sp. [9, 10] and Haemophilus sp. [11, 12].Detailed taxonomic studies have been described for Listeria sp. utilising 2DGEto analyse the bacterial cell proteins as a means to differentiate the isolates [13].These early studies generally made no attempt to identify the resolved proteinsand simple qualitative or quantitative differences in the protein patterns werescored to differentiate the bacteria. This comparative approach to proteomics hasalso been a key tool to look at bacterial pathogenesis and will be returned to later.The advent of methods to identify the individual proteins resolved by 2DGE per-mitted the development of detailed proteome databases linked directly to the

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genome sequence of the bacterium. Proteome databases based largely on proteinsresolved by 2DGE are being developed for Escherichia coli [14, 15], Bacillus sub-tilis [16, 17] and the cyanobacterium, Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 [18, 19],each of which can be accessed via the Internet. Proteome databases are also be-ing developed for clinically relevant bacteria and three examples (Haemophilusinfluenzae, Helicobacter pylori and Mycobacterium tuberculosis) will be consid-ered below.

H. influenzae was the first free-living organism for which a complete genomesequence was obtained [20]. The H. influenzae proteome has been investigatedby at least three groups [11, 12, 21–23]. However, The group of Fountoulakis andLangen has produced the most detailed picture of the Haemophilus proteome.The series of papers published by this group present an ideal strategy to dissectout the components of a bacterial proteome. The proteomics analyses have cen-tred on the use of the Rd strain of H. influenzae, which is the avirulent labora-tory strain used for the determination of the complete genome sequence. Directanalysis of cellular proteins by 2DGE, with no sample fractionation, resolved pro-teins in the pH range of 4–9.5 and mass range of 10–150 kDa [22]. This first passof the proteome assigned identifications to 119 protein spots through the use ofpeptide mass mapping, amino acid composition analysis and N-terminal se-quencing. As is well documented throughout proteomics this approach leads toan under-representation of low-abundance and hydrophobic proteins. Subse-quent studies employed enrichment protocols prior to 2DGE to look for these‘problem’ proteins. Heparin chromatography [24] and chromatofocusing [25]were used to enrich for low copy number proteins. Fractionation of bacterial celllysates on heparin-actigel led to the enrichment of 160 proteins of which 110 werenot detectable in unfractionated cell lysates [24]. Similarly, fractionation of thecell lysates by chromatofocusing led to the enrichment of 125 proteins of which75 were novel [25]. In the case of H. influenzae the chromatofocusing providedthe direct purification to hom*ogeneity, or near hom*ogeneity, of three bacterialproteins, major ferric iron-binding protein (HI0097), a hypothetical protein(HI0052) and 5¢-nucleotidase (HI0206). There was no clear separation of the pro-teins solely on the basis of their pI by chromatofocusing with some pools col-lected from the columns containing proteins with pIs ranging between 5 and 9.The authors considered that co-elution of these proteins may have been due tothe presence of protein complexes [25]. Neither of these chromatographic ap-proaches enriched solely for the low copy number proteins and no single class ofprotein were selected by either method. Fountoulakis and Takacs [26] proposedthe detailed cataloguing of the proteins enriched by specific chromatographicsteps, for example heparin-actigel, which might be useful for the detailed analy-sis of specific protein classes. A similar spectrum of proteins is enriched by thesame protocols from a range of different bacteria [26, 27] suggesting that data ob-tained with one microorganism can be extrapolated to others. Other classes of H.influenzae proteins have also been specifically analysed with the inclusion of ba-sic (pI 6–11) [28] and low molecular mass (5–20 kDa) [29] proteins into theirdatabase. Both of these approaches modified the 2DGE separation technology it-self to improve the analytical window available for protein separation. The com-bined data from these analyses have provided a detailed proteome map for H. in-

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fluenzae with the assignment of 502 of the 1742 predicted proteins to the mapand currently represents one of the largest microbial databases now available.This study also highlights the fact that no single method can reveal the entire pro-teome simultaneously and that complementary procedures are required to reveallow abundance proteins as well as proteins with extremes of pI and molecularmass.

H. pylori is a major cause of gastrointestinal infections and is of significantclinical interest since it has been implicated as a pre-disposing cause of gastriccancer. The genome is predicted to encode 1590 proteins [30] which is slightlylarger than the H. influenzae genome but still within the scope of the current pro-teome technologies of 2DGE and peptide mass fingerprinting [31]. Jungblut et al.[32] have undertaken a detailed analysis of the H. pylori proteome and charac-terised the two sequenced H. pylori strains as well as a type strain used for ani-mal studies. Up to 1800 protein species were resolved by 2DGE when silver stain-ing was used to locate the proteins following electrophoresis. Peptide massfingerprinting was used to identify 152 of the detected proteins for the 26695strain; these represented 126 unique bacterial genes.Among the proteins identi-fied were previously documented virulence determinants and antigens. Prelim-inary data also revealed the pH dependant expression of five protein spots. Dueto the site of infection in the stomach the bacteria must survive extremes of pHand the detailed characterisation of proteins under acid conditions is certain tobe a key area of investigation. At present the coverage of the proteome is still farfrom complete and these initial data are certain to be expanded. As with previ-ous comparative studies [33, 34] of Helicobacter by 2DGE, Jungblut et al. [32] alsofound extensive variation at the level of the proteome.

The study of the H. pylori proteome has expanded beyond the purely gel basedapproach for its characterisation. Rain et al. [35] have presented a protein-pro-tein interaction map for H. pylori, which provides connections between 46.6% ofthe proteins encoded by the proteome. Inspection of the protein interactions re-vealed by this approach is bringing to light specific biological pathways and con-tributes towards the prediction of protein function.

The proteome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been extensively charac-terised to look for potential markers of virulence as well as for specific changesinduced during the interaction between bacteria and eukaryotic cells. These as-pects of the proteome will be considered later. The following discussion consid-ers the attempts to display the complete bacterial proteome. The genome of M.tuberculosis is 4,441,529 base pairs with a predicted coding capacity of 3924genes. Two detailed studies of the M. tuberculosis proteome are underway[36–38] both of which can be accessed via the Internet. Jungblut and his col-leagues [36, 37] have compared two virulent and two vaccine strains of M. tu-berculosis. Up to 1800 and 800 proteins were resolved from either cell lysates orculture media respectively. Two hundred and sixty three protein spots were iden-tified by peptide mass fingerprinting. This initial study has been expanded tolook specifically at low molecular weight acidic proteins as part of a systematicanalysis of the M. tuberculosis proteome [39]. Seventy six proteins, which havemolecular masses between 6 and 15 kDa and migrated in the pH range 4–6, wereexcised and processed for peptide mass fingerprinting. Seventy two of the pro-

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teins were identified and were found to comprise about 50 structural proteins. Inthe second M. tuberculosis proteome database currently available Rosenkrandset al. [38] have looked at the H37Rv strain of M. tuberculosis and reported on theidentification of 288 proteins present either in culture filtrates or cell lysates.

Urquhart et al. [40, 41] compared the predicted proteome map with that ob-tained experimentally from a series of six overlapping zoom 2D gels, whichyielded 493 unique proteins, equivalent to approximately 12% of the expectedprotein coding. The predicted proteome map displays a bimodal distributionwhen plotting the predicted pIs and molecular masses for each protein [39, 41].A similar bimodal distribution has also been observed for plots of the theoreti-cal proteomes for E. coli [42] and H. influenzae [21]. Comparisons were made be-tween the predicted and experimental determined proteome maps for M. tuber-culosis. When the predicted and observed maps were superimposed outlierprotein spots were observed in the observed map that were not present in thepredicted proteome. These included 13 proteins with pIs <3.3, i.e. the lowest pIpredicted from the genome sequence, as well as a cluster of low molecular mass(£10 kDa) with pIs between 5 and 8. None of these outlier proteins were identi-fied in the reported study, although it was suggested that they might have beenderived through fragmentation or post-translational modification of the prod-ucts of predicted open reading frames.

Jungblut et al. [43] have highlighted the capacity of proteomics to complementgenome sequencing and in silico determination of genome coding for M. tuber-culosis. Six genes were identified by proteomics (2DGE and peptide mass fin-gerprinting) that were not predicted from the genome sequence of the H37Rvstrain. The identified proteins had molecular masses <11.5 kDa and migrated inthe pH range 4.5–5.9. Partial sequencing by MS/MS of one of the proteins showedthat the predicted DNA sequence derived from the peptide was present in thegenome but that it had not been assigned in the original determination of pre-dicted open reading frames. Similar observations have been reported byRosenkrands et al. [44] who identified a 9-kDa (pI 4.9) protein that was not pre-dicted from the known genome sequence.

3Identification of Pathogenicity Determinants

An important research goal for many medical microbiologists is to understandhow pathogenic bacteria interact with their hosts to produce clinical disease.Modern molecular technologies now allow researchers to probe these events infine detail and, as discussed below, proteomics plays an important role in thesedevelopments.

3.1Comparison of Virulent and Avirulent Bacterial Isolates

The ability of pathogenic bacteria to cause disease in a susceptible host is deter-mined by multiple factors acting individually or together at different stages of in-fection. For example, two key virulence determinants, vacA and cagA, are in-

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volved in distinct aspects of H. pylori pathogenesis [45]; the cagA gene is itself amarker for a pathogenicity island containing approximately 29 ORFs [30]. The in-vestigation of such complex phenomena on a gene-by-gene basis where the roleof each gene is investigated in isolation is unreasonable. The availability of ex-tensive gene sequence data and in some cases complete genome sequences formany bacterial pathogens opens up strategies for analysing global gene expres-sion that are more appropriate for investigating polygenic phenomena like patho-genesis. The capacity of proteomics to analyse global protein synthesis and, byextension, gene expression in a non-specific manner makes this approach a pow-erful tool for identifying and characterising the expression of bacterial patho-genic determinants.A simple approach to investigate pathogenesis is to comparethe proteins synthesised by virulent and avirulent bacterial strains, grown understandard conditions, in order to identify proteins that correlate with virulence.However, this approach has major limitations. First, when comparing naturallyoccurring bacterial variants, protein differences occur that are unrelated to vir-ulence. Second, bacteria grown in vitro on defined culture media do not expressall of the proteins encoded by the genome at levels characteristic of in vivogrowth in the organism’s natural host. This is apparent when comparing the pro-teins synthesised by facultative intracellular bacterial pathogens grown in definedculture media with the same bacteria growing in association with eukaryoticcells.

Despite these restrictions, high-resolution 2DGE is a popular method for iden-tifying virulence determinants at the level of protein synthesis. Early studiescomparing virulent and avirulent Mycoplasma pneumoniae isolates identifiedthree novel proteins expressed by the virulent isolates that were absent from avir-ulent strains [46]. Comparisons of a virulent parental strain of M. pneumoniaewith two derived avirulent mutant strains revealed both quantitative and quali-tative differences in the protein profiles when analysed by 2DGE [47]. No datawere provided on the identities of these proteins.A similar approach was used tocompare virulent and avirulent vaccine strains of Brucella. abortus together withLPS deficient strains derived from each of the parental isolates [48]. Up to935 proteins were resolved by 2DGE for the four strains. This was fewer than theexpected 2129 proteins predicted based on the size of the 3.13¥106-bp B. abor-tus genome [49]. The virulent and vaccine strains showed 98.4–99.3% hom*ologyat the DNA level. The amount of DNA equivalent to this difference in hom*ologyhas a potential coding capacity of up to 34 proteins. The comparison of the 2Dprotein profiles of the virulent and avirulent strains identified 86 qualitative and6 quantitative protein differences.Although the accumulation of point mutationsin coding and regulatory sequences could have occurred, this alone would be in-sufficient to account for the observed difference in the DNA hom*ology. An al-ternative proposal was that a genome rearrangement or deletion occurred thatindirectly altered the expression of additional genes required to maintain cellu-lar homeostasis [48].

Proteomics has been used to identify the virulence determinants of My-cobacterium tuberculosis by comparing virulent and vaccine BCG strains [36, 37,40, 41, 50, 51]. Relatively few differences are detected at the proteome level forthese bacteria [36] consistent with the limited genetic variability found from the

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sequence comparison of 26 genes among 842 M. tuberculosis complex isolates[52]. Urquhart et al. [40] used a high-resolution multi-gel system to compare thevirulent M. tuberculosis H37Rv and M. bovis BCG (Pasteur ATCC 35734) strains.Up to 772 protein spots were identified for M. bovis BCG and virulent M. tuber-culosis over a pH range of 2.3–11 with apparent molecular weights between 10and 216 kDa. Some differences were observed between the two strains underthese analytical conditions but their significance remains to be established. Amore detailed comparison of virulent M. tuberculosis (H37Rv and Erdman) andvaccine (BCG Chicago and BCG Copenhagen) strains has been reported by Jung-blut et al. [36]. The virulent and avirulent strains were grown in defined culturemedia and the bacterial proteins were extracted from both the cell lysates andculture supernatants. The majority of the proteins associated with the bacterialcells, as well as those released into the culture media, were common for all fourisolates. The most extensive variation was found between H37Rv and BCGChicago with 31 variant spots; 21 were qualitative and 10 were significant quan-titative differences. There were also 18 and 3 protein spot variants observed incomparisons of the two virulent and two vaccine strains respectively. Althoughno novel virulence determinants were found for M. tuberculosis using pro-teomics, some virulence determinants identified by other means were assignedto the proteome [36]. The authors commented on the fact that amino acid sub-stitutions leading to electrophoretic mobility variants might be useful for vaccinedevelopment if the substitution(s) occurred in T cell epitopes. Betts et al. [53]compared the proteomes of two virulent strains of M. tuberculosis, the laboratoryadapted H37Rv strain and CDC1551, a recent clinical isolate [54] that has beenpartially sequenced. The analysis demonstrated that the classic virulent H37Rvstrain used as the basis for many proteomic analyses had retained the features ofmore recent virulent M. tuberculosis isolates.A total of 1750 intracellular proteinswere resolved by 2DGE over a range of pH 3–10 for each of the two strains ex-amined when grown in vitro. Comparative studies of the proteomes of the bac-teria assayed at various times during their growth revealed just 13 consistent spotdifferences between the isolates. Seven and three spots were specific for the CDC1551 and H37Rv strains respectively.A further two spots were increased in abun-dance for H37Rv compared to CDC 1551.A single protein, identified as ribosomerecycling factor, showed a mobility difference between the two isolates. Peptidemass mapping and MALDI-TOF were used to identify nine of the proteins ex-hibiting differences and identities were obtained. Four of the protein differencescorresponded to mobility variants of MoxR (Rv1479); two variants were specificfor each of the two bacterial strains. One of the CDC1551 specific proteins iden-tified was a probable alcohol dehydrogenase (Rv0927c). One H37Rv specific pro-teins was identified as HisA and the two H37Rv induced spots were elec-trophoretic variants of alkyl hydroperoxide reductase chain C. The difference inthe mobility of the MoxR protein was consistent with a nucleotide change ob-served in the gene for this protein. Consistent proteomes were observed for bothisolates over the 12-day growth curve despite the fact that the CDC 1551 strainentered stationary phase in advance of H37Rv.

A difficulty in interpreting the data obtained from the comparative studies de-scribed above is in the selection of the specific virulent and avirulent strains used

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as the basis for the comparison. In many cases, the virulent and avirulent strainsare genetically distinct and differences in their proteomes may be present that areunrelated to virulence. Mahairas et al. [50] used subtractive genomic hybridisa-tion to locate genetic differences between M. bovis BCG vaccine and virulent iso-lates of M. bovis and M. tuberculosis. Three regions were deleted in the BCG vac-cine compared to the virulent strains. One 9.5-kb segment (designated RD1) wasabsent from six BCG substrains but present in virulent M. tuberculosis and M. bovis strains as well as in 62 clinical M. tuberculosis isolates analysed. Basedon its sequence RD1 contains at least eight open reading frames. The virulent M. bovis and M. tuberculosis showed indistinguishable protein profiles whencompared by 2DGE. In contrast, the BCG vaccine strains expressed at least ten additional proteins and induced expression levels for a number of other proteins.When the RD1 region was introduced into the BCG genome to generateBCG::RD1 the protein profile of BCG::RD1 was indistinguishable from virulentM. bovis. This suggested that parts of RD1 caused a specific suppression of pro-tein synthesis in virulent Mycobacteria. Some low molecular weight proteins wereidentified for BCG::RD1 that were consistent in size with short ORFs encoded inthe RD1 sequence. More data are required to link these observations to the pro-tein differences reported by Jungblut et al. [36] and Urquhart et al. [40] but onceavailable a more complete picture of the Mycobacterial virulence determinantsis sure to emerge.

3.2In Vivo Induced Protein Synthesis

There are many limitations to identifying the determinants of bacterial patho-genesis by simply comparing bacterial isolates grown under laboratory condi-tions on defined culture media. A large number of studies have demonstratedthat facultative bacterial pathogens express novel genes when they infect eu-karyotic cells. Extensive efforts are being made by many research groups to iden-tify these specific gene sets since they may represent novel pathogenic determi-nants or serve as potential targets for new therapeutic drugs. Recombinant DNAtechnologies, which take advantage of the existing genome sequence data nowavailable, play a key role in identifying those bacterial genes specifically ex-pressed in vivo, i.e. when the bacteria are in association with the eukaryotic cell.Reporter genes (for example Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP), b-galactosidaseand luciferase) have been linked to bacterial promoters to monitor their in vivoinduction (reviewed in [55]). An important experimental strategy that has beendeveloped for looking at in vivo expressed genes is that of in vivo expressiontechnology (IVET). The use of IVET can rapidly identify those bacterial genesthat are expressed specifically in vivo either in cell culture systems or the intactanimal. Proteomics provides a valuable complement to these DNA based tech-nologies in looking at in vivo gene expression. However, there are severe restric-tions in the use of proteomics for this field of research. Using current 2D gelbased technologies proteomics is largely limited to analysing in vitro cell systemsas described below. Using in vitro grown cell lines actually limits the type of datathat can be derived. Although producing valuable and important data, in vitro

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grown cells do not fully mimic the intact animal where the bacteria are interact-ing at a number of levels with functionally distinct cell types present in an intactorganism or tissue. At present there is no means to investigate protein synthesisof bacterial pathogens when grown in vivo with the equivalent sensitivity andpower of IVET. The low recovery of bacterial cells from the host and an absenceof a protein amplification method, analogous to the polymerase chain reactionfor nucleic acids, present a number of technical difficulties to the investigator.Growth of the bacteria in artificial culture media, even for a limited time, is re-quired which would invalidate the identification of in vivo specific protein syn-thesis. This may very well change in the near future once protein array tech-nologies become generally available.

Nevertheless, progress can be made with in vitro model systems and pro-teomics has been widely used to examine the interaction of bacteria with eu-karyotic cells. The use of in vitro cell lines has the advantage that they can be in-fected under reproducible controlled conditions and radioactive amino acids canbe used to increase the sensitivity of protein detection. Typically, a combinationof antibiotics and radioactive amino acids are used to selectively radiolabel theproteins synthesised by intracellular bacteria [56–61]. Briefly, eukaryotic cells areinfected with bacteria and incubated with gentamycin to kill extracellular bac-teria; the intracellular bacteria retain their viability.After a pre-determined timeinterval, radioactive amino acids are added in the presence of cycloheximide,which inhibits cellular but not bacterial protein synthesis. The radiolabelled pro-teins synthesised by the intracellular bacteria are compared with radiolabelledproteins prepared from bacteria grown in defined culture media The data ob-tained by this approach should be considered in the light of differences in thegrowth phase of the two bacterial populations as well as possible non-specific ef-fects of the antibiotics used to inhibit cellular protein synthesis.An alternative tothe use of cycloheximide, described by Burns-Keliher et al. [62], uses a modifiedlysine precursor to radiolabel Salmonella typhimurium proteins during infectionof a human intestinal epithelial cell line. In this particular experimental systemthe precursor is specifically incorporated into the bacterial proteins but notmammalian cell proteins. The use of a cycloheximide block to inhibit cellularprotein synthesis has been shown to be unnecessary for the analysis of M. bovisprotein synthesis during infection of macrophage cells [63]. It was demonstratedthat after radiolabelling in the absence of cycloheximide the macrophage cellscould be lysed with SDS and the bacteria collected by centrifugation and washedwith Tween-80. Under these conditions, control studies showed that there wasminimal carry over of cellular proteins with the bacterial pellet. It was suggestedthat the ability to omit the cycloheximide allowed the cross signalling betweenthe cell and bacteria which might otherwise be blocked by cycloheximide and soinfluence the pattern of bacterial growth within the cell [63].

Co-cultivation of bacteria with eukaryotic cells alone can be sufficient to in-duce the synthesis of proteins not expressed by bacteria grown in defined media.During the co-cultivation of Campylobacter jejuni with INT 407 cells, an epithe-lial cell line, at least 14 proteins showed increased biosynthetic levels. Thesechanges in protein synthesis were revealed using 2DGE combined with eithermetabolic radiolabelling or immunoblotting [64, 65]. The induction of a subset

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of the 14 proteins also occurred following exposure of the bacteria either to cellculture medium alone or to INT 407 cell conditioned media [64]. It was suggestedthat the de novo synthesis of these proteins was required for the subsequent in-ternalisation of the bacteria into the epithelial cells.

Intracellular bacteria growing in the cell’s phagosome are exposed to a vari-ety of stress conditions, including extremes of acidity, oxygen and nutrients [66].In contrast, those intracellular bacterial pathogens that migrate out of the intra-cellular vacuoles into the cytoplasm are exposed to a reduced level of stress. Dur-ing the infection of macrophage cells, Legionella pneumophila, Brucella abortusand S. typhimurium remain associated with the phagosome and may interferewith its maturation. A consistent observation for these intracellular bacterialpathogens is that the synthesis of specific bacterial proteins is either induced orrepressed during the intracellular growth phase compared to bacteria growing inartificial culture media. Moreover, a number of the bacterial proteins inducedduring intracellular growth also show altered biosynthesis under in vitro stressconditions. The synthesis of the bacterial heat shock proteins GroEL and DnaKare induced during B. abortus infection of bovine macrophages [56]; the inducedsynthesis of GroEL has also been demonstrated in B. abortus infected murinemacrophages [67]. The same two heat shock proteins also form part of the spec-trum of proteins induced during S. typhimurium infection of macrophages [68].Two major bacterial proteins hom*ologous to the stress proteins DnaK and CRPAare induced during Yersinia enterocolitica infection of J774 cells, a murinemacrophage cell line; these proteins are also induced in the bacteria by heat shockand oxidative stress in vitro [58]. Thirty two out of 67 bacterial proteins inducedduring L. pneumophila infection of the U937 macrophage cell line are also in-duced by in vitro stress conditions. These include the heat shock proteins GroELand GroES [60]. A protein, global stress protein (GspA), is expressed by L. pneu-mophila in response to all stress conditions examined to date as well as duringintracellular replication. GspA is induced at higher levels in intracellular bacte-ria suggesting that the bacteria in this particular environment may be exposedto multiple simultaneous stress conditions [66, 69]. Although the spectrum ofproteins exhibiting altered synthesis by intracellular bacteria and bacteriastressed in vitro have many similarities, the changes observed for the former arenot simply a summation of the in vitro stress responses [59] suggesting that theseare specific responses induced during the intracellular replication phase.

Contrasting data to those described above are found for Listeria monocyto-genes infection of J774 cells. A range of in vitro stress conditions, including heatshock and oxidative stress that induced the synthesis of GroEL and DnaK, in-duced none of the 32 proteins observed for intracellular bacteria [57]. The ab-sence of known stress induced proteins expressed by the intracellular bacteriawas believed due to the rapid migration of Listeria from the phagosome to thecytoplasm during intracellular growth [57].

M. bovis BCG infection of the THP-1 macrophage cell line results in the in-duced synthesis of bacterial proteins not expressed under standard in vitrogrowth conditions [63]. These proteins were demonstrated using radiolabellingas well as by immunoblotting against human M. tuberculosis infected sera. Theinduced immunogenic proteins may serve as future immunoprotective antigens.

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Under the conditions used at least 20 proteins were differentially expressed inBCG-infected macrophages which were either specific for the infectedmacrophage cells or exhibited significantly induced levels of synthesis. Six of theproteins that were induced at 24 h post-infection were identified using a combi-nation of MALDI and nanoES MS. These proteins were the GroEL hom*ologues,GroEL-1/GroEL-2, InhA, 16-kDa antigen (a-crystallin Hsp-X), EF-Tu and a 31-kDa hypothetical protein. As commented upon by the authors these data aresignificant since they represent one of the earliest successful identifications ofproteins recovered from intracellular bacteria using MS techniques [63].

As might be expected, the source of the eukaryotic cell can also influence theoutcome of the bacterial infection. This has been shown for M. tuberculosis andM. smegm*tis in which the type and origin of the cell used can influence both theinitial interaction between bacteria and eukaryotic cell as well as the growth ki-netics of the bacteria [70, 71]. The response of the bacterial proteome to bacter-ial growth in host cells of differing origin has been followed in Mycobacteriumavium infection of bone marrow macrophages and J774 cells [72]. M. avium in-fection of J774 cells results in the specific induced synthesis of bacterial proteins.The induced bacterial protein synthesis commenced by 6 h post-infection andcontinued until at least four days post infection. None of the induced proteinsshowed altered synthesis when bacteria were exposed to in vitro stress condi-tions. In contrast to J774 cells, M. avium infection of primary bone macrophagesfollowed different kinetics of bacterial replication and protein synthesis. Intra-cellular bacteria radiolabelled at 5 and 12 days post-infection showed significantdifferences in their protein synthesis. These data were consistent with the bacte-ria initially entering a stasis phase early in infection before commencing a nor-mal replication cycle between 5 and 12 days post-infection. At 12 days post-in-fection the bacteria synthesised a similar range of proteins as M. avium grownin J774 cells. These observed variations in the replication cycle and protein syn-thesis of the bacteria using macrophage cells of different sources demonstrate thecare required in selecting the host cell used to investigate intracellular bacterialreplication at the level of the proteome.

The previous discussion considered the response of bacterial gene expressionto the intracellular environment of the host. Similar approaches can, in principal,be used to investigate the host cell response to the bacterial infection. Investiga-tions using proteomics as the principal method to examine the host response tobacterial infections at the cellular level have been fairly limited. A brief commu-nication by Kovarova et al. [61] reported on global changes in macrophage pro-tein synthesis following Francisella tularensis infection of mice. Principal com-ponent analysis was used to identify significant changes in protein synthesisbetween infected and uninfected cells. It was possible to distinguish uninfectedand infected macrophage cells on the basis of their overall protein patterns ob-tained using 2DGE. The infected macrophage cells were further subdivided intomacrophages collected three to seven days post-infection and cells collected atten days post-infection [61]. No data were provided on the identities of the hostproteins altered following infection. The Nramp1 gene determines cellular resis-tance to intracellular parasites in mice [73]. Nramp1 has a number of pleiotropiceffects and 2DGE combined with principal component analysis has been used to

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identify those genes regulated by Nramp1 [74]. Comparisons of protein synthe-sis in macrophages from mice carrying either the resistant or sensitive allele ofNramp1 showed at least four proteins whose synthesis Nramp1 influenced. Twoof the proteins with induced synthesis in macrophages carrying the resistant al-lele were provisionally identified as Mn-superoxide dismutase and bcl-2 [74]. Re-cently, Kovarova et al. [75] reported that expression of the resistance allele ofNramp1 leads to modifications in the expression of a number of macrophage sig-nal transduction pathways, which may be involved in providing resistance to mi-crobial infection.

The effect of the infecting bacteria on the host cell proteome has also been ex-amined for M. tuberculosis. The interaction of M. tuberculosis with the functionsof the host cell phagosome has been extensively investigated using a number ofcriteria including at the level of the cellular proteome. During the intracellularreplication of M. tuberculosis in macrophages the M. tuberculosis phagosomalcompartments fails to fuse with the lysosomes, the normal fate of intracellularphagosomes. Essentially, the bacteria arrest the development and processing ofthe phagosome Comparisons of the phagosomal compartments from Mycobac-terial infected cells with the same structures from uninfected cells have shownthe occurrence of a number of differences in the cellular proteins present. In a re-cent review of the M. tuberculosis phagosome Fratti et al. [76] proposed that oneof the key features of these structures was the exclusion of EEA-1 (early-endo-somal autoantigen). This protein plays a role in vesicle tethering and also in en-dosomal fusion. At present the question remains on determining the identity ofthe protein, or proteins, expressed by M. tuberculosis, which leads to this exclu-sion of EEA-1.

4Analysis of the Host Response to Bacterial Infection

4.1Non-Specific Response to Bacterial Infection

The host can respond to the bacterial infection at a number of levels. One com-mon non-specific response of eukaryotic hosts to infection by a variety of mi-crobes including bacteria, fungi and protozoa is the withdrawal of iron from theinfecting microbe. Iron is essential for the invading bacteria to permit multipli-cation. The host has developed a number of strategies for the withholding of ironfrom the invading microbes as described by Weinberg [77]. The acquisition ofiron is also essential for virulence and this association has been widely reviewed(for example [78–82]). The acquisition of iron by bacteria is accomplished by theexpression of small iron chelating molecules known as siderophores. For exam-ple, M. tuberculosis encodes two types of low molecular mass high affinity ironsiderophores called exochelins and mycobactins. Exochelins are released into theextracellular the growth medium in large amounts whereas mycobactins remainassociated with the bacterial cell wall [83–85].

Wong et al. [86] have investigated the occurrence of iron regulated gene ex-pression in M. tuberculosis further. Growth of M. tuberculosis in vitro in either

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low (1 µm) or high (70 µm) iron concentrations resulted in 15 proteins showingan induced level of synthesis and 12 proteins with depressed synthesis for bac-teria grown under low iron conditions. Under the analytical conditions employedin this study >250 cellular proteins were resolved by 2DGE following precipita-tion using 55–95% ammonium sulfate. Proteins with altered biosynthesis wereidentified using peptide mass mapping. Two well-documented iron-regulatedproteins identified doing this study were Fur and aconitase. Fur, which was in-hibited for bacteria growing in low iron concentrations, has been shown to be aregulator gene in a range of bacteria [87–89].Aconitase was induced by high con-centrations of iron and has a dual role in bacterial metabolism, functioning in theKrebs cycle and as an iron-responsive element binding protein. In high iron con-centrations aconitase can form tight interactions with IREs in mRNA moleculesinvolved in iron-storage in mammalian cells, for example transferin and ferritin.Other regulators that were induced in the presence of high iron concentrationsinclude EF-Tu. In addition to known regulators of gene expression a variety ofantigens (LSR-2, Hsp16.3) and enzymes (PEPCK, oxidoreductase and PPIase) ex-hibited differential expression under the iron concentrations.

4.2Analysis of the Immune Response to Bacterial Infection

Progress has been achieved in the use of proteomics to investigate the host’s im-mune response to infection. Two-dimensional electrophoresis combined with im-munoblotting is widely used as a tool to investigate the humoral and cellular im-mune response against microbial pathogens. Immunoblotting against proteinsseparated by 1DE has been used for many years as a rapid means to compare theantibody profiles of human sera during or following infection [90–92] as well asfor typing bacterial isolates on the basis of the electrophoretic mobilities of anti-genic proteins [93, 94]. The analysis of bacterial proteins by 2DGE improves theresolution of antigenic proteins and increases the number of unique proteinspecies amenable to analysis compared to one-dimensional separation methods.Combining this approach with protein identification by peptide mass mappingof the resolved proteins it is possible to identify rapidly the protein(s) reactingwith the sera, an approach that may not always be possible using 1DE. Thus, onecan improve significantly the identification of the spectrum of antibody speci-ficities induced during infection.

The identification of immunogenic proteins by a combination of 2DGE andimmunoblotting with polyclonal sera has been used for a number of bacteria, forexample Borrelia burgdoferi [95], Streptococcus pyogenes [96] and Brucella ovis[97]. The global analysis of antigenic proteins using proteomics is a potentiallyuseful approach to identify novel antigenic determinants for inclusion in futurevaccines as initiated for Helicobacter pylori. Preparations of H. pylori cellular pro-teins were analysed by 2DGE and antigenic proteins identified by immunoblot-ting against a pool of human sera. Over 30 immunogenic protein spots were iden-tified when the bacterial proteins were separated using IEF (pH 4–8) andNEPHGE for the first dimension separation of 2DGE. Seventeen immunogenicspots were located in the pH 4–8 region and a further 16 immunogenic protein

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spots in the pH 8–13 region [98, 99]. The antigenic proteins were characterisedfurther by N-terminal sequencing and peptide mass mapping. Twenty-nine of theantigenic protein spots were identified and 15 were assigned to known ORFs inthe H. pylori genome sequence; the remaining protein spots had hom*ologies withbacterial proteins not present in the current H. pylori genome sequence. One 30-kDa protein spot contained two protein species both derived by post-transla-tional processing from the H. pylori ORF, HP0175 [100] which had not previouslybeen shown to encode an immunogenic protein. Comparisons of the proteins ex-pressed by different isolates of H. pylori demonstrated that the majority of theantigenic proteins were expressed by all of the isolates, although differences in theexpression levels of the flagellin protein and catalase were observed betweensome isolates [99].

Following the identification of the principal immunogenic bacterial proteinsthe next stage is to define the range of antibody specificities present in humansera for specific disease syndromes. Sanchez-Campillo et al. [101] determined an-tibody specificities against Chlamydia trachomatis proteins for seropositive pa-tients with genital inflammatory disease. Antibodies were detected against anumber of previously described antigenic proteins, including outer membraneproteins (OMP) and the GroEL-like and DnaK-like heat shock proteins. In addi-tion, at least four novel immunogenic protein spots were detected that reactedwith a variable proportion of the sera. The frequencies that these antigens wererecognised varied among the patients, although all of the sera reacted againstOMP2.As commented upon by these authors, a limitation in the data was the pos-sible occurrence of cross-reactions with other Chlamydia species as well as un-related bacteria [101]. Similar variations in the range of antibody specificitieshave been observed among patients with different clinical presentations of lymeborrelliosis [95]. In addition to the previously characterised B. burgdorferi anti-gens, the surface proteins and flagellin [102–104], some of the sera reacted witha number of undocumented immunogenic protein spots [95].

The identification of mycobacterial immunogenic proteins that elicit a pro-tective cellular and humoral immune response during infection has received a lotof attention. The primary objective of these studies is the identification of novelimmunogenic targets for new and improved vaccines. Previous studies to iden-tify immunogenic bacterial proteins used 1DE in immunoblot assays against pa-tients’ sera [105, 106]. However, these methods failed to provide sufficient reso-lution to identify reliably the individual immunogenic proteins and improvedresolution of the bacterial proteins was achieved using 2DGE. Antibody speci-ficities have been examined among patients infected with Mycobacterium lepraewho present with either borderline tuberculoid or lepromatous leprosy. Both pa-tient groups have serum antibodies reacting against a major 30-kDa antigen[107].Additional immunogenic protein spots were identified and at least six anti-genic proteins were preferentially recognised by sera from patients with lepro-matous leprosy. Peripheral blood lymphocytes prepared from leprosy patientsand stimulated in vitro with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody expressed antibod-ies that recognised a 10-kDa M. leprae protein. No antibodies reacting against thisprotein were detected in the sera collected from the same patients. The lympho-cytes collected from healthy controls and processed in parallel reacted, possibly

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non-specifically, against some M. leprae proteins but not the 10-kDa protein.Al-though low molecular weight immunogenic proteins have been previously iden-tified for M. leprae their relationship to the 10-kDa protein is unknown [107].

The T cell response forms a major component of the host’s immune responseagainst M. tuberculosis infection. The identification of those bacterial proteinsthat elicit the T cell response will significantly aid future vaccine development.It has been shown that, during growth in defined culture media, M. tuberculosisreleases proteins into the media capable of inducing a protective cellular immuneresponse [108–110]. Sonnenberg and Belisle [51] detected 205 protein spots fromM. tuberculosis culture media by 2DGE. Thirty four unique proteins were iden-tified in these preparations based on their reactions with specific monoclonal antibodies and amino acid sequencing. One member of the protein cluster at83–85 kDa, previously recognised as a dominant humoral antigen [111], wasidentified as the M. tuberculosis KatG; at least two other members of this clustershared an epitope with KatG [51]. The proteins were collected at 14 days post-in-fection, which is considered to be during the late logarithmic phase of bacterialgrowth when some bacterial cytoplasmic proteins may also be present in the me-dia [51, 112].Weldingh et al. [113] prepared cell-released proteins after only sevendays growth of M. tuberculosis and analysed these by 2DGE. Six of the immuno-genic proteins that were recognised by T cells were assigned to the Sanger M. tu-berculosis genome sequence using N-terminal amino acid sequencing. One of theimmunogenic proteins (designated CFP21) mapped onto the RD2 genome seg-ment that is absent from some BCG strains [50].A 29-kDa immunogenic proteinpresent in the media from short-term cultures, as well as in the membrane ofM. tuberculosis, is present in several mycobacterial species [114]. The KatG pro-tein identified by Sonnenberg and Belisle [51] was not detected in these short-term culture filtrates.

The ability of proteins from M. tuberculosis infected culture filtrates and bac-terial cells to stimulate T cells collected from tuberculosis patients, healthy con-trols as well as tuberculin positive and negative individuals has been examined[115, 116]. The bacterial proteins were analysed by 2DGE and then transferred tothe liquid phase by electroblotting [117]. The individual protein fractions (400from cell lysates and 480 from culture filtrates) were then used to stimulate T cellsin vitro. Although variation existed between patients, T cells from tuberculosispatients and tuberculin positive individuals reacted with cell-associated antigensmigrating at >30 kDa (pH range 4.2–6.6) [115]. These reaction patterns differedfrom those observed for the tuberculin negative individuals and healthy controls.Similar analyses for antigenic proteins in the culture filtrates revealed major anti-genic components of 30–100 kDa and pIs of 4–5. T cells prepared from tuber-culin negative contacts showed either a weak or no reaction to the bacterial pro-teins [116]. Although present in the culture media, neither the 38-kDa nor the65-kDa major T cell antigens of M. tuberculosis migrated in this region [116].More detailed studies [118] have recently been reported, which identify the anti-genic proteins themselves. The fractions, collected as described previously [115],were assayed for T cell activation based on interferon-g expression. Thirty eightfractions induced a significant T-cell response. The proteins present in these frac-tions were identified using trypsin digestion followed by LC-MS or LC-MS/MS to

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analyse the peptides. Positive identifications were achieved for 16 proteins frominfected culture filtrates and 18 proteins from cell lysates.Although the majorityof these proteins correspond to previously described antigens, 17 proteins werenovel T-cell antigens.

The linkage of these diverse data on Mycobacterial immunogenic proteins willrequire the production of a detailed catalogue of cellular and cell-released pro-teins ideally linked to the developing M. tuberculosis proteomic databases [36, 37].

5Determination of Therapeutic Strategies

In parallel with genome-orientated technologies proteomics has played a role inthe development of novel therapeutic strategies via the identification of novelvaccine and antibiotic targets [119, 120]. Potential vaccine candidate proteins canbe identified through the identification of in vivo immunogenic proteins.As dis-cussed above antigenic proteins can be readily identified by characterising theimmune response following either natural or laboratory infection with the bac-terium of interest.

To optimise the identification of vaccine candidates, specific protein classescan be selectively analysed. Nilsson et al. [120] used a liquid phase charge sepa-ration to resolve putative membrane proteins of H. pylori. It is reasonable to ex-pect that the membrane proteins are major targets for the host immune response.Bacterial cells were solubilised with n-octylglucoside and the proteins analysedwith no further enrichment or fractionation. The bacterial cell proteins were frac-tioned by IEF in liquid phase for the 1st dimension and by continuous elution ofselected IEF fractions by SDS-PAGE. Fifteen of the 40 proteins identified weremembrane or membrane-associated proteins and many of these had not beenpreviously identified using standard protocols of 2DGE. Chakravarti et al. [121]discussed a bioinformatics approach to the identification of vaccine candidateproteins. Their strategy takes advantage of the extensive gene sequence data thatare now available. These authors used the H. influenzae Rd genome sequence tosearch for potential vaccine candidate proteins in silico. The identification of thecandidate proteins was based on the detection of specific characteristics of outermembrane proteins since these are the most likely to be immunogenic and somost useful in vaccines. A complementary proteomic approach to identify theproteins from soluble outer membrane fractions of H. pylori was also described.Although this is a potentially valuable approach the authors did not confirm thatthe proteins identified by these criteria were in fact immunogenic under naturalconditions.

The spread of antibiotic and drug resistance among microbial pathogens is amajor problem for the control of infection. An understanding of the mecha-nism(s) by which drug resistance develops will lead to improvements in extend-ing the efficacy of current anti-microbials. Proteomics can contribute towards de-termining anti-microbial resistance mechanisms through the capacity to analyseglobal changes in microbial proteins. Qualitative and quantitative changes can beidentified in a non-specific manner without making pre-conceived judgementson the potential importance of different components.

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Rifampin resistance in Neisseria meningitidis arises primarily through themutation of the rpoB gene, which encodes the b subunit of the RNA polymerase[122]. Variants with a high level of resistance to rifampin can be selected by invitro passage of N. meningitidis in the presence of rifampin. These variants showno additional mutations within the rpoB gene beyond that already demonstratedbut there is evidence for an altered membrane permeability compared to theparental strains [123].Analyses of the cellular proteins of the highly resistant andparental strains by 2DGE showed a shift to a more acidic isoelectric point for an18.9-kDa protein for the highly resistant strains. Peptide mass mapping failed tofind a match for this protein spot when searched against existing Neisseria spgene sequences (L. Lawrie and P. Cash, unpublished data) and the significance ofthis protein mutation for either rifampin resistance or the altered membrane per-meability remains to be determined.

Resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics has been investigated for Pseudomonasaeruginosa. A diminished expression of a 47-kDa (pI 5.2) outer membrane pro-tein has been found for imipenem resistant P. aeruginosa [124]. Michea-Hamzeh-pour et al. [125] reported similar data with the loss of an outer membrane pro-tein (pI 5.2) in imipenem resistant P. aeruginosa. N-Terminal sequencing showedthat the protein was hom*ologous to the porin outer membrane protein D [125].Changes in outer membrane proteins have also been shown among ceftazidimeresistant P. aeruginosa isolates with the expression of a basic protein hom*ologousto the ampC gene product [125].

Penicillin resistance is on the increase among clinical isolates of Streptococcuspneumoniae and resistance to erythromycin, used as an alternative antibiotic topenicillin, has also emerged as a potential problem [126]. Two erythromycin re-sistant phenotypes are recognised for S. pneumoniae, specifically the MLS and Mphenotypes [126]. Erythromycin resistant S. pneumoniae possessing the MLSphenotype owe their resistance to the methylation of rRNA by the product of theerm gene located on the transposon Tn1545 [127, 128]. S. pneumoniae isolateswith the M phenotype are less well-characterised, although resistance appears tobe linked to the expression of a gene called mefE which is believed to encode amembrane transporter protein that reduces the intracellular levels of ery-thromycin [129, 130]. Proteomics has been used to investigate further the methodof erythromycin resistance in M phenotype S. pneumoniae isolates [131]. Cellu-lar proteins were prepared from erythromycin resistant (M phenotype) and sen-sitive isolates of S. pneumoniae and analysed using 2DGE.All nine M phenotypeerythromycin resistant isolates analysed showed a characteristic induced syn-thesis of a 38.5-kDa protein (Fig. 1) [131]. None of the erythromycin sensitiveS. pneumoniae strains showed this induced protein synthesis. The 38.5-kDa pro-tein was identified as glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) usingpeptide mass mapping and its peptide hom*ology to GAPDH S. equisimilus andS. pyogenes. Three electrophoretic variants of GAPDH that differed in their pIswere resolved for M phenotype resistant isolates with the induced protein hav-ing the most basic isoelectric point. Thus, the abnormal synthesis of GAPDH inthe M phenotype isolates may be related to an altered pattern of post-transla-tional modification. The disrupted GAPDH synthesis was not related to ery-thromycin resistance per se since the MLS phenotype were indistinguishable

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from sensitive S. pneumoniae isolates for GAPDH. Using the S. equisimilus andS. pyogenes gap gene sequences DNA primers were designed to analyse theGAPDH gene for the erythromycin sensitive and resistant S. pneumoniae isolatesanalysed by 2DGE [135]. A characteristic base mutation causing an amino acidsubstitution was shown to correlate completely with the protein profile demon-strated by 2DGE. This combination of proteomics and genomics to investigateerythromycin resistance is illustrated in Fig. 1 and clearly demonstrates thepower of proteomics to locate putative gene targets for later study using genomictechnologies.

The mechanism of antibiotic action can also be investigated by locating pro-teins that show differential expression patterns when bacteria are grown in thepresence or absence of antibiotics. This experimental approach has been used toinvestigate isoniazid induced gene expression in M. tuberculosis using micro ar-rays [132]. The response of the bacterial proteome following their exposure to an-tibiotics has been investigated for Staphylococcus aureus [133]. S. aureus grownin the presence of inhibitory concentrations of oxacilin, a cell-wall active antibi-otic, resulted in elevated expression for at least nine proteins as shown by 2DGE.Five of the induced proteins were identified by N-terminal sequencing as me-thionine sulfoxide reductase, enzyme IIA component of the phosphotransferasesystem, signal transduction protein (TRAP), GroES and GreA. A similar patternof induced protein synthesis was found with other antibiotics that act on the bac-

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Fig. 1. Combined proteomic and genomic approach for characterising erythromycin resistancein S. pneumoniae. A collection of erythromycin sensitive and resistant S. pneumoniae isolateswas compared by 2DGE (A) to locate protein differences.A characteristic difference was iden-tified in the expression of a 38.5 kDa protein (B), which was identified as GAPDH by trypticpeptide mapping and its hom*ology with GAPDH of S. equisimilis and S. pyogenes (C). A set ofDNA primers were derived based on these gene sequences and used to sequence the gene encoding GAPDH in S. pneumoniae (D)

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terial cell wall but not by antibiotics acting on other targets, thus suggesting thatthe observed induced protein expression might represent a “proteomic signature”for this response [133]. A similar approach has been used to examine metron-idazole induced gene expression in H. pylori [134]. Metronidazole resistance gen-erally depends on the mutation of the rdxa (NADH reductase) gene with higherlevels of resistance arising through mutations leading to the loss of function in additional reductase genes. When functional the reductase genes convertMetronidazole from a harmless drug to mutagenic and bactericidal productsand, in the process, may generate reactive oxygen metabolites. Metronidazole re-sistant H. pylori were grown in sublethal concentrations of metronidazole and thedifferential protein expression determined by 2DGE. In presence of metronida-zole 19 protein spots exhibited differential expression; 12 spots showed >2-folddecrease expression, 3 spots a >2-fold increased expression and no quantitativedata were presented for the remaining 4 spots. Proteins that showed an increasedexpression level in the presence of metronidazole were identified by peptide massmapping as alkylhydroperoxide reductase (AHP) (two protein spots) and aconi-tase B. AHP is know to protect against oxygen toxicity and it was proposed thatthe increased expression of AHP in metronidazole resistant H. pylori is impor-tant in the generation of the resistance phenotype.

6Concluding Remarks

The experimental concepts that comprise the expanding field of proteomics aremaking rapid inroads into medical microbiology. Although it is unlikely to sup-plant fully recombinant DNA technologies in the study of pathogenic bacteria,proteomics provides a significant complementary approach. Many of the inves-tigations presented in this review combine proteomics, genomics and bioinfor-matics to tackle the biological question.

As described in this review detailed proteome databases are being developedfor clinically important bacteria, new data are being derived relating to patho-genic mechanisms and the host immune response. On the practical side there isthe potential of developing novel targets for vaccines and therapeutic drugs. Thusprogress is being made in many areas of study for pathogenic bacteria. There re-mains, however, the technical limitation of determining the proteomes of the bac-teria when they are growing in association with their host. The in vitro cell stud-ies described in this review simply scratch the surface of this aspect of bacterialpathogenesis. The analysis of bacterial growing in individual cell types do notfully replicate the diverse environmental conditions experienced by bacteriagrowing in the intact host with many distinct cell types not to mention a func-tional immune system. The technical limitation resides on the principal methodthat is used to resolve the proteins, namely 2DGE. The limitations of 2DGE withrespect to sensitivity and problem protein classes have been well documented.The method is suitable for characterising bacteria grown under in vitro condi-tions as described above and 2DGE will remain a key technology in this area fora number of years. However, we need new methods with improved sensitivitiesand coverage to enable us to look at the bacterial proteome against the back-

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ground of the host proteome. Time will tell if the new methods developed will beexpanded from the current mass spectrometry methods or be the protein chipsthat are gradually being produced.Whichever method is ultimately developed itmust have broad applicability, since not all research is carried out on fully se-quenced model bacteria. Many of the new and exciting developments in medicalmicrobiology will lie in studying recently isolated bacterial pathogens that areonly poorly characterised at the molecular level.


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Received: April 2002

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Application of Proteomics to Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Amanda S. Nouwens · Bradley J. Walsh · Stuart J. Cordwell

Australian Proteome Analysis Facility, Sydney, Australia 2109E-mail: [emailprotected]

The recent completion of the Pseudomonas Genome Project, in conjunction with the Pseudo-monas Community Annotation Project (PseudoCAP) has fast-tracked our ability to apply thetools encompassed under the term ‘proteomics’ to this pathogen. Such global approaches willallow the research community to answer long-standing questions regarding the ability ofPseudomonas aeruginosa to survive diverse habitats, its high intrinsic resistance to antibioticsand its pathogenic nature towards humans. Proteomics provides an array of tools capable ofconfirming the expression of Open Reading Frames (ORF), the relative levels of their expres-sion, the environmental conditions required for this expression and the sub-cellular locationof the encoded gene-products. Since proteins are important cellular effectors, the biologicalquestions we pose can be defined in terms of changes in protein expression detectable by separation to purity using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) and relation to gene sequences via mass spectrometry.As such, we can compare strains with well-characterized phe-notypic differences, growth under a variety of stresses, protein interactions and complexes andaid in defining proteins of unknown function. While the complete genome has only recentlybeen finished, a number of studies have already utilized this information and examined vari-ous protein gene-products using proteomics. This review summarizes the application of pro-teomics to P. aeruginosa and highlights potential areas of future research, including overcom-ing the traditional technical limitations associated with 2-DGE. More focused approaches thattarget sub-cellular fractions (‘sub-proteomes’) prior to 2-DGE can provide further functionalinformation.A review of current and previous proteomic projects on P. aeruginosa is presented,as well as theoretical considerations of the importance of sub-proteomic approaches to en-hance these investigations.

Keywords. Membrane proteins, Culture supernatant, Mass spectrometry, Two-dimensional gelelectrophoresis, Sub-proteome, Strain comparison

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

1.1 Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

2 The Pseudomonas Genome and Community Annotation Project . 120

2.1 Genome Sequencing and Annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1202.2 The Need for Proteomics and Transcriptomics in Genome Projects 122

3 Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

3.1 Whole Proteomes and Sub-Proteomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1233.2 Protein Identification and High-Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 117 – 140DOI 10.1007/b11114ER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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3.3 Application of Proteomics to P. aeruginosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1283.4 Membrane Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1293.5 Extracellular Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1313.6 Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

4 Differential Protein Expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

4.1 Host-Pathogen Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

5 Limitations of Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

6 Conclusion – Proteomics Beyond the Microbial Genomic Era . . . 137

7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

List of Abbreviations

2-DGE Two-dimensional gel electrophoresisCF Cystic fibrosisIPG Immobilized pH gradientMALDI-TOF MS Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight

mass spectrometryOMP Outer membrane proteinORF Open reading framePMM Peptide mass mappingPTM Post-translational modificationQS Quorum sensingTMR Transmembrane spanning region


Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a bacterium regarded as ubiquitous in the environ-ment, living in soil, water and vegetation. Its unusual ability to proliferate in suchdiverse and extreme environments is surpassed only by its pathogenicity towardshumans. As an opportunistic pathogen, the organism infects immuno-compro-mised individuals such as those with cystic fibrosis, burns victims and cancer pa-tients (reviewed in [1]). P. aeruginosa is the second leading cause of nosocomialinfections in the United States. These infections include pneumonia, endocardi-tis and infections of the eyes, ears, skin, urinary tract and central nervous system.At present, the clinical outcome for approximately 50% of hospitalized cystic fi-brosis, cancer and burn patients with a pseudomonad infection is mortality. Thissituation is compounded by the increasing resistance P. aeruginosa displays tomany classes of antibiotics, including beta-lactams and aminoglycosides [2].Furthermore, the large genetic coding capacity (approximately 5500 genes) of theorganism has allowed it a degree of genome plasticity that enables it to evolverapidly mechanisms to resist typical commercial detergents and soaps, and thuspersist in consistently cleaned environments, such as hospitals.

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1.1Pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

The ability of P. aeruginosa to initiate and establish infection in a host is facili-tated by the production of assorted factors, including proteins that are located onthe cell surface or secreted into the external environment.Well-characterized ex-amples of these factors are listed in Table 1. Pathogenic factors act in a varietyof ways during the infectious process to protect the bacterium and allow it to pro-liferate in the host.While for many organisms proteins are the sole molecules in-volved in this process, P. aeruginosa contains a variety of other, non-proteina-ceous, substances that are involved in pathogenicity. Extracellular factors includepigments such as pyocyanin, which can induce reactive oxygen species in hostcells [3], pyoverdine which scavenges iron and is implicated in cystic fibrosis[4, 5] and other compounds such as hydrogen cyanide that inhibits cytochromeC oxidase [6]. P. aeruginosa also secretes a large array of proteins that are sig-nificant in pathogenicity. These include proteases such as elastase (LasB) and alkaline protease that degrade proteins on the surface of host cells and tissues [7],

Application of Proteomics to Pseudomonas aeruginosa 119

Table 1. Known pathogenicity factors produced by P. aeruginosa

Gene Protein Sub-cellular Virulence functionlocation

lasA LasA protease Extracellular Elastolytic and proteolytic activity [7, 62, 76–78]

lasB Elastase Extracellular Elastolytic and proteolytic activity (reviewed in [7])

exoA Exotoxin A Extracellular ADP-ribosylation preventing protein synthesis (reviewed in [1])

exoS Exoenzyme S Extracellular ADP-ribosylation preventing protein synthesis [79, 80]

phnA, phnB Pyocyanin Extracellular Increases reactive oxygen species intracellularly [81]

Many genes Lipo-polysaccharide Cell-surface Protection from phagocytosis [82–84]algR and Alginate Cell-surface Epithelial cell ligand; protection from

host others defenses [85, 86]fliC Flagella Cell-surface Establish infection, interact with

epithelial membranes [1, 87, 88]pchC, pchE, Pyochelin Extracellular Siderophore: iron-chelating. Increases pchF reactive oxygen species [89]pvcA-E Pyoverdine Extracellular Siderophore: iron-chelating [4, 17]aprA Alkaline protease Extracellular Protease; anticoagulant activity plcH, plcN Phospholipase C Extracellular Hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine;

possible compromise neutrophil function [90]

pilD, pilS, Type 4 pili Cell-surface Surface adhesion [14]pilR

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and toxins such as exotoxin A which are necrotising to host tissue [8]. Many ofthe virulence factors produced by P. aeruginosa are simply secreted outside of thebacterium into the external environment, while others, such as exoenzyme S(ExoS), are specifically directed or “injected” into host cells [9] by the type III se-cretion system. Extracellular virulence factors are primarily expressed at or nearstationary phase, with many identified virulence factors under the control of oneor both of the quorum-sensing systems so far identified in P. aeruginosa (dis-cussed in detail later).

While secreted proteins play an important role in regulating virulence, P.aeruginosa maintains an arsenal of cell surface components that are involved inadherence, cell-cell signalling, transport of nutrients (typical Gram negativeporin-like proteins) and pathogenicity, as well as resistance to a variety of chem-icals and antibiotics. The pseudomonal outer membrane is highly impermeableto foreign compounds and those that can penetrate intracellularly may be re-moved via a series of protein efflux pump complexes (reviewed in [10]) desig-nated as Mex-Opr complexes. These are three component systems encoding aninner membrane antiporter, an efflux OMP (Opr), and a fusion protein that main-tains the stability and activity of the complex. A regulatory repressor (encodedby mexR) has recently been found [11, 12], and mutations in this gene are asso-ciated with increased antibiotic resistance [13]. P. aeruginosa maintains surfacemechanical structures including flagella, pili and fimbriae, and these have beenimplicated not only in motility, but also in adherence and thus virulence. For ex-ample, type IV pili act as a mediator for interactions between the bacterium andthe host [14], as well as playing a role in cytotoxicity [15]. Finally, P. aeruginosaresponds to nutrient limitation by releasing a set of scavenging siderophores. Forexample, under iron-limitation the siderophore pyoverdin is released into the ex-tracellular milieu and has a high affinity for free iron, which it scavenges from thehost. The pyoverdin-iron complex is then bound by a specific outer membranereceptor (e.g. FpvA; [16, 17]) that facilitates the transport of scavenged iron intothe cell.

2The Pseudomonas Genome and Community Annotation Project

2.1Genome Sequencing and Annotation

The genome era has revolutionized the way in which biologists design their ex-periments. Rather than taking a single gene approach, the tools now exist to per-form genome- or proteome-wide analyses. The plethora of genetic informa-tion derived from genome sequencing projects can provide, for example, clues as to the way an organism survives and proliferates under various environmen-tal conditions or a subset of potential vaccine or diagnostic candidates. The com-plete genome sequence for any organism should be treated as a tool for inter-rogation leading to sensible experimental design. The complete genome ofP. aeruginosa was recently sequenced ( and this has pro-vided much new information that will better our understanding of this bacterium

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and facilitate discovery of new targets for antimicrobial agents and/or vaccines[18]. Access to the P. aeruginosa genome sequence and annotations can also bemade via The University of Queensland database (;[19]), or for specific analysis of outer membrane proteins,

The Pseudomonas Genome Project determined the genome to be 6.37 Mb insize and encompassing over 5500 open reading frames (ORFs), making it thelargest bacterial genome sequenced to date. This remarkable coding capacity maybe reflected in the large number of predicted proteins belonging to the two-com-ponent signal transduction family. Such complex genetic regulation and the largecoding capacity of the organism may provide it with a mechanism to adaptrapidly to new environments and thus develop resistances to many chemicals andantibiotics. To facilitate the correlation of gene sequence to predicted function,an annotation consortium, the Pseudomonas Community Annotation Project(PseudoCAP), was established and is comprised of expert volunteers in the field[20]. Such a system was unique in bacterial genome annotation and allowed sci-entists with a high degree of functional knowledge of the biochemistry and phys-iology of the organism to test their predictions against the genetic code. Anno-tations were defined through comparison with known genes that had beenpreviously functionally characterized in P. aeruginosa, or via sequence similar-ity with genes from other bacterial species. Nearly 50% of the ORFs were foundto have no known function, being either unique to P. aeruginosa or having se-quence similarity to ‘hypothetical’ proteins from other bacteria. Clearly, func-tional annotations based on sequence similarity with ORFs in other organismsare not as dependable as those with demonstrated biochemical function inP. aeruginosa itself. Hence a limited range of confidence levels continue to be assigned by PseudoCAP to each ORF annotation to help differentiate thoseknown, well-characterized genes and gene-products from those with little knownfunction. Interestingly, of the 5570 ORFs, only 372 (6.7%) currently have the high-est confidence level possible, i.e. their function has been experimentally deter-mined in P. aeruginosa. Obviously, much molecular biology and microbial bio-chemistry remain to elucidate the in vivo functions of the majority of thegenome.

As many ORFs do not yet have a demonstrated role in P. aeruginosa, there ismuch interest in determining these functions. P. aeruginosa does not maintain asignificantly higher proportion of paralogous genes, suggesting that gene dupli-cation has not contributed alone to the complexity of the genome. Instead, it ap-pears the additional ORFs may represent genes involved in biochemical pathwaysunique to P. aeruginosa, and that allow the organism to perform secondary meta-bolic functions. It has been suggested that these pathways possibly allow it toscavenge nutrients from specific or unusual sources (e.g. xenobiotic com-pounds), which in turn allows P. aeruginosa to proliferate in many diverse envi-ronments. Furthermore, P. aeruginosa is thought to be among the most ‘evolvable’prokaryotes yet discovered [21], giving it the capacity to adapt readily to novelsurroundings. Clearly, with so many ORFs being unique to P. aeruginosa, globalstudies of gene and protein expression under an almost infinite number of con-ditions will need to be undertaken.

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2.2The Need for Proteomics and Transcriptomics in Genome Projects

While the genome sequence has recently been completed, and has provided in-formation such as genome size, %G+C composition, total number of ORFs, ho-mologous comparisons of ORFs to those in other organisms, etc., it cannot pro-vide functional information that is dependant on monitoring gene expressionunder a given set of conditions, or on post-translational modifications of thoseexpressed protein gene-products. Genome sequencing cannot indicate whichgenes are specifically induced or the levels of induction or expression under achosen condition. Analysis of genomic information alone provides only a staticview of the genes present and the potential pathways needed for survival and pro-liferation, but not demonstrative evidence for their role in vivo. Tools based ona variety of computational methods and algorithms, such as similarity searches,certainly have a role in predicting gene function, but are not always reliable, andmay result in errors in functional assignment of genes, especially where the se-quence similarity is weak. Protein folding and tertiary structure also play a sig-nificant role in determining function.

Functional analysis of gene expression can be conducted via many ap-proaches, including examination of the mRNA and protein gene-products, aloneor in combination with experimental approaches such as gene knockout muta-genesis, nutrient limitation, adaptation to stress and host-pathogen interactions.Microarray technology (transcriptomics; reviewed in [22]) allows the level ofmRNA transcripts to be examined at a global level in response to chosen bio-logical conditions. Transcriptional mRNA studies have been applied to examinethe effect of pilA mutants on human lung epithelia during infection [23], but havenot yet been used to observe directly P. aeruginosa gene expression. DNA mi-croarrays specific for P. aeruginosa are now becoming commercially available,while others have described methodology for generating in-house arrays (Pro-ceedings of Pseudomonas 2001, Brussels, Belgium). Whole genome microarrayshave been used to detect changes in gene expression associated with quorum-sensing in Escherichia coli [24] and biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae [25].Both experiments have implications for processes known to be performed byP. aeruginosa and thus similar experiments in this organism will provide aframework for comparative studies across species boundaries. Although mRNAstudies provide one approach to understanding gene function, mRNA is only an-other step in the gene-to-product path and transcript levels do not necessarily re-flect protein (translation) levels in the cell [26]. Despite the suggestion that thereis better correlation between mRNA and protein levels in bacterial species com-pared to eukaryotes, co- and post-translational modifications, as well as stabil-ity and half-life are not necessarily reflected at the mRNA level.Without doubt acomplete analysis of global gene expression under a given biological conditionis only possible through the combination of transcriptomics and proteomics ap-proaches.

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The term ‘proteomics’ describes the global separation, characterization andanalysis of proteins expressed by a genome, as well as the “tools” involved (re-viewed in [27, 28]). In recent times the field has expanded to include differentialprotein display (traditionally two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and massspectrometry), protein-protein interactions via the yeast 2-hybrid system oraffinity chromatography and protein structure-function studies. Proteomics in-corporates methodologies capable of confirming gene sequences (particularlystart and stop sites), the relative levels of expression, environmental conditionsrequired for gene expression and the sub-cellular location of these gene-prod-ucts. Currently, the most common approach to a global examination of proteinsis separation of complex mixtures via two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE).At this time, no other method is available for separating so many individ-ual components to a relative purity that enables post-separation analysis. Alter-nate methods based on liquid chromatography [29], or with quantitationprovided by isotope-coded affinity tags (ICAT; [30, 31]) are now being developedto allow separation and identification of proteins without 2-DGE. However, at thisstage neither method has been applied to P. aeruginosa and thus will not be dis-cussed here.

Advances in 2-DGE, such as stable, reproducible immobilized pH gradients(IPGs), the incorporation of improved solubilising and reducing agents (e.g. trib-utyl phosphine [32]), synthetic zwitterionic detergents including amido-sulfo-betaine 14 (ASB-14; [33]) and improved detection methods, such as fluorescentdyes (e.g. Sypro Ruby) [34], now allow reproducible separation of proteins withina variety of physical parameters.While 2-DGE technologies have been improved,the ‘proteome era’ has been made possible only with the rapid advances in pep-tide mass spectrometry that now allows rapid correlation of a gel-purified pro-tein with a database gene sequence (reviewed in [35, 36]). These technological ad-vances, combined with genomic information, have resulted in a new surge ofinterest in 2-DGE and associated proteomic tools for the analysis of P. aeruginosaproteins.

3.1Whole Proteomes and Sub-Proteomes

In spite of the above-mentioned recent improvements, limitations still exist inproteomic analyses, such as the limited loading capacity of IPGs and the totalarea of separation available on 2-D gels. Furthermore, there are groups of pro-teins, including hydrophobic, basic and low abundance proteins, that are notamenable to 2-DGE using standard protocols. The ‘dynamic range’ of protein ex-pression, in particular, makes the resolution of all proteins in a single experimentparticularly difficult. To overcome this, pre-fractionation has been employed inan attempt to provide a ‘third dimension’ to 2-DGE analyses. Such improvementshave included sequential extractions [37], where proteins are differentially sol-ubilised across a series of stronger detergents and chaotropes, and separation

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across varying narrow or ‘zoom’ pH ranges in the first dimension [38]. Thesemethods essentially fractionate proteins based on an inherent physical property,such as relative solubility and/or pI, providing a set of less complex sub-pro-teomes (defined as a fraction of the entire proteome). Furthermore, sub-pro-teomics can also be extended to the examination of a particular cell fraction, or-ganelle or sub-cellular location. Using P. aeruginosa PAO1 as an example, we havepreviously shown how a combination of differential solubilising steps and nar-row-range pH gradients can be used to resolve proteins better, with up to a 45%increase in the observed proteome [38]. Most proteome-style projects conductedon P. aeruginosa thus far have concentrated on proteins from whole cells, resolvedusing a one-step solubilising buffer, and a broad range pH gradient for separa-tion. While these projects are biologically significant, and have provided func-tional information about proteins for which there is limited information, thereis a distinct possibility that other functionally significant proteins are excludeddue to the limited resolving capacities of the chosen 2-DGE parameters, partic-ularly alkaline or hydrophobic proteins and low copy number proteins swampedby abundant proteins (dynamic range). Admittedly, application of multiple sol-ubilising steps and multiple gels with overlapping gradients is technically chal-lenging and may not always be necessary, particularly for comparative analyses.Our own experience with multiple solubilising steps on P. aeruginosa is that, al-though some novel proteins can be extracted in subsequent fractions comparedto the initial extraction step (due to increased solubilising power of the 2-DGEsample buffer), the majority of proteins will appear in more than one fraction.

A better alternative for sub-proteomic approaches is fractionation based onfunctional properties related to the organism, such as the relative cellular loca-tion (e.g. membrane, extracellular, cytosolic, and for eukaryotic projects, addi-tional sub-cellular fractions such as mitochondrial, nuclear, ribosomal fractions,etc.). Fractionation based on sub-cellular location is an approach particularlyuseful for aiding in the characterization of hypothetical or unknown proteins asgreater functional information can be obtained. Sub-cellular fractionation alsoresults in reduced 2-DGE map complexity as extraneous or irrelevant proteins tothe particular study can be excluded. This in turn also allows a greater quantityof the proteins of interest to be applied to the 2-D gel.We have used this sub-cel-lular approach to examine membrane proteins from P. aeruginosa [39] in whichthe membranes are first isolated and precipitated using a high pH sodium car-bonate buffer, and the membrane proteins extracted in a strong solubilisingbuffer containing the new synthetic detergent ASB-14 (Fig. 1) [33]. Isolation andsolubilisation of proteins from P. aeruginosa outer membranes allowed the res-olution of approximately 300 protein spots of which 189 were subsequently iden-tified using mass spectrometry. From this, 16% had no known function, and an-other 46% had defined function based solely on sequence similarity to genesfrom other organisms. The isolation of those proteins annotated as “hypotheti-cal” or “unknown” in the membrane fraction suggests that they are, in fact, mem-brane-associated. We found no contamination from known cellular proteins inthe membrane preparation aside from the ubiquitous 60-kDa chaperonin GroEL,which is one of the most abundant proteins expressed in P. aeruginosa, and po-tentially shuttles to and from the membrane in its role as a chaperone. Therefore,

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it is most likely that the 28 proteins of unknown function determined in thisstudy are novel OMPs that have not previously been characterized in any mi-croorganism. This subset is thus highly amenable to further study, especially inthe search for new drug targets. The methodologies defined in this study have allowed the approach to be transferred to the examination of OMPs across strainsand during host-pathogen interactions in vivo.

Other researchers have also utilized a sub-proteomic approach to examine theouter membrane and cell surface proteins from P. aeruginosa, in particular to de-termine differential gene expression in response to biological conditions. Multi-ple differences were detected in P. aeruginosa membrane protein composition either in response to the presence of antibiotics [40] or due to nutrient limitation[41].With the powerful improvements in 2-DGE and mass spectrometry we havedescribed already, it is anticipated that several such studies will begin in the com-

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Fig. 1. Reference map of outer membrane proteins from P. aeruginosa. Membrane pro-teins were enriched with a sodium carbonate treatment (Fig. 3; [53]) and separated on pH 4–7 2-D gels. Protein spots were characterized by PMM, and protein identities assigned bycomparison with the translated PA01 genome sequence. Protein spots are labelled with genenames or P. aeruginosa (PA) accession numbers

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ing years and provide many avenues for targeted research aimed at elucidatingthe function of molecules of interest.

3.2Protein Identification and High-Throughput

The availability of the P. aeruginosa genome sequence has heightened interest inthis organism, particularly from a proteomic perspective. Prior to release of thegenome sequence and annotation, proteomic approaches were difficult to utilize,due to limitations in identifying the proteins of interest. For example, studies byMichea-Hamzehpour et al. [40] and Cowell et al. [41] detected many proteins ofinterest but were limited in their ability to identify these proteins accurately. Iden-tification relied on sufficient protein quantity to attempt N-terminal Edmandegradation sequencing. Some characterization was conducted based on the rel-ative positions (molecular mass and pI) of the proteins on 2-D gels; however, thisis highly unreliable since protein modifications can influence both parametersand protein processing resulting in cleavage products may also occur. In our owninitial investigations of P. aeruginosa prior to the release of the translated ge-nomic sequence, identification of proteins by tryptic peptide mass mapping(PMM) was limited to those proteins that had been previously characterized andfor which protein sequences were readily available in public databases such asSwissProt and NCBI. Cross-species matching [42], although theoretically a goodidea, was not practical for confidently assigning protein identities based on PMMdata alone due to the poor sequence conservation of bacterial proteins acrossspecies boundaries [43]. Other projects have identified P. aeruginosa proteins byspecific immunodetection using anti-protein antibodies, but this approach is typ-ically limited to identification of single proteins rather than a more global ap-proach, or using patient antisera where specific components eliciting an immuneresponse cannot be identified within the sample complexity. However, such im-mune responsive proteins are often secreted or are present on the cell surface.

The availability of the total genetic information now makes it possible to iden-tify many more proteins expressed by P. aeruginosa, given the appropriateamounts of material and access to the corresponding techniques for protein char-acterization.With access to the genomic information, peptide mass mapping viamatrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation/time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS) has become the fastest method-of-choice for protein identi-fication. In conjunction with automated procedures including spot cutting andchemical dispensing for gel plug washing, trypsinization and elution, MALDI tar-get-spotting, data acquisition and database searching, 200 protein spots or morecan be characterized by a single MALDI-TOF MS in a single working day. Soft-ware programs such as MassLynx (Micromass, Manchester UK) aid in the automation of PMM spectrum acquisition, data calibration and database search-ing with minimal user intervention. Figure 2 shows the data output for one ex-ample from P. aeruginosa using MassLynx, including the mass spectrum, poten-tial matches and sequence coverage for the match. However, great care must betaken to realize that while such a capacity is useful, it does not, nor should not,replace sensible experimental design aimed at finding a very small subset of

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proteins associated with a biologically relevant process. Where PMM is un-successful a hierarchical approach is taken to protein identification that includespeptide concentration and desalting, differential enzymatic cleavage and elec-trospray ionisation (ESI) tandem MS [44]. This approach is more reliable thantraditional Edman sequencing approaches since more than one peptide sequencecan be obtained. N-terminal analyses maintain a significant role in determiningprotein start sites, especially where biological cleavage events are thought to occur.

Although N-terminal sequencing can conclusively identify proteins, modernapproaches such as MS/MS de novo sequencing also allow protein identificationby peptide sequencing and require only a fraction of the material required for

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Fig. 2 a – c. Screenshots of database output from PMM protein identification using automatedProteinLynx software. PMM data from MALDI-TOF MS was compared to the translated PA01genome database: a potential database matches are sorted by protein sequence coverage (%);highlighted gene PA1093, encoding a hypothetical protein, with 93.5% protein sequence cov-erage and 10 matching peptides corresponds to the identified protein; b a visual display of pro-tein sequence coverage provides additional confidence to the assigned match; highlighted se-quence indicates those amino acids matched by PMM; c the mass spectrum is also displayedto allow comparison of peak intensity with peaks matched in the PA01 database




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Edman chemistries. This approach was used by Quadroni et al. [45] to charac-terize proteins in P. putida that were induced or up-regulated in the presence of sulfate. Hanna et al. [46] also utilized the power of MS/MS to characterise proteins from two phenotypically distinct (mucoid vs non-mucoid) strains of P. aeruginosa that showed no differences at the genomic level. In all cases,however, research directions depend on the access to appropriate mass spectro-meters.

Protein identification by PMM is based on comparison of peptide masses ob-served in the mass spectrometer to theoretical peptide masses of enzymatically-digested protein sequence databases. P. aeruginosa has a high %G+C contentwhich suggests that it codes for a lower total of lysine than other organisms. Incomparison, Mycobacterium tuberculosis is the only sequenced microbe to havea higher %G+C content and it is estimated that approximately 17% of its ORFsencode proteins with no tryptic peptides in the 800–3500 Da mass ‘window’ usu-ally detected in PMM [47]. Therefore, it is possible that many P. aeruginosa pro-teins will be difficult to analyse using standard tryptic PMM. Furthermore, it isalso apparent that database sequences are not always entirely correct, even beforeconsideration of events such as the removal of signal sequences or post-transla-tional modification (including protein cleavage). Given these considerations,however, for an organism such as P. aeruginosa a good signal to noise ratio in thePMM mass spectrum should result in a confident match to a single ORF in thegenome. In our experience, the main difficulties in matching quality spectra toan ORF in the genome has been for low molecular mass proteins and those thatrepresent cleavage/degradative products, such as found in extracellular fractionswhere protein turnover and biological proteolysis are common.

3.3 Application of Proteomics to P. aeruginosa

Proteomics can be applied in one of two main ways: to identify all proteins ex-pressed under a chosen set of conditions (‘reference mapping’), and/or as ameans of comparing differential protein expression from one or more environ-mental or genetic variations. Reference maps obviously form a basis from whichall proteins under the chosen conditions can be identified and then used as land-marks for comparative work. Ultimately the usefulness of reference mapping isrelative to the number of protein spots that can be confidently identified (see [44]for review). Reference maps of whole cell extracts can provide information re-garding the number of proteins, potentially the extent of protein modifications(through gene:gene-product ratios) and the relative abundance of the expressedproteins. However, unless combined with a pre-fractionation step, such as sub-cellular fractionation, reference maps can be of limited value, as little functionalinformation, other than expression, regarding unknown and conserved hypo-thetical proteins is obtained. Comparative approaches, however, allow identifi-cation of differentially expressed proteins (e.g. induced or up-regulated or alternatively down-regulated or switched off) in response to growth or geneticvariations.

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3.4Membrane Proteins

In bacteria, membrane and cell surface proteins play a vital role in cell survival,proliferation and virulence in the host, and as such have been widely investigatedin P. aeruginosa via a number of approaches, including proteomics. Membraneand cell surface proteins function to promote adherence to surfaces (e.g. pili),and in P. aeruginosa are particularly important as efflux pumps to remove an-tibiotics (e.g. MexAB-OprM), as well as receptors and channels for essential nu-trients (e.g. vitamin B12 receptor and sugar-transporting porins) [48, 49].Asidefrom interest in membrane proteins to understand further the physiological as-pects of P. aeruginosa, membrane or surface proteins are also of interest as po-tential epitopes for vaccine development. Much work has been performed show-ing the efficacy of purified outer membranes, specific OMPs, or representativeOMP-derived peptides in the quest for a P. aeruginosa vaccine [50–52]. However,like all organisms, membrane proteins from P. aeruginosa have been somewhatdifficult to resolve by 2-DGE. Improvements in solubilising agents, such as thesynthetic detergent ASB-14 [33] have been shown to improve both qualitativelyand quantitatively, the resolution of membrane-associated proteins for a numberof Gram-negative bacteria, including P. aeruginosa (Fig. 1; [39]) and E. coli [53],as well as eukaryotic organisms [54]. A schematic of the methodology used toseparate cytosolic, outer membrane and extracellular sub-proteomes is shown inFig. 3. However, it should also be noted that many outer membrane proteins arehydrophilic throughout their sequence, yet contain one or more hydrophobictransmembrane spanning regions (TMR).We have visualized proteins with up to7 TMR [39], while others have viewed eukaryotic proteins with 12 TMR [54].Of the 189 proteins identified in our analysis of the pseudomonal outer membrane, only 11 had theoretical Kyte-Doolittle/Grand Average Hydro-pathy (GRAVY) values above zero. This indicates that proteins with even lowoverall hydrophobicity remain difficult to solubilise for proteomic analyses.Despite traditional beliefs, SDS does not appear to solubilise a significantlygreater number of these proteins when used in conjunction with sequential ex-tractions (unpublished data). Some of the earliest proteomic work on P. aerugi-nosa was based on membrane proteins [40, 41]. Solubilisation of membrane proteins in these instances utilised either CHAPS or SDS, and as such, the se-paration and resolution of these molecules was limited, either due to the poorsolubility of the membrane or due to ionic disturbances caused by charged detergents interfering in the isoelectric focusing. In our analyses of P. aeruginosaOMPs, we identified 104 unique ORFs amongst 189 characterised protein spots.The functions of these proteins could be divided into three wide categories – (I)porins, (II) receptors and (III) unknown function. The biggest group consistedof 17 proteins with significant sequence similarity to porins (Porins C, D, E1,F, H1, OprM, H8 and OprF). Image analysis showed that five of these ORFs (OprD,E, F, G and potential OmpE3) accounted for the expression of over 50% of the total protein visible on 2-D gels of P. aeruginosa outer membranes. These porinsare generally specific for the transport of nutrients; for example OprD is specificfor basic amino acids including glutamine and arginine, small basic peptides

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Fig. 3. Proteomic approach for bacterial protein analysis. Schematic showing the isolation ofproteins from the extracellular, membrane and cytoplasmic fractions. Liquid cultures are cen-trifuged and extracellular proteins a isolated from the supernatant by precipitation withtrichloroacetic acid/methanol. Cellular proteins b can be isolated by incubation in sodium carbonate followed by centrifugation. The pellet contains the membrane proteins c, while thecytoplasmic proteins in the supernatant can be precipitated from the carbonate buffer withtrichloroacetic acid/methanol. Suitable buffers for protein solubilisation for extracellular andcytoplasmic proteins: 5 mol/l urea, 2 mol/l thiourea, 2% CHAPS, 2% sulfobetaine 3–10, 1% car-rier ampholytes, 2 mmol/l tributyl phosphine; and for membrane proteins: 7 mol/l urea, 2 mol/lthiourea, 1% amidosulfobetaine-14, 1% carrier ampholytes, 2 mmol/l tributyl phosphine

a b c

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and by analogy the beta-lactam antibiotic imipenem [55]. The presence ofamino acids including arginine and histidine in the medium as sole carbon or nitrogen sources induce the expression of OprD suggesting a complex meta-bolic role for this protein [56]. OprF is the major pseudomonal outer membraneprotein and although it is defined as a non-specific porin, it appears to have multiple functions including the maintenance of cell shape and association withpeptidoglycan [57, 58]. This protein has also been the basis for both DNA andprotein vaccines [51, 59]. In the second category, receptors for severalsiderophores, including pyochelin, pyoverdine and aerobactin were identified.The expression of such proteins may be constitutive, or indeed the cells may havebeen iron-starved even in the complex media used to perform the study. SinceOMPs play such a vital role in pathogenicity, the methodology now developed toroutinely examine these proteins via global proteomics analysis should providea means to disclose rapidly new functions when combined with biological ex-perimentation.

3.5Extracellular Proteins

As P. aeruginosa is a pathogen for humans, there is also much interest in secretedproteins, many of which function as virulence factors (Table 1). Protein secretionin P. aeruginosa is dependent, in part, on growth phase with the majority ofextracellular proteins expressed at or near stationary phase. Additionally,many of the genes encoding extracellular proteins are regulated by quorum sens-ing [60].

Extracellular proteins are relatively easy to isolate as they are generally hy-drophilic and thus easily solubilised. However, at present little proteomic workhas been conducted on culture supernatant (CSN) proteins from P. aeruginosa.Characterisation and identification of these proteins has previously been basedon SDS-PAGE and Western blotting to probe for antigens that elicit an immuneresponse. We have been conducting proteomic analyses of culture supernatantproteins (Fig. 3) from phenotypically different strains of P. aeruginosa, and also examining the influence of quorum sensing on extracellular protein ex-pression. Reference maps of extracellular proteins derived from the PA01 strainduring exponential and stationary phase growth are shown in Fig. 4. P. aerugi-nosa secretes proteins into the extracellular environment in response to signalsthat include quorum-sensing of population density and nutrient limitation. Themajor secreted protein of P. aeruginosa is elastase (LasB), which has a broadrange of specificity allowing it to target host tissues and immune systems. LasBis highly immunogenic and antibodies against this protein have also been foundin cystic fibrosis patients [61]. Another endopeptidase, LasA protease, is also amajor component of the P. aeruginosa culture supernatant. This protease isspecifically directed towards multiple glycine or gly-gly-ala sequences in pro-teins, providing it with staphylolytic activity due to the glycine cross-linkages in cell wall peptidoglycan. Several other minor constituents were observed in stationary phase culture supernatants; however, one further major protein wasidentified as a ‘hypothetical aminopeptidase’ that has now been fully character-

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ized [62]. Other constituents of the P. aeruginosa culture supernatant includesheared flagellar proteins such as FliC and FliD and breakdown products of sur-face-accessible OMPs.

We have also undertaken a global analysis of quorum sensing (QS) mutantsusing proteomics of P. aeruginosa extracellular fractions (Nouwens et al., inpreparation). QS is the mechanism used by bacteria to communicate popula-tion density and is a complex regulatory system that allows the organism to respond as a group by controlling gene expression. The QS system in P. aeruginosa (encoded by lasI/lasR and rhlI/rhlR; Fig. 5) is thought to regulate the expression of almost 5% of the genome [63] including a number of virulence factors [64, 65]. As shown in Fig. 5, many of these are controlled solely by the lasor rhl operons; however the expression of others, including LasB itself, can be reg-ulated by either system in the absence of the other. Virulence factors regulated by QS include elastase (lasB), LasA protease (lasA), alkaline phosphatase (phoA), and hemolysin, as well as non-protein extracellular molecules, such as pyocyanin. In our experiments, multiple deletion mutants consisting ofsingle, double and quadruple gene disruptions were analysed via 2-DGE and MS. Several novel QS-regulated genes were identified (unpublished data). Fig-ure 6 shows the effects of these mutations on the levels of expression on one well-characterized QS-regulated protein (LasA protease). Proteomics, coupledwith transcriptomics, will be able to shed much light on the mechanisms of QSin P. aeruginosa.

Fig. 4 a, b. Comparison of extracellular proteins from P. aeruginosa: a exponential; b station-ary phase cultures. Proteins were visualized with SyproRuby and characterized by PMM. Pro-tein spots are labelled with gene names. Significantly greater amounts of LasB (elastase), andCbpD (chitin-binding protein) are expressed during stationary phase, while less AotJ (arginine-ornithine binding protein) and PA0423 are present

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a b

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Fig. 5. Overview of quorum sensing (QS) in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Two QS systems (las andrhl) have been determined in P. aeruginosa. Each system is comprised of two genes (lasR, rhlR)that encode a regulatory protein and an autoinducer synthase (lasI, rhlI) which catalyses thefinal step in the synthesis of the acylated hom*oserine lactone (AHL) signal molecule from anacyl-acyl carrier protein (Acyl-ACP) and S-adenosyl methionine (SAM). The regulatory pro-tein and its cognate AHL bind, and the activated complex can then bind to promoter regions(striped boxes) of regulated genes. Gene-products and genes regulated by each system are in-dicated. Some overlap exists in the regulation of genes in P. aeruginosa such as lasB (elastase),which is regulated by both the las and rhl QS systems. The LasR-AHL complex is also capableof regulating the expression of both lasI and rhlR, while the RhlR-AHL complex is capable ofregulating expression of rhlI

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3.6Post-Translational Modifications (PTMs)

The role of post-translational modification (PTM) in bacteria is only now start-ing to become of interest as an important part of gene (protein) function. Thefunction of PTMs include stability, protection from proteases and signal trans-duction, especially through the functions of two-component regulatory systemsthat involve the phosphorylation of a response regulator via a histidine kinase toactivate a series of further genes and proteins. Potential modifications on bacte-rial proteins include phosphorylation, glycosylation, methylation, deamidationand biotinylation. Other modifications such as sulfation, hydroxylation andmyristoylation do occur naturally on proteins, but at this stage appear specific toeukaryotes. However, as the presence and importance of PTMs on bacterial pro-teins is only just being realized, no doubt in future investigations other types ofPTMs will be found to occur. The effect of PTMs on protein location on a 2-D geldepends on the charge and molecular mass of the modification. Some modifi-cations, in particular phosphorylation and glycosylation, can significantly changethe isoelectric point of a protein on a gel relative to its predicted position. Often,heterogeneity in the modification (i.e. the number of modified amino acidswithin a protein) can result in many spots on a 2-D gel representing one gene. Inmost cases, modified proteins are recognizable by a ‘train’ of spots across the pHrange of a 2-D gel. A number of proteins in P. aeruginosa are known to be phos-phorylated. However, very few bacterial proteins in general are known to be gly-cosylated [66]. Examples include bacterial adhesins such as pili in Neisseria sp.and flagellins in Campylobacter jejuni. In P. aeruginosa, some strains, including

134 A.S. Nouwens et al.

Fig. 6 a – c. Influence of QS on extracellular protein expression in P. aeruginosa. Extracellularproteins from wildtype and QS mutants were separated on 2-D gels and visualized withSyproRuby. Identical sections of each strain are shown. LasA, regulated by both las and rhl QSsystems is visible: a in the wildtype) (circled); b in the lasRlasI mutant, although at a reducedlevel, as the rhl quorum sensing system is still functional; c loss of both quorum sensing sys-tems results in complete loss of lasA expression. Interestingly, both the double mutant lasRlasI(b) and the quadruple mutant lasRlasIrhlRrhlI (c) show expression of proteins not detected inthe wildtype (arrows)

a b c

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6206, have type A flagellins that are glycosylated, while type B flagellins (e.g. instrain PA01) are not glycosylated [67, 68]. Some heterogeneity in the glycosyla-tion of type A flagellin must occur, at least for strain 6206, as at least three dis-tinct spots corresponding to flagellin have been identified in our studies.Anotherapplication of proteomics to observe PTMs examined the alternative sigma fac-tor AlgU [69]. 2-D gels of P. aeruginosa proteins were performed following treat-ment of whole cell lysates with Ser/Thr phosphatase. Phosphatase treated proteinmaps revealed a change in the number of AlgU isoforms, suggesting that AlgUfunction is affected by this modification. While many isoforms present on 2-Dgels may be artefactual, some major proteins in both the extracellular and outermembrane fraction of P. aeruginosa are represented as several spots on 2-D gels,suggesting that PTMs are a common occurrence in these classes of protein. Fur-thermore, a global ‘glycostain’ of PA01 OMPs revealed several novel glycosylatedproteins including an organic solvent tolerance protein, OmpH8 and Fe-py-ochelin receptor protein [39].

4Differential Protein Expression

One of the main advantages in using a proteomic approach, particularly utiliz-ing 2-DGE, is the visual comparative display of changes in protein expression dueto modification of a given set of conditions. Comparative projects can be used toidentify gene expression based on different growth conditions or nutrient limi-tations, growth phase and gene knockout mutagenesis. Such studies can also beused to define the protein differences associated with well-characterized phe-notypic differences between strains. A number of studies on P. aeruginosa havebeen comparisons of protein expression based on different growth conditions.For example, Quadroni et al. [45] compared PAO1 proteins expressed in mediaboth with and without sulfate using 2-DGE. Thirteen protein spots were seen forthe first time or up-regulated during sulfate starvation and these were charac-terized by tandem MS/MS or N-terminal Edman sequencing. Interestingly, fiveperiplasmic solute-binding proteins of unknown function were induced, sug-gesting that these are involved in sulfate scavenging. This is an example of howproteomics can reflect the global response of an organism to a given set of envi-ronmental conditions.

Differential displays may also be based on comparison of antibiotic sensitiveand resistant strains or gene positive and negative strains to view the global ef-fects of phenotype or gene knockout. For example, Jorgensen et al. [70] examinedstress tolerance in P. aeruginosa through comparison of rpoS positive and neg-ative strains. RpoS is an alternative sigma factor of RNA polymerase and regu-lates the general stress response in Gram negative bacteria. In E. coli, RpoS in-creases during entry to stationary phase and in the presence of certain stressessuch as acid, low temperature and hyperosmotic stress. The RpoS hom*olog in P.aeruginosa, not surprisingly, behaves similarly, effecting cell survival understress, with rpoS mutants more sensitive to heat shock, low pH, ethanol and highosmolarity, although the variance was not as pronounced as in E. coli. Using 2-DGE, differential expression of four gene products could be detected. Two pro-

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teins were down-regulated, one was completely repressed and the fourth was syn-thesized in the mutant but not the wildtype. However, proteins were separatedpost-radiolabelling and hence were not identified.

Proteomics has also been utilized to detect strain differences from chronic cys-tic fibrosis isolates compared to environmental, clinical and initial CF infections[46]. SDS-PAGE revealed that different strains (383 and 2192; non-mucoid andmucoid CF isolates, respectively) expressed very different membrane protein pro-files even though they were genetically identical. This result differs from those wehave seen with strains PA01 and the cytotoxic isolate 6206, where membrane pro-teins revealed on 2-D gels are essentially identical even though the strains differat the genetic level (Nouwens et al., submitted).Whole cell extracts revealed sev-eral further protein differences between the strains including a number of ‘house-keeping’ genes (e.g. RpsS1 and DnaK were unique to 2192). Mucoid strain 383over-expressed several OMPs including OprF, OMP H1 and potential patho-genicity factors such as chitin-binding protein (chpD) and superoxide dismutase(sodA). Interestingly, the differences associated with OprF and ChpD betweenstrains were due to differential cleavage, an event we have also detected in ourstudies of P. aeruginosa isolates. Strain characterisations have also been under-taken for several antibiotic resistant and susceptible P. aeruginosa isolates [40].This group confirmed that imipenem resistance could be phenotypicallyachieved by mutations in OprD that resulted in a lack of functional, membrane-associated OprD. Furthermore, the presence of a beta-lactamase-like protein wasalso correlated with ceftazidime resistant strains. In total, 100 2-D gel purifiedproteins were characterized by N-terminal Edman sequencing. The technologi-cal improvements in proteome analysis and the release of the P. aeruginosagenome sequence will mean that further emphasis should be placed on suchcomparative studies in the future.

4.1Host-Pathogen Interactions

One of the areas in which proteomics can now be applied is the examination ofhost-pathogen interactions. Examining protein expression in P. aeruginosagrown in isolation is informative, and much can be gained, particularly when dif-ferential displays are considered, but expression of proteins that occur strictly inresponse to host factors may be excluded. For example, the xcp (type III) secre-tion system provides a means by which P. aeruginosa can directly inject extra-cellular factors, including proteins of the exoenzyme S (ExoS) regulon, into hostcells [71, 72]. Expression of cytotoxicity factors such as ExoS, Exo, T, and ExoUmay be highly specific for the host environment. Few proteomic analyses havebeen undertaken where two interacting organisms occupy the same niche. How-ever, a good precedent is the analysis of symbiotic relationships between Rhizo-bium and plant species during nodulation [73, 74]. While this is undoubtedlycomplex due to the dual nature of the interaction and the poor representation ofgenetic information for these organisms in sequence databases, it does suggestthat such studies could be undertaken successfully for host-pathogen interac-tions such as P. aeruginosa in the CF lung. Recently, a similar analysis was un-

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dertaken using cDNA microarrays to examine the response of human epithelialcell lines to infection with P. aeruginosa [23]; however, the corresponding re-sponse in the bacterium was not analysed.

5Limitations of Proteomics

Proteomics provides a global view of protein expression in response to a givenset of conditions, as well as the tools, such as peptide mass mapping via MALDI-TOF MS, for the characterization and subsequent identification of those proteinspositively or negatively responding to such conditions. Additionally, proteomicanalyses may uncover new ORFs not detected in genomic annotation, as was re-cently reported for M. tuberculosis [75]. Such ORFs tend to encode hypotheticalproteins of very low mass that are too small to be accurately predicted via in-formatics alone. However, limitations still exist in proteomics in terms of thenumber of proteins that can be resolved using 2-DGE, as well as the physical parameters of proteins that cannot be visualized using this technology. Despitethe huge improvements that have been made in 2-DGE and protein samplepreparation, several protein types are still poorly represented using this tech-nology. These can be grouped into four separate categories: (1) basic proteins,(2) hydrophobic proteins, (3) high and low mass proteins and (4) low copy number proteins (reviewed in [28]). It is not the objective of this review to analysethese in detail; however, it is important to realize that, as yet, no proteomics approach is capable of resolving an ‘entire proteome’. Sub-proteomic type ap-proaches can greatly improve our ability to resolve proteins by 2-DGE and havebeen applied in a number of studies, yet despite this, a complete proteome has not yet been obtained. Undoubtedly, we will have to compromise by combining complementary technologies such as 2-DGE and multi-dimensional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for protein analysis, and rely heavily on theinterpretation of transcriptomics experiments to understand events at the re-gulatory level.

6Conclusion – Proteomics Beyond the Microbial Genomic Era

As highlighted, there have been only a limited number of proteomic-style pro-jects for P. aeruginosa. This may reflect the traditional difficulties associated withprotein identification via N-terminal Edman sequencing and the poor repro-ducibility and resolution of pre-IPG 2-D gels. However, the release of the com-plete genome sequence for this organism, coupled with recent improvements inprotein separation, visualization and detection, as well as high sensitivity, high-throughput mass spectrometry approaches, will no doubt result in a range of newproteomic analyses of P. aeruginosa in the future. Such analyses will allow us toappreciate a better understanding of P. aeruginosa pathogenicity and hopefullylead to better therapies with which to combat this organism.

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Acknowledgements. This work has been facilitated by access to the Australian Proteome Analy-sis Facility, established under the Australian Government Major National Research Facilitiesprogram and the Australian Proteome Industry Research and Development (APIRD) grant.ASN is the recipient of an Australian Postgraduate Award and an APIRD Award. The authorswish to thank S. Beatson and C.Whitchurch (The University of Queensland) for the generationof QS mutants and M. Willcox for providing strain 6206. SC wishes to acknowledge Bio-RadLaboratories and Micromass Ltd for financial and instrumentation support.


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Received: April 2002

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Mass Spectrometry – a Key Technology in Proteom Research

Albert Sickmann 1 · Marcus Mreyen 2 · Helmut E. Meyer 3

1 Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum, DFG Forschungszentrum für Experimentelle Biomedizin,Versbacher Strasse 9, Raum 411, 97078 Würzburg, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected]

2 PROT@GEN AG, Emil-Figge-Strasse 76A, 44227 Dortmund, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected]

3 Medical Proteom Center, Ruhr University of Bochum, ZKF E.143 44780 Bochum, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected]

The rapid developments in the field of mass spectrometry have transformed it into a key tech-nology in proteome research.

Increased sensitivity in mass spectrometry, as a result of more efficient ionisation tech-niques and better detectors, has allowed the stepwise reduction of protein quantity for analy-sis. Protein spots of 2D-PAGE separated samples are now quantitatively sufficient for an un-equivocal identification of a protein by mass spectrometry. In addition to protein identificationa closer look at posttranslational modifications is now also possible. It is speculated that mod-ifications like phosphorylation or glycosylation exist on every second protein and that they areimportant for the protein function.

This review highlights the different mass spectrometric methods and gives a brief overviewof strategies and methods used to identify modifications.

Keywords. Proteomics, Mass spectrometry, Phosphorylation Glycosylation, Quantification

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

2 Technical Development of Mass Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . 143

2.1 Increase of Sensitivity for ESI-MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1432.2 Increase of Sensitivity for MALDI-MS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

3 Sequence Analysis of Proteins and Peptides by Mass Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

3.1 Identification of Proteins Using Peptide Mass Fingerprint . . . . . 1453.2 Identification Using Peptide Fragmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . 1463.3 Identification of Proteins Derived from Organisms with Unknown

Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1483.4 Data Interpretation Using the Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

4 Analysing Posttranslationally Modified Proteins . . . . . . . . . . 151

4.1 Glycosylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1514.1.1 Forms of Glycosylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1534.1.2 N-Linked Glycosylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1534.1.3 O-Linked Glycosylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 141 – 176DOI 10.1007/b11115CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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4.2 Mass Spectrometric Approaches to Glycoprotein Analysis . . . . . 1554.2.1 Investigation of the Intact Glycoprotein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1564.2.2 Investigation of Glycopeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1574.2.3 Investigation of Glycans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1604.3 Phosphorylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1644.3.1 Localisation of O-Phosphates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1664.3.2 Localisation of Phosphohistidine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1684.3.3 Localisation of Acylphosphates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1684.3.4 Phosphocysteine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1704.3.5 Acetylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1704.3.6 Modification Depending on Sample Handling – Oxidation and

Alkylation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1744.4 Protein Quantification Using Mass Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . 174

5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

List of Abbreviations

2,5-DHB 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid2D Two dimensional4-HCCA a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acidCID Collision-induced dissociationCZE Capillary-zone-electrophoresisESI Electrospray ionisationFTICR Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonanceGC Gas chromatographyHABA 2-(4¢-Hydroxyphenylazo)benzoic acidHPAEC-PAD High performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed

amperometric detectionHPLC High performance liquid chromatographyIAA IodoacetamideLC Liquid chromatographym/z Mass to charge ratioMALDI Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionisationMS Mass spectrometryPAGE Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisPNGase-F Peptide-N-glycosidase-FPSD Post-source decayPVDF Polyvinylidene difluoride


Sequence analysis of proteins and peptides is not limited to the determination ofthe primary structure of a protein; furthermore, the analysis of posttranslationalmodifications is an important task of modern protein chemistry in proteome re-search. However, the most common application of mass spectrometry in proteome

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studies is today the identification of proteins derived from 2D gels. In the follow-ing sections the developments of mass spectrometry in the last few years, the basic techniques of protein and peptide analysis, data interpretation, analysis ofposttranslational modifications and protein quantification are described.

2Technical Development of Mass Spectrometry

During the last decade, since the introduction of electrospray ionisation [1] andmatrix assisted laser desorption ionisation [2] for large biomolecules, these tech-niques have become the most powerful tools for protein identification and char-acterization. The common mass spectrometer consists of three units – the ionsource, the mass analyser and the ion detection system. The combination of ESI-and MALDI-MS with several different types of mass analysers enables a largenumber of different mass spectrometers for special purposes. A short overviewis given in Table 1.

The most common instruments are ESI ion traps, ESI triple quads, ESI Q-TOFand MALDI-ReTOFs and TOF/TOFs. The combination of ESI- and MALDI ionsource with a FTICR mass analyser is still promising but rather expensive forcommon usage. Besides the technical development of ion sources, mass analysersand ion detection systems, the miniaturized sample preparation protocols leadto enhanced sensitivity.

2.1Increase of Sensitivity for ESI-MS

The usual ESI ion source operates with solvent flow rates between a few and sev-eral hundred microliters per minute depending on the HPLC system connectedto the ESI mass spectrometer. The introduction of the nanospray ion source [3]reduces the solvent flow rate to few nanoliters per minute and a more than onehundred-fold increase in sensitivity can be achieved thereby. One major disad-vantage of the nanospray technique was the need to analyse several peptides de-rived from a sample in parallel. Nowadays, the miniaturization of liquid chro-

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Table 1. Overview: Mass spectrometer used in protein analysis

Ion source Mass analyser Ion detection

Matrix assisted laser desorp- Time of flight Multi channel plate or tion/ionisation (MALDI) (TOF and TOF/TOF) electron multiplierElectrospray ionisation Electromagnetic ion trap Cryer Detector (ESI) (Fourier resistance ion cyclotron)

Electric ion trapTriple quadrupoleQuadrupole tof (Q-Tof)Quadrupol ion trap (Q-trap)Linear ion trap

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matography (nano-HPLC, see Table 2) [4] allows a reproducible separation andidentification of peptides in combination with nano electrospray ionisation. Thetechnical requirements for a high sensitive nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS system areshown in Fig. 1. The application of 75-µm I.D. nano HPLC columns allows a verysensitive chromatographic separation. However, the applied sample volumes forsuch HPLC columns must be less than 1 µL. In Fig. 2 an online preconcentrationand desalting method which reduces sample volumes between 1 and 100 µL to0.5 µL is demonstrated.

2.2Increase of Sensitivity for MALDI-MS

An approach to enhance sensitivity during MALDI-MS analysis is the samplepreconcentration with reversed phase column material, e.g. ZipTip (Millipore,Bedford, CA) or a miniaturization of the sample preparation on the MALDI tar-get. The dried droplet sample preparation with a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acidresults in a sample spot with a diameter between 1 and 2 mm. An innovative new method was described in 2000 [5]. For this preparation the MALDI target is covered with a hydrophobic surface and small hydrophilic spots with diame-ters of 200 µm, 400 µm or 600 µm. Samples between 1 and 5 µL are applied ontothe hydrophilic spots. During solvent evaporation the droplet starts shrinking but the centre remains on the hydrophilic position and causes a small hom*o-genous sample preparation with a ten- to hundred-fold increase of sensitivity(see Fig. 3).

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Table 2. Increase of sensitivity according to the inner diameter of a HPLC column

Inner diameter [mm] Relative sensitivity Flow [µL/min]

Conventional-LC 4.6 ∫ 01 >1000 Analytical-LC 2.0 5 200 Micro-LC 0.5–1.0 35 10–50 Capillary-LC 0.1–0.5 200 1–10 Nano-LC 0.05–0.1 3500 0.05–0.2

Fig. 1. Instrumental requirements for a nano-HPLC separation. The miniaturization of all cap-illaries and tubing is strongly recommended. Otherwise resolution and sensitivity of the nano-HPLC decrease dramatically

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Fig. 2. Online sample preconcentration for nano-HPLC. The online concentration requires twoautomatic HPLC valves. The settings of valves A and B are demonstrated in the figure. The pre-concentration is done with a 0.3 mm ¥1 mm C18 column with a flow of 50 µL/min for 10 min.The sample volume can easily be reduced from 100 µL to 0.5 µL (volume of the precolumn andcapillaries) during the preconcentration step. The following peptide separation is done with a75 µm I.D. column with a flow rate of 150 nl/min

Fig. 3A – E. Concentration of peptide samples using the Anchor Chip technology. Hydrophilicanchor on a hydrophobic surface. Diameter 400 µm. Peptide sample in matrix solution is ap-plied. The droplet start shrinking and is fixed on the anchor position. The droplet is nearlydried. Final micro preparation for MALDI-MS

3Sequence Analysis of Proteins and Peptides by Mass Spectrometry

3.1Identification of Proteins Using Peptide Mass Fingerprint

Peptide mass fingerprints are the fastest method for the identification of proteinsrecovered from 2D-PAGE.After gel electrophoresis the protein spots are punchedout, washed and digested with a specific protease (see Fig. 4). The generated pep-



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Fig. 4. Overview: possible strategies for protein analysis after in gel digestion. The fastestmethod for protein identification is a MALDI mass fingerprint. The measurement time and thedatabase search take less than 2 min. The analysis of fragment ion spectra (MALDI-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS) takes between a few minutes and 2 h. The slowest but database-independentmethod is the Edman degradation which takes about 60 min per sequenced amino acid

tides are eluted in a small volume and subjected to mass spectrometry, e.g.MALDI-MS. The basic principle of this technique is the comparison of the mea-sured peptide masses with calculated peptide masses from database entries.Every protein results in a unique set of peptide masses after cleavage with a spe-cific protease (commonly used proteases see Table 3). Depending on the mass accuracy and mass resolution of the used instrument only few peptide masses are required for a reliable protein identification. An example for a peptide massfingerprint is given in Fig. 5.

3.2Identification Using Peptide Fragmentation

An alternative method for the identification of proteins and peptides is the fragmentation of an isolated peptide ion by post source decay after MALDI [6, 7] or collision induced dissociation [8] after ESI. Both techniques lead to a statistical fragmentation at the peptide bound of a peptide. The generated ionsare called b-ions when the N-terminus is incorporated and y-ions when the C-terminus is a part of the fragment ions [9]. The mass difference of two following b- or y-ions correspond to an amino acid mass (see Fig. 6) and, there-

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Table 3. Overview: Proteases used in protein analysis

Endopeptidase Type Specificity pH range Inhibitors

Chymotrypsin Serine Y, F, W 1.5–8.5 Aprotinin, DFP, PMSFTrypsin Serine R, K 7.5–9.0 TLCK, DFP, PMSFGlu C Serine D, E 7.5–8.5 DFPLys C Serine R 7.5–8.5 DFGP, Aprotinin, LeupeptinArg C Cysteine R 7.5–8.5 EDTA, CitrateAsp N Metallo D (N-terminal) 6.0–8.0 EDTAElastase Serine A, V, I, L, G 8.0–9.0 DFP, a1-Antitrypsin, PMFSPepsin Acidic F, M, L, W 2.0–4.0 PepstatinSubtilisin Serine Nearly all 7.0–11.0 Phenol, DFP, PMSFThermolysine Metallo Hydrophobic AA 7.0–9.0 EDTAPapaine Cysteine R, K, G, H, Y 7.0–9.0 IAA, TLCK, TPCKProteinase K Serine Hydrophobic AA 7.0 IAAThrombin Serine R 7.5 DFP, TLCK, PMSFFactor X Serine I-E-G-R 8.3 DFP, PMSF

Fig. 5. Peptide mass fingerprint spectrum of a yeast protein. The database interpretation of thismass fingerprint spectrum with the algorithm ProFound results in endonuclease SceI 75 kDasubunit (gi |171463) from Saccharamyces cerevisiae (YOR F!) YJR045 C

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Fig. 6. Fragmentation of peptides during MALDI-PSD and ESI-MS/MS. The shown nomen-clature was introduced by Biemann [9]. Under MALDI conditions the most prominent ions area-, b- and y-ions and after ESI the b- and y-ions

fore, a PSD or CID fragment ion spectrum contains the sequence information of a peptide.

3.3Identification of Proteins Derived from Organisms with Unknown Genome

If the genome of an organism is unknown the interpretation of the MALDI fin-gerprint spectra and fragment ion spectra cannot be done against a database andtherefore some other approaches are necessary for a successful identification ofproteins.

De novo sequencing of peptides with mass spectrometry is based on the man-ual interpretation of a-, b- and y-ion series in a mass spectrum. This kind of datainterpretation is very time-consuming and the results always need to be checkedagainst the fragment ion spectrum of synthetic peptides.

A promising approach is the incorporation of 18O into peptide fragments byusing endoproteases [10]. This results in C-terminal fragment ions with a massshift of 2 or 4 Da. i.e. using a mixture of H2

16O/H218O generates ion doublets.

Together with accurate mass determination of peptide fragments this method increases the precision of sequence determination [11].

A combination of classical Edman chemistry and mass spectrometry was described in 1993 [12]. The usage of a mixture of phenylisothiocyanate andphenylisocyanate results in incomplete Edman degradation in each cycle. The re-action products of each cycle are combined and a MALDI spectrum is recorded.The mass differences between the peptide masses is equivalent to the mass of thecleaved amino acid in each step. The usage of volatile coupling reagents allowsvery fast cleavage of the N-terminal amino acid and sensitivities in the femtomolrange are reached [13]. However, this method has some limitations. The twoamino acids leucine and isoleucine cannot be distinguished because of theirsame mass. Small differences in mass as with glutamine and lysine requires aninstrument with high mass accuracy and resolution. Modern MALDI mass spec-trometers can be applied to this technique in a mass range up to 5000 Da.

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A third method is the coupling of MALDI mass spectrometry and Edmandegradation.

Another strategy to identify unknown proteins is the usage of an offline mi-cro-HPLC MALDI-MS system combined with Edman degradation. As an exam-ple of this the sequence analysis of an up to now unknown protein is demon-strated. The protein was digested overnight with trypsin; the peptides areextracted and separated by preparative micro-HPLC using a 180 µmI.D.¥ 250 mm C18 column (Fig. 7). The column eluate is automatically spottedonto a MALDI target (20% of each fraction; see Fig. 8) and additional PVDFmembrane stripes (80% of each fraction). The MALDI instrument is used to de-termine the number of peptides in each fraction (Fig. 9) and to record MALDI-PSD spectra of the peptides. The corresponding fraction on the PVDF stripe isselected for Edman degradation and the sequence results are compared with thesequence information derived from MALDI-PSD. The combination of Edmananalysis and mass spectrometry sequence information allows one to deducemore than only one peptide sequence from a single HPLC fraction especiallywhen two or more peptides coelute from the column.

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Fig. 7. Micro-HPLC separation of tryptic peptides. The digestion of the unknown protein wasdone with trypsin overnight. The separation is done with a common TFA/acetonitrile/watergradient system. UV traces are recorded at 215 nm (black, peptide backbone) and 295 nm (grey, tryptophane side chain). The mass spectrum in Fig. 9 results from the fraction marked with *

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Fig. 8. Automatic spotting of HPLC fractions. The column eluate is automatically spotted ontoa MALDI target. The robot needle remains for 60 s on a single position and moves then to thefollowing position. The dual collect mode allows a parallel spotting onto PVDF membrane andMALDI target. In this case the robot needle remains for 2 s on the MALDI target followed by8 s on the PVDF membrane. This alternate spotting is repeated six times (60 s) and than therobot needle moves to the next position. Because of this alternate spotting of one HPLC frac-tion the same peptides are collected onto the PVDF membrane and the MALDI target

Fig. 9. MALDI-MS spectrum of a micro HPLC fraction. This fraction was subjected to Edmandegradation and the received sequence VILAIPQSALIELDWKP fits to the measured mass of2175.35 Da

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3.4Data Interpretation Using the Internet

Besides sample preparation the data interpretation is one of the fundamentals fora successful analysis of protein and peptide samples. Several different algorithmsare available from the world wide web and allows data interpretation via the internet. All programs are also commercially available for a more confidentialdata interpretation in an intranet. An overview of the used programs is given inTable 4.

4Analysing Posttranslationally Modified Proteins

Sequence analysis is not only limited to the elucidation of the primary structure of a protein; in addition, attached posttranslational modifications are included in the analysis. These modifications are important for protein interaction in cell recognition, signal-transduction or protein localization.In the following paragraphs some approaches to analyse the most commonmodifications like glycosylation and phosphorylation are described.


Glycoproteins are proteins with different carbohydrates covalently bound at distinct amino acids within the protein backbone. These proteins modifiedwith this common and highly diverse co- and posttranslational modification are found in a broad range of organisms. Glycoproteins are found inside the cell, both in cytoplasm and the subcellular organelles, in cell membranes and in extracellular fluids. In fact, most proteins are glycoproteins, which include all kinds of biologically active substances, such as enzymes, receptors,antibodies, hormones and cytokines, as well as structural proteins such as collagen.

Increasing the sensitivity of the methods used to detect and analyse accuratelyglycosylation has revealed the diversity in both structures and functions of the

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Table 4. Overview: Web accessible algorithms and databases

Search engines Web address

Mascot http://prospector.ucsf.edudbEST discoideum

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carbohydrate components of proteins. The glycan structures of glycoproteins areoften heterogeneous and are built up of a manageable number of monosaccha-rides (Fig. 10).

Variation at a single site of glycosylation is termed microheterogeneity and di-versity between sites of glycosylation is termed macroheterogeneity. This com-bined heterogeneity results in many discrete subsets or glycoforms of glycopro-teins and sometimes can be observed by two-dimensional electrophoresis(2D-PAGE) as typical “trains” of protein-spots which separate on the basis of dif-ferent isoelectric point (pI) and/or molecular mass.

Diversity has been observed for carbohydrates attached to a single proteinproduced by different tissues or organisms and even in one cell type glycosyla-tion may vary depending on the cell cycle, state of differentiation and develop-ment. In the era of proteomics where protein patterns are compared, these mod-ification on proteins, which changes the protein physicochemical properties,should not be ignored.

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Fig. 10. Common monosaccharide constituents of glycoproteins a/b, anomeric configuration;D/L, optical configuration; monosaccharide abbreviation in brackets; listed value, monoisotopicmass of underivatised monosaccharide residue

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It has to be noticed that complex carbohydrates present a significant challenge:the sugar type, anomeric configuration, the linkage position between monomericunits, branching, the sequence of sugar epimers, and the ring size all contributeto the enormous structural diversity of this class of modification. Other biolog-ical substitutions (e.g. phosphorylation and sulfation) complicate things further.

The methods generally used to elucidate glycan structures are high perfor-mance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection(HPAEC-PAD) and capillary-zone-electrophoresis (CZE) for composition andoligosaccharide profiling analysis. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), a classical method, is used for composition analysis and elucidation of theglycan linkage via methylation/acetylation analysis. Earlier studies were done byFAB-MS on derivatised and non-derivatised glycan structures but are now moreand more displaced by more sensitive methods like MALDI-MS, ESI-MS andnanospray-MS. Fragmentation spectra of glycans, obtained by collision induceddissociation (CID) or post source decay (PSD), can give further informationabout linkages between the monosaccharides.

A method which allows a full glycan characterisation is nuclear magnetic res-onance spectroscopy (NMR) but it has its limitation in the large quantitiesneeded for the analysis.

4.1.1Forms of Glycosylation

A recently published review [14] describes the different types of glycosylation.The most common two forms are called N-linked and O-linked glycosylation de-pending on the attachment sites at the protein. A further type of glycosylationmentioned is the glycosylphosphatidyl-inositol (GPI)-anchor where the carboxyterminus of a protein is attached via ethanolamine to the carbohydrate structurecontaining inositol, which in turn is connected to a hydrophobic lipid membraneanchor. Following the three uncommon glycosylation types are listed:

1. Phosphoglycosylation where a carbohydrate linkage through a phosphodiesterbond to a hydroxy amino acid exist, such as Ser or Thr

2. C-Mannosylation where the indole ring of tryptophan (Trp) has a mannoseresidue attached

3. Ribosylation where the linkage of the 3-hydroxyl group of ribose to glutamicacid (Glu), asparagines (Asp), arginine (Arg) or cysteine (Cys) is observed

Up to now most of the protein glycosylation is found on eucaryotic proteins al-though it now becomes more and more evident that glycosylation in procaryotescombines a much greater diversity of glycan composition, linkage units, and gly-cosylation sequences on polypeptides [15].

4.1.2N-Linked Glycosylation

N-Linked glycosylation in eukaryotes is the best analysed form of glycosylationso far. The reducing terminal sugar is covalently bound to the amide group of the

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amino acid asparagine.A core structure of the glycan consisting of GlcNAc2Man5is further modified by addition of four mannose and three glucose residues,resulting in the structure GlcNAc2Man9Glc3. Finally, this glycan is transferred en bloc to the growing polypeptide at the amino acid asparagin residue in the consensus tripeptide sequence Asn-X-Ser/Thr (X π Pro) via an N-acetyl-glucosamine (GlcNAc) residue.

After transfer the glycan undergoes reconstruction, being trimmed and rebuiltto form three structural types of N-linked oligosaccharides (Fig. 11). These struc-tures are called A) high mannose-type, B) complex-type and C) hybrid type, butmay possess a broad range of structural variation.

In the last decade, several new carbohydrate structures linked to asparagineshave also been discovered mainly in bacteria glycoproteins and all glycans arelinked via the asparagine of the tripeptide Asn-X-Ser/Thr consensus sequencementioned above [14]. Common structural principles such as the chitiobiose coreand antennae of eucaryotic N-glycans, however, are not present in prokaryoticglycoproteins. Gram-positive bacteria and archaea show here, as a reducing ter-minal sugar, for example Glc, GalNAc or Rha attached to Asn [15].

4.1.3O-Linked Glycosylation

O-linked glycosylation is the second type of glycosylation commonly found inglycoproteins (see Table 5). The reducing terminal sugar is bound to the hydroxylgroup of an amino acid, commonly serine (Ser) or threonine (Thr) and less fre-quently tyrosine (Tyr), hydroxylysine (Hly) or hydroxyproline (Hpr).

It has no define core glycan structure and shows a wide variety of reducing ter-minal sugar residues.

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Fig. 11. Representative structures of different types of N-linked glycans. Monosaccharide ab-breviation see Fig. 10

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The size may vary from a single unit up to elongated oligosaccharides withmore than 100 residues in length, as found on some surface proteins. O-Glyco-sylation has been observed at single sites or accumulated in clusters in proteins,like in mucins, in contrast to eucaryotic N-linked glycosylation with its mostlywell separated glycosylation sites.

4.2Mass Spectrometric Approaches to Glycoprotein Analysis

The identification of proteins out of 1D or 2D gels is generally done by MALDI-MS fingerprint analysis or fragmentation spectra received by MALDI-PSD orESI-MS/MS analysis. This identification in combination with database informa-tion led to a first hint about a potential glycoprotein. Proteins separated by 2D-PAGE and blotted can easily be tested for glycosylation by using commerciallyavailable carbohydrate specific staining methods.

For a full characterisation of protein glycosylation the following questionshave to be answered:

1. How many individual molecular species (glycoforms) of the protein exist?1. Which sites of the protein are glycosylated and to what extent are these sites

modified?3. What do the attached glycan structures look like and what is their amount at

each individual site?

Mass spectrometry does not allow one to answer all these questions, but with itshigh sensitivity it has at least opened the door in the Proteomics era for a closerlook at this form of modification [16–20].

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Table 5. Carbohydrate-hydroxy amino acid linking group

Reducing terminal linkage Amino acid Occurrence

Araf a Hyp Plantsa-Fuc Ser, Thr Animals a-Gal Hyp Plants, eubacteria a-Gal Ser Plants, eubacteria b-Gal Hyl Animals (collagen only) b-Gal Tyr Eubacteria a-GalNAc Ser, Thr Eukaryotes a-Glc Tyr Animals (glycogen only) b-Glc Ser, Thr Eubacteria, animals a-GlcNAc Ser, Thr Protozoa b-GlcNAc Ser, Thr Animals a-Man Ser, Thr Yeast, animals b-Xyl Ser Animals

Monosaccharide abbreviation – see Fig. 10.a Araf, Arabinofuranose.

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4.2.1Investigation of the Intact Glycoprotein

The investigation of intact glycoproteins is still very difficult and has its limi-tation for all known ionisation techniques, which results in the low number ofpublished MS data for intact glycoproteins. MALDI, ESI and nano-electrospray can be used for ionisation and TOF detectors to obtain a good resolution. Beforeanalysis the sample needs a good clean up of salts and buffers. In MALDI analysis,e.g. the glycoprotein can be adsorbed onto a gold target or onto nitrocellulose layer on the target, followed by a washing step with water to remove the conta-minants.Afterwards, the matrix is directly added to the sample and used for analy-sis [21].

However, MALDI is limited to smaller proteins compared to ESI.With MALDIdifferent glycoforms of up to 35-kDa proteins gave a sufficient resolution, butonly when delayed extraction was used [22]. It has been reported that HABA isa superior matrix for large glycoproteins compared to sinapinic acid, 2,5-DHB or4-HCCA [23]. The signals of glycoproteins are often weaker compared to theirunglycosylated form as shown by the changed signal intensity of an isolatedmembrane protein after the carbohydrate moieties were removed [24].AlthoughMALDI-TOF shows generally insufficient resolution for large glycoproteins it wasused in linear mode to determine the mass of the protomeric subunit of an in-tact S-layer glycoprotein of T. thermosaccharolyticum.After depositing the sam-ple on top of the matrix a-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, the mass was deter-mined to be 75.621 Da, a result which deviated from that obtained by SDS-PAGEby approximately 7.4 kDa [25].

With ESI a good resolution of protein glycoforms could be obtained up to 80 kDa three glycosylation variants of human serum transferrin [26].

Often the large glycoparts cover the surface of the protein and prevent the ac-cess to protonation sites, resulting in a much lower average charge state whichmay be well beyond the m/z range of, e.g. quadrupole instruments. A furthercomplication is their tendency to bind salt cations and anions which then will de-teriorate signal quality [27].

For all mass spectrometric methods it is better to have glycoproteins with asingle glycosylation site and only little microheterogeneity to minimize the pro-duction of broad and unresolved peaks. In many mammalian proteins acidicsugar units are found, such as sialic acid, complicating things further becausethey are both acid labile and tend to cleave easily during sample preparation andionisation. Although the different isoforms of glycoproteins can sometimes beseparated in individual spots by 2D-PAGE, their intact analysis by mass spec-trometry afterwards can be hampered by the difficulties to extract large proteinsfrom the gel.

So far nano-electrospray MS, with its extremely small initial-droplet size andincreased ionisation efficiency, has given the best spectra of intact glycoproteinswith low quantities [27].

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4.2.2Investigation of Glycopeptides

One advantage in investigation of glycopeptides is the reduced mass size whichresults in better resolution and furthermore the still preserved glycosylation siteinformation which is often lost after releasing the attached glycan.

For investigation of glycopeptides the glycoprotein is digested with proteasesin gel or on PVDF blots after separation. Digestion is normally achieved withtrypsin followed by reduction and alkylation although other peptidases andcyanogen bromide have also been used. An alternative approach to reduce theprotein molecular weight is the digest with unspecific enzymes like pronasewhich leaves only single amino acids or a short peptide attached to the glycan(Fig. 12).

Different strategies and the help of specific enzymatic tools make it possibleto extract information from the modified peptide and the attached glycan out ofthe generated MS data.

Peptide/glycopeptide mixture can be analysed with different MS techniquesmentioned above. Glycopeptides are however difficult to detect because their sig-nals are often suppressed by those of nonglycosylated peptides in a mixture.

Nanospray ionisation shows some advantages in sensitivity compared to“nano-flow”“micro-” ESI ion sources; however, it has, like the MALDI-MS tech-nique, the disadvantage of a missing inline preseparation step for glycopeptides.One way to circumvent this problem is the use of lectins like concavalin A immobilised to paramagnetic beads as a first step in order to isolate glycopep-tides [28].

An HPLC-ESI-MS system compared to nanospray-MS has the advantage of anon-line peptide separation before MS analysis, for example on an inline C8 col-umn, where glycosylated peptides generally elute earlier than their non-glyco-sylated forms due to its distinctive hydrophilic character.

A “daughter-ion-scan” usable on some MS instruments is also helpful for theidentification of glycosylated peptides, because of the appearance of diagnosticsugar oxonium ions such as m/z 204 (HexNAc), 292 (sialic acid), 163 (hexose) observed by in-source collision-induced dissociation (CID).

Often the source-orifice potential is switched from high at the beginning ofeach scan to low voltage for the remainder of the scan to identify the modifiedpeptides in the total ion chromatogram.

Once a glycopeptide has been identified the use of tandem mass spectrome-try (ESI-MS/MS) is able to elucidate the peptide sequence if there is sufficient ma-terial.When the sequence of the determined protein is known the mass of the at-tached oligosaccharide can be deduced by the mass difference.

Sometimes MALDI-MS fingerprint spectra of glycosylated proteins show a number of unmatched mass signals with low intensity in the area between 3000 and 4500 m/z units, resulting from glycopeptides. The signal size can occasionally be improved by enzymatic removal of terminal sialic acid residuesfrom glycans [29].

A comparison of glycosylated with non glycosylated peptides after releas-ing of the sugars can give further information, because weak glycopeptide

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Fig. 12. Example of a flow scheme for glycoprotein characterisation by mass spectrometry.Identification of glycosylated proteins after in gel separation, blotting and staining with car-bohydrate specific stains. (1) Cut out the protein spot, horizontal scissors digest with protease,vertical scissors enzymatical protein deglycosylation (e.g. PNGase F), separation of peptides(C8) and analysis by MS. (2) Cut out the protein spot, digest with protease and analysis by MS(comparison of spectrum A and spectrum B allows estimation of attached glycan). (3) Cut outthe protein spot, protein deglycosylation (enzymatically or chemically), extraction and cleanup of the released glycans (e.g. on graphitized carbon) prior MS analysis. Samples received byway 2 and 3 may be further used for sequential exoglycosidase treatments to get informationabout linkage and composition of containing sugars. CID or PSD fragmentation, spectrum D,might gives furthermore an overview about the monosaccharide composition of the removedglycan. (4) Releasing glycoprotein glycans in gel without destroying the protein backbone al-lows afterwards protein identification by MALDI-MS fingerprint analysis

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signals disappear whereas new corresponding peptide signals are coming upstronger.

There are some software tools available like GlycoMod ( which help to calculate, with the knowledge of the rightprotein sequence and therefore the peptide masses, the possibly linked glycanstructures [30].

To release the carbohydrate moieties from glycoproteins you have to dif-ferentiate between a chemical and enzymatic cleavages, which function with-out destroying the peptide structure and this can be done stepwise. Massspectrometry in combination with structural specific glycosidases is currently the most powerful technique for providing sequence, branching and linkage data from low glycoprotein quantities. The pool of commerciallyavailable exo- and endo-glycosidase enzymes has grown in the last years;however, there are still more specific endo-glycosidases available for eucaryoticN-linked and less for the large variety of O-linked glycosylation (Tables 6 and 7).

Commonly used endoglycosidase enzymes for N-linked glycosylation are PNGase-F, PNGase A, EndoF and EndoH which cleave with different specificityon the Man3GlcNAc2 core structure. In the case of PNGase-F the intact glycan isreleased under conversion of the modified asparagine to aspartic acid (m/z+1)at the N-linked consensus sequence site of the protein. With sufficient glyco-peptide material the sample can be divided into several fractions and used for exoglycosidases treatment (Fig. 13). This allows the stepwise removal of mono-saccharides (e.g. sialic acid, galactose, mannose and N-acetylhexosaminidase),and is carried out with single enzymes or with enzyme combination for glycansequencing [31].

On the basis of the generally available low amounts of material, protocols havebeen developed which now allow the sequence analysis of glycopeptide glycansor released glycans directly on the MALDI plate [32].

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Table 6. Commonly used endoglycosidases for glycan release list adapted from GLYKO cata-logue 2001/2002

Enzyme Specificity Source

PNGase F N-linked oligosaccharides F. meningosepticum

Endoglycosidase H N-linked hybrid and high mannose oligosaccharides Streptomyces plicatus

Endoglycosidase-F1 N-linked hybrid and high mannose oligosaccharides F. meningosepticum

Endoglycosidase-F2 N-linked biantennary and high mannose oligosaccharides F. meningosepticum

Endoglycosidase-F3 N-linked biantennary and triantennary oligosaccharides F. meningosepticum

O-Glycanase O-linked Galb1–3GalNAc Streptococcus pneumoniaeEndo-b-galactosidase Internal b1–4 galactose linkages Bacteroides fragilis

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Chemical cleavages can also been used to release N-linked and O-linked gly-cans; however, they often have the disadvantage of complete destruction of allpeptide bonds and therefore the loss of information relating to the glycan at-tachment site.

Furthermore, these cleavages can generally not be used to release monosac-charides sequentially from glycopeptides.

To determine only the sites of O-glycosylation, also in the high density mucintype glycosylation, one-step deglycosylation/alkylaminylation procedures are de-scribed for an in-gel sample and liquid sample, respectively [33, 34]. The glyco-sylated sites are directly modified by an alkylamine label after releasing the sugars, by which a following digestion of the protein is promoted. Attached alkylamine residues make the peptide less polar than the corresponding glycopeptide and, moreover, introduces a positive charge, which also enhancesthe yield of primary ions detectable in the positive mode of MALDI-MS and ESI-MS.

4.2.3Investigation of Glycans

In order to release glycans from the glycoprotein you can choose betweenenzymatic cleavage as described above or a chemical cleavage. Most methods are

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Table 7. Commonly used exoglycosidases for oligosaccharide sequencing list adapted fromGLYKO catalogue 2001/2002

Enzyme Specificity Source

Sialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3,6,8,9 Arthrobacter ureafaciensSialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3,6,8 Clostridium perfringensSialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3,6,8 Vibrio choleraeSialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3 > 6 � 8,9 Salmonella typhimuriumSialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3,8 Newcastle Disease Virus Sialidase NeuAc/NeuGc a2-Ø-3 Streptococcus pneumoniaeb-Galactosidase Galb1-Ø-4,6,3 Jack bean meal b-Galactosidase Galb1-Ø-3,4,6 Bovine testes b-Galactosidase Galb1-Ø-3,6 Xanthom*onas manihotisb-Galactosidase Galb1-Ø-4 Streptococcus pneumoniaea-Galactosidase Gala1-Ø-3,4,6 Green coffee beans b-N-Acetylhexosaminidase GlcNAc/GalNAc b1-Ø-2,3,4,6 Jack bean meal b-N-Acetylhexosaminidase GlcNAc b1-Ø-2,3,4,6 Streptococcus pneumoniaea-N-Acetylhexosaminidase GalNAc a1-Ø-3 Chicken liver a-Mannosidase Man a1-Ø-2,3,6 Jack bean meal a-Mannosidase Man a1-Ø-2 Aspergillus saitoia-Mannosidase Man a1-Ø-6 Xanthom*onus manihotisb-Mannosidase Man b1-Ø-4 Helix pomatia a-Fucosidase Fuca1-Ø-3,4 Almond meal a-Fucosidase III Fuca1-Ø-3,4 Xanthom*onus manihotisa-Fucosidase II Fuca1-Ø-2 Xanthom*onus manihotisa-Fucosidase Fuca1-Ø-2,3,4,6 Bovine kidney

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accessible for glycoproteins in-gel, on PVDF membrane, or liquid sample.A chem-ical cleavage with hydrazine is used to remove both glycosylation types. O-linkedsugars are specifically released at 60 °C, whereas 95 °C is needed to release the N-linked glycans. Hydrazine also causes a couple of modifications on some sugarsthemselves, which then cannot been retraced by mass spectrometry.An improvedmethod is described by Cooper et al. for hydrazinolysis of O-linked glycans incombination with triethylamine at lower temperature [35]. The more commonway to release O-linked glycans is b-elimination with an alkali like NaOH.

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Fig. 13 A – D. MALDI-MS spectra of peptides and glycopeptides following exoglycosidase diges-tion as obtained by tryptic in-gel digestion of bovine a1-acid glycoprotein (bAGP) (from [18]with permission from Wiley-VCH): A unseparated peptide mixture; B after treatment with neu-raminidase immobilized on paramagnetic beads (Arthrobacter ureafaciens); C after subsequenttreatment with immobilized b-galactosidase (Diplococcus pneumoniae); D after subsequenttreatment with PNGase F. NeuAc, N-acetylneuraminic acid; NeuGc, N-glycolylneuraminic acid;Gal, Galactose


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However, reducing terminal sugars are unstable at this high pH and undergo a so-called “peeling reaction”. To prevent this degradation generally sodium boro-hydrate is added to convert the reducing terminal sugar to the alditol.

Carbohydrates usually show also sodium or potassium adduct ions in MALDIand ESI due to the present of salt (m/z Na+, +22 Da; K+, +38 Da, etc.) (Fig. 14).The increased sensitivity of state of the art mass spectrometer, allows more and more the analysis of native glycans.

Naven and Harvey have examined the influence of glycan structure on ionabundance measured by MALDI-MS on a time-of-flight and on a magnetic sec-tor instrument with 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid as the matrix. The signal strengthof the [M+Na]+ ion from 25 underivatised oligosaccharides (linear, and both O-and N-linked oligosaccharides from glycoproteins) with masses greater thanabout 1000 Da exhibited similar signal strengths, irrespective of structure, whenexamined on the time-of-flight instrument. Oligosaccharides with masses below1000 Da displayed a progressive reduction in signal intensity with decreasingmolecular weight. A comparable study performed on a magnetic sector instru-ment revealed that all oligosaccharides studied produced signals of equivalent in-tensity and that no reduction in signal strength occurred with the smaller sug-ars [36].

To increase sensitivity derivatisation of the oligosaccharides can be helpful.Derivatives are most commonly added to the reducing terminus of the glycansby a reductive amination reaction with an aromatic amine.

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Fig. 14. Fragmentation spectrum of a reduced O-linked mucin oligosaccharide of compositiondHex1Hex1HexNAc2 (parent mass 936 m/z). Electrospray MS/MS spectra obtained on a Ther-moFinnigan LCQ Deca after separation on a porous graphitised carbon capillary column (datasupplied by Proteome Systems Ltd, Sydney, Australia)

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An increase in sensitivity can also be observed by derivatising with Girard’sT reagent which introduces a cationic site [37]. An increase in sensitivity of 50-to 1000-fold has been achieved by ligating the released oligosaccharide to a syn-thetic peptide as peptides are usually ionised efficiently by protonation of theirbasic groups [38].

The condition of released glycan samples is of critical importance for obtain-ing high quality MS spectra; therefore many methods for removing salts, buffers,and the rest of derivative reagent and peptides or protein have been developed.It can be differentiated between desalting steps on membranes or on shortcolumns of ion-exchange or hydrophobic resins. The first includes drop dialysison membranes with a reasonable molecular cut-off [39], or cleaning on Nafion-117 membranes which furthermore remove the peptide or protein part [40].Clean up on columns is generally done in micro-columns composed of Gel loadertips and some microliters of resin which can be used in different varieties to re-move a broad range of contaminants. Mixed-bed ion-exchange columns, how-ever, contain the risk of the loss of charged sugars.A robust method investigatedby Packer is the clean up on graphitised carbon as solid phase extraction mate-rial [41]. It was used for purification of oligosaccharides or their derivatives witha high recovery rate from solution containing one or more of the following con-taminants: salts (including salts of hydroxide, acetate, phosphate), monosaccha-rides, detergents (SDS and Triton X-100), protein (including enzymes) andreagents for the release of the oligosaccharides from glycoconjugates (such as hy-drazine and sodium borohydrate). The sample was applied on a 0.5-mL off-linecarbon column, as well as on an on-line Hypercarb HPLC (70 µm, 10 ¥ 4.6 mm)cartridge of a mass spectrometer, followed by an intensive water wash. Neutraloligosaccharides were eluted with 25% solution of acetonitrile in water, andacidic glycans were recovered by further addition of 0.05% TFA to this solution.

A good choice for the analysis of carbohydrates with MALDI-MS is the matrix2,5-DHB and a mixture with several other compounds, which further increase thesensitivity and resolution. A broad overview of the analysis of carbohydrates byMALDI with all the different used matrices is given by Harvey [42].

As with peptides the different mass spectrometric methods allow the ge-neration of PSD and CID spectra of glycans, which may give further informa-tion about sequence, branching and the linkage between the sugars. The ob-served types of fragmentation are the loss of the adduct, glycosydic cleavages thatresult from the breaking of a bond linking two sugar rings, and cross-ring cleav-ages that involve the breaking of two bonds. The detailed nomenclature for describing the fragmentation of carbohydrates is introduced by Domon andCostello [43].

A long used but less sensitive method for the elucidation of glycan linkages isGC-MS analysis. Glycans are generally reduced to prevent “peeling” before thefree hydroxyl groups are methylated in a first step. The hydrolysis with TFAbreaks down the complex structure in single monosaccharides with unmodifiedhydroxyl groups at the linkage positions, which are then acetylated in a secondderivatising step. This complex mixture is separated and analysed by GC-MS. MSspectra resulting from fragmentation are used for a comparison with databaseentries of mass spectra of derivatised standard samples.

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Phosphorylation of amino acid residues in proteins plays a major role in bio-logical systems. Often phosphorylation acts as a molecular switch controlling theprotein activity in different pathways as in metabolism, signal transduction, celldivision etc. Therefore, identification of phosphoamino acids in proteins is an im-portant task in protein analysis. In this section an overview of phosphopeptideanalysis is presented. Detailed protocols and examples for each step of analysisare described in the given references. Four different types of phosphoamino acidresidues are known:

1. O-phosphates (O-phosphom*onoesters) are formed by phosphorylation of hy-droxyamino acids such as serine, threonine or tyrosine. The phosphorylationof hydroxyproline or -lysine is as yet unknown.

2. N-phosphates (phosphoamidates) are generated by phosphorylation of theamino groups in arginine, lysine or histidine.

3. Acylphosphates (phosphate anhydrides) are produced by the phosphorylationof aspartic or glutamic acid.

4. S-phosphates (S-phosphothioesters) are formed by phosphorylation of cysteine.

The chemical stability of phosphorylated amino acids is shown in Table 8.All O-phosphates are stable under acidic conditions, in the presence of hy-

droxylamine, and pyridine. The N-phosphates except for phosphoarginine arestable under alkaline condition. All acylphosphates are reactive phosphoaminoacids and are labile in acid, alkali, hydroxylamine and pyridine.

Phosphocysteine is moderately stable under all tested conditions.Before the development of mass spectrometry for large biomolecules (ESI-

and MALDI-MS) the only available method for the localisation of phosphoamino

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Table 8. Stability of phosphoamino acids

Nature of phosphoamino acid Stability in

Acid Alkali Hydroxylamine Pyridine

O-PhosphatesPhosphoserine + – + +Phosphothreonine + ± + +Phosphotyrosine + + + +N-PhosphatesPhosphoarginine – – – –Phosphohistidine – + – –Phospholysine – + – –AcylphosphatesPhosphoaspartate – – – –Phosphoglutamate – – – –S-PhosphatesPhosphocysteine (+) + + +

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acids in peptide sequences was Edman degradation. Through the conversion ofP-Ser to S-ethyl cysteine [44] or P-Thr to b-methyl-S-ethyl cysteine [45] a posi-tive evidence for P-Ser and P-Thr is possible. P-Tyr is stable during Edman degra-dation but nearly insoluble in the conventional transfer solvents used in the Ed-man sequenator, yielding a gap in the sequence course. Applying solid phasesequencing to this problem provides a solution [46]. Since the introduction ofmass spectrometry, the combination of Edman degradation and mass spec-trometry is a powerful tool for localisation of phosphoamino acid residues inprotein sequences.

The major problem in analysing phosphorylation with mass spectrometry isthe signal suppression of phosphopeptides in a mixture. Therefore a high reso-lution separation of the mixture before analysis or during analysis is essential fora successful identification of phosphorylated peptides. Due to the fact that ra-dioactive labelling of the incorporated phosphate is easily done with [32P], themethod of choice is a separation of the [32P]-phosphopeptide in a peptide mix-ture followed by high sensitive MALDI-MS analysis of the radioactive fractions.The three O-phosphates show different behaviour during MALDI mass spec-trometry and fragmentation analysis. However, phosphothreonine and phos-phoserine lose their phosphate group after fragmentation (see Fig. 15). Phos-photyrosine is more stable and therefore the phosphate group remains on thisamino acid. The generation of dehydroalanine from phosphoserine and a-amino-butyric acid from phosphothreonine can usually be observed with thesetwo phosphoamino acids. This behaviour therefore sometimes makes it impos-sible to localize the phosphoamino acid by ESI-MS/MS or MALDI-PSD experi-ments.

If a [32P] labelling is not possible, the analytical strategy has to be changed toLC-MS/MS analysis, e.g. nano-HPLC coupled to an ion trap-mass spectrometer.In a single LC-MS/MS analysis more than 1000 different peptides can be identi-

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Fig. 15. Typical phosphate cleavage of phosphoserine and phosphothreonine containing pep-tides. The signals marked with an arrow result from a cleavage of phosphate and phosphoricacid

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fied within 1 h.With this method a fast identification of posttranslationally mod-ified proteins is possible.

4.3.1Localisation of O-Phosphates

As shown in Table 8, O-phosphates are stable under acidic condition. Thereforethe separation of a proteolytic digest containing such phosphopeptides is possi-ble with the common acetonitrile/water/TFA gradient system. The usage of inertHPLC pumps and columns is strongly recommended, because all kinds of phos-phopeptides adsorb irreversibly on etched iron surfaces. Using MALDI-PSD forstructure determination, the MALDI-target should be inert (e.g. goldsurface).When using steel targets the ‘sandwich’ preparation technique might be helpful.

To record a MALDI-PSD spectrum of a pure phosphopeptide, commonly lessthan 50 fmol are required. In mixtures with unphosphorylated peptides (e.g. afterdigestion) the ionisation rate of the phosphopeptide is impaired and more substance is necessary. Therefore, a separation of the mixture or an enrichmentof the phosphopeptide is important.

The localisation of the O-phosphates is demonstrated in the following exam-ple: localization of phosphotyrosine in human Gab-1.

This protein was over-expressed as a GST fusion protein in E. coli. Tyrosinphosphorylation with the insulin receptor kinase takes part in the presence of[32P]g-ATP. The phosphorylated protein was digested with trypsin overnight andthe tryptic peptides were subjected to two-dimensional chromatography. In the first dimension anion exchange chromatography was done and fractions of0.5 volume were collected (Fig. 16). Fractions containing radioactivity are se-lected for a µHPLC separation. The rechromatography of these fractions is shownin Fig. 17. Fractions containing radioactivity are marked with an asterisk.

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Fig. 16. Anion exchange chromatography of tryptic phospho peptides. The tryptic hGab-1 pep-tides are separated by anion exchange chromatography. The radioactivity of each fraction isplotted against the fraction number. The fractions a–j are selected for a further rechromatog-raphy

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Fig. 17 a – j. Rechromatography of the fractions a–j (see Fig. 1). Fractions containing radioac-tivity are marked with an asterisk

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In Fig. 18 the MALDI-PSD spectra of three phosphorylated peptides from thefractions a66, b6 and d16 are shown. The b- and y-ion series allow one to deter-mine the structure of each peptide and to localize the phosphotyrosine residuein the primary structure of the peptides.

Phosphoserine and phosphothreonine can be identified due to the loss ofphosphate which is only observed in reflection mode but not in the linear mode.Sometimes peptides undergo such a strong fragmentation that they are only de-tectable in the linear mode of a mass spectrometer (see Fig. 19).

Phosphoserine or -threonine residues can be localized in the same way. How-ever, fragment ion spectra from peptides containing these O-phosphates show inmost cases very intensive signals at [M+H]+-80 Da (loss of HPO3

2 – ) and[M+H]+-98 Da (loss of H2PO4

–) [47–49]. This behaviour makes it sometimes im-possible to localize the phosphoamino acid by ESI-MS/MS or MALDI-PSD ex-periments.

An example for the successful identification of phosphoserine and phospho-threonine peptides after radioactive labelling and micro-HPLC separation isgiven in Fig. 20. Both peptides undergo a strong phosphate cleavage which canbe observed in the reflectron mode of the MALDI-TOF instrument. The inter-pretation of the fragment ion data is more difficult because a possible loss of80 Da or 98 Da of each fragment ion have to be considered.

4.3.2Localisation of Phosphohistidine

Phosphohistidine residues are unstable under acidic conditions and therefore ahexafluoroacetone/NH3 gradient system at pH 8.6 is well suited. The commonacetonitrile/water/TFA system is also possible for analysis but a fast chromatog-raphy is recommended, because the half-life of phosphohistidine is about10–30 min at pH 3. An example for the identification of a phosphohistidineresidue in the primary structure of HPr from Bacillus subtilis is given in Figs. 21and 22. The major problem dealing with phosphohistidine is the instability of thephosphate group under acid conditions and during ionisation. The usage ofMALDI mass spectrometry is only possible with basic matrices.

An additional example for the localisation of phosphohistidine is given byMedzihradsky et al. [50] with stability studies of the synthetic phosphopeptideAc-SFTNPLHpSAAW-NH2. However, the phosphorylation site cannot be deter-mined to the histidine residue by mass spectrometry but to the partial sequenceLHS. The major signals are derived from a loss of HPO3

– and H3PO4 similar to the O-phosphates P-Ser and P-Thr.

4.3.3Localisation of Acylphosphates

A direct identification of acylphosphates is difficult. However, selective reductionof acylphosphate with NaBH4/[3H]NaBH4 to the corresponding alcohol and la-belling with tritium is possible. After digestion and separation of tritium-con-taining peptides a structure determination can be done by mass spectrometry.

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Fig. 18. MALDI-PSD spectra of tyrosine phosphorylated hGab-1. MALDI-PSD spectra of dif-ferent phosphopeptides of the fractions a66, b6 and d16. Top: PSD spectrum of the peptide withm/z 2197.8 Da from fraction b6. The phosphorylated tyrosine residue (Y373) is easily locatedin the sequence TASDTDSSYpCIPTAGMSPSR. Middle: PSD spectrum of the peptide wit m/z4367.0 Da from fraction a66. The phosphorylated tyrosine residue (Y472) is easily located inthe sequence QHSSSFTEPIQEANYpVPMTPGTFDFSSFGMQ. Bottom: PSD spectrum of thepeptide with m/z 2392.1 Da from fraction d16. The phosphorylated tyrosine residue (Y689) iseasily located in the sequence SSGSGSSVADERVDYpVVVDQQK

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Sanders et al. [51] show the localisation of phosphoaspartate in CheY usingNaBH4 derivatisation followed by ESI tandem mass spectrometry. The reductionof phosphoaspartate leads to a hom*oserine residue which can easily be assignedin MS/MS spectra. An example for the identification of phosphoglutamate isgiven by Trumbore et al. [52].


An example for the combination of Edman degradation and mass spectrometryis given by Weigt et al. [53] The phosphorylated EIIMtl fragment from Staphylo-coccus carnosus is analysed with ESI-MS.After digestion with Glu-C followed byLC-MS analysis of the digest the fraction containing the phosphocysteine peptidewas subjected to Edman degradation, allowing the positive identification of thephosphocysteine residue.


The two co-translational processes, cleavage of N-terminal methionine residueand N-terminal acetylation, are by far the most common modifications, occur-ring on the vast majority of eucaryotic proteins [54]. N-terminally acetylated pro-

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Fig. 19. Instable peptides are detectable in the linear mode of a MALDI-TOF. This peptide un-dergoes a complete fragmentation and is only detectable in the linear mode of the MALDI-TOFwith a broad signal. However, such complete fragmentation is rather seldom

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teins show a special behaviour in analysis of their tryptic peptides with massspectrometry. The acetylated N-terminal peptide commonly shows a very highionisation rate as demonstrated in Fig. 23.

The MALDI mass fingerprint unequivocally identifies mouse cyclo-philin A. However, the base peak (2048.99 Da) in the mass spectrum cannot be explained by any unmodified peptide derived from the mouse cyclophilin A sequence. The ion is selected for a MALDI-PSD experiment and the generatedfragmention spectrum identifies this peptide as the acetylated N-terminal pep-tide Ac-VNPTVFFDITADDEPLGR. The spectrum contains only y-ions due to thefact that the N-terminal NH2-group cannot be protonated.

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Fig. 20. Identification of two autophosphorylation sites of human PI4K92. Top: comparison ofMALDI mass spectra recorded in the linear mode and reflectron mode. The cleavage of 80 Daand 98 Da is easily detected in the reflectron mode but not in the linear mode. Bottom: MALDI-PSD spectra of the isolated phosphopeptides. The phosphorylation site can be localized in bothspectra. The peptide ELPSLSPAPDTpGLSPSKR contains more than only one residue which canbe phosphorylated. However, the specific cleavage allow to localize the phosphate group to thre-onine 263

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Fig. 21 A, B. Identification of phosphohistidine in the primary structure of HPr: A ESInanospray spectrum of the histidine phosphorylated HPr before analysis. The charge states +4to +11 can be observed; B deconvoluted ESI nanospray spectrum of the phosphorylated HPr.Unphosphorylated (9494 Da) and phosphorylated HPr (9574 Da) show a ratio of approximately3 to 1.An aliquot of this sample was digested with trypsin at pH 7.8 for 4 h and analysed by LC-MS/MS (Fig. 22)

Fig. 22. ESI MS/MS spectrum of a phosphohistidine-containing peptide. ESI MS/MS spectrumof a histidine phosphorylated peptide from HPr. The phosphorylated amino acid can be lo-calized with the b- and y-ions in the peptide MEQNSYVIIDETGIHpAR

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Fig. 23 A, B. Identification of an acetylated peptide: A MALDI mass fingerprint of a 2D gel spot.The protein cyclophilin A is identified by the peptide signals. However, the signal with m/z2048.99 Da is not explained by any unmodified peptide of the protein; B MALD-PSD spectrumof the peptide ion with m/z 2048.99 Da. Only y-ions are obtained due to the fact that the acety-lated N-terminus cannot be protonated any more. The nearly complete y-ion series is shownin the spectrum. I-type ions for phenylalanine (F, 120 Da) and C-terminal arginine (y1, 175 Da)are detected



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4.3.6Modification Depending on Sample Handling – Oxidation and Alkylation

Methionine is easily oxidized during sample preparation prior to 2D-PAGE.Using the IPG method [55] a further modification is introduced in methionine-containing peptides. After isoelectric focusing and reduction/alkylation of pro-teins in the IPG gel methionine occurs at a 48 Da lower mass than before. Stud-ies with the synthetic peptide YGGFMTSEK showed a loss of 48 Da located atmethionine after incubation with IAA [56]. An oxidized methionine residueshows a further signal with lower resolution which results from a PSD fragmentof the methionine sulfon side chain with approximately 59 Da lower mass to theoxidized peptide [57].

4.4Protein Quantification Using Mass Spectrometry

Commonly, mass spectrometry is able to answer the question of which proteinor proteins are in a sample, but unfortunately not of how much of a protein is inthe sample. Several new approaches for quantitative mass spectrometry are de-scribed in the literature. A very promising approach – the isotope coded affinitytag (ICAT) method [58] – uses a cysteine modification with an isotope labelledbiotin tag. For the relative quantification of two proteomes A and B the sampleA is labelled with the “normal” ICAT reagents and sample B with the deuterium(D8) ICAT reagents. After the modification both samples are combined and sep-arated by 2D-PAGE or 2D-chromatography. Due to the fact that the ionisationprobability of isotope coded peptides should be the same a relative quantificationof the peptide amounts in sample A and B is possible. Using MALDI mass spec-trometry doublet signals with a mass difference of 8 Da are generated. Two fur-ther methods use another approach for the isotope coding.An easy method is thecultivation of a microorganism onto a isotope medium like 15N medium [59] anda control onto a “normal” medium. The cells are combined for further analysisand processed together. The other method is the incorporation of [18O] [10]. Two[18O] atoms are incorporated universally into the carboxyl termini of all trypticpeptides during a proteolytic digest of all proteins in the first pool. The secondpool is treated in the some way only that [16O] atoms are used (i.e. no labelling).The pooled and combined peptide mixtures are then separated and analysed bymass spectrometry, for a mass difference of 4 Da, for corresponding peptidepairs, and their isotope ratios.


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Received: April 2002

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Protein Arrays and Their Role in Proteomics

Dolores J. Cahill 1 · Eckhard Nordhoff 2

1 Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics, Ihnestrasse 73, 14195 Berlin, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected]

2 Scienion AG, Volmerstrasse 76, 12489 Berlin, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected]

Arraying technologies have shown the way to smaller sample volumes, more efficient analysesand higher throughput. Proteomics is a field, which has grown in significance in the last fiveyears. This review outlines recent developments in protein arrays and their applications in pro-teomics, and discusses the requirements, current limitations and the potential and future per-spectives of the technology.

Keywords. Microarray, Protein chips, Proteomics, Mass spectrometry, cDNA expression library

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

2 Protein Arrays – Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

3 Generation of Protein Expression Libraries as a Resource for Protein Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

4 Characterization of Protein Expression Libraries – Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

5 Applications of Protein Arrays in Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . 185

6 Future Prospects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186


Proteomics can be most broadly defined as the systematic analysis of all proteinscontained in a biological sample, which aims to document their identity, expres-sion level and localization in space and time. Ultimately, the goal is to elucidatetheir relationships and functional networks [1, 2]. High-density DNA, protein andantibody chips provide a miniaturized platform for molecular biological andmolecular medical research and enable experiments hitherto impossible in scale,

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 177 – 187DOI 10.1007/b11116CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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time, and detection sensitivity. This review outlines current techniques used inthe generation and analysis of protein arrays, and their applications in pro-teomics.

2Protein Arrays – Overview

Since proteins translate genomic sequence information into function, thereby en-abling biological processes, a full understanding of the expression profile of a tis-sue or organism on both the genomic and proteomic levels ideally requires thescreening of many samples in parallel, as rapidly as possible. Here we review pro-tein arrays, and how the analysis of recombinant proteins used to generate pro-teins arrays may be analysed by mass spectrometry. The data generated may beused not only to assess the purity of these proteins and to identify them, wherenecessary, but we also discuss how the areas of protein arrays and proteomicsmay increasingly complement each other.

Protein (and DNA) arrays are ordered arrangements of individual samples, en-abling their parallel analysis, and which are used for biological experimentation.The samples to be arrayed are generally in microtitre plates. The 96-well mi-crotitre plate is still the most widely used in immunoassays, whereas 384-wellplates are taking over for many assays and are now standard for storage and han-dling of clone libraries. There are 1536-well plates now available, and etched glassor silicon wafers make substrates for “nanoplates” (e.g. 9600-wells) [3]. Until re-cently it had not been possible to analyse proteins using the same high-densityarray, automated approach described for the DNA arrays. We have applied au-tomation technologies to the high-throughput, large-scale analysis of proteins, bygenerating cDNA expression libraries, high-density protein arrays [4, 5] and mi-cro-arrays [6].A protein array can be generated using two methods, either by ar-raying and growing clones and subsequent induction of protein expression on amembrane or filter [4] or by expressing each proteins from the protein express-ing set in microtitre plates, and arraying the purified proteins onto filters [6],or more recently on glass slides (see below). Further developments in protein arrays include the generation of low-density protein arrays on filter membranes,such as the universal protein array system (UPA), which is based on the 96-wellmicrotitre plate format [7]. Protein micro-arrays have also been printed, again in the microtitre well format, on an optically flat glass plate containing 96 wellsformed by an enclosing hydrophobic Teflon mask [8]. Inside the wells, arrays of 144 (4 ¥ 36) elements each were spotted using a 36-capillary-based print headattached to a precise, high-speed, X-Y-Z robot. Standard ELISA techniques and a scanning CCD detector were employed for imaging of arrayed antigens.An array immunosensor has been developed which allowed the simultaneous detection of clinical analytes [9]. This is also in a microtitre plate format and had capture antibodies and analytes arrayed onto microscopic slides using flowchambers in a cross-wise fashion. Detection was again via fluorescent labels andCCD-based optical readout. Although still at a low-density stage (6 ¥ 6 pattern),the technique has high-throughput potential as it involves automated imageanalysis and micro-fluidics which is already becoming one of the future formats

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for enzyme activity and other assays [10] (Caliper Technologies, Mountain View,CA, USA,; Orchid Biocomputer Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA,

To manufacture three-dimensional arrays on a flat surface, a gel photo- or per-sulfate-induced co-polymerisation technique has been developed to produceoligonucleotide, DNA and protein microchips on polyacrylamide gel pads from10 ¥ 10 to 100 ¥ 100 µm, separated by a hydrophobic glass surface [11]. The three-dimensional polyacrylamide gel provides a more than 100 times greater capac-ity for immobilisation than does a two-dimensional glass support, thus increas-ing the sensitivity of measurements considerably [12]. A method for fabricatingantibody arrays has been reported which uses a micro-moulded hydrogel “stam-per” and an aminosilylated receiving surface [13]. The stamper deposits proteinas a submonolayer, as shown by I-125 labelling and atomic force microscopy,whilst antibody activity was retained. Other approaches to protein microarrayshave been reported using either photolithography of silane monolayers [14] orgold [15], combining microwells with microsphere sensors [16] or inkjetting ontopolystyrene film [17]. Those advances are focused on the fabrication of minia-turised immunoassay formats by patterning of single proteins (e.g. BSA, avidinor monoclonal antibodies). Joos et al. have described the application of a mi-croarray-based immunoassay, which allows the simultaneous quantification ofautoantibodies in the sera of autoimmune patients, using 18 known autoantigens[18]. De Wildt et al. have described a method to generate high content antibodyarrays using recombinant single-chain variable fragment (scFv) antibodies [19].

MacBeath and Schreiber have used a high-precision contact-printing robot togenerate protein arrays on aldehyde and BSA-N-hydroxysuccinimide treatedglass slides, and then performed proof-of-principle experiments with protein-protein interactions, and identifying substrates of protein kinases and proteintargets of small molecules (DIG, biotin and streptavidin) on these slides [20].

Uetz et al. reported the most complete yeast two-hybrid screen for the identi-fication of protein-protein interactions, where approximately 5300 yeast proteinswere individually fused to transcriptional activation domains which were sys-tematically probed with yeast proteins fused to a DNA-binding domain. Thisscreen was performed in an array format resulting in the identification of 957 po-tential protein-protein interactions [21]. Zhu et al. cloned 5800 yeast open read-ing frames into a yeast expression vector, where the expressed proteins were ex-pressed as fusion proteins, with a glutathione S-transferase-polyhistidine tag attheir NH2-terminal. The proteins were purified and arrayed on nickel coated mi-croscope slides. These slides were used to study protein-protein interactions,where new calmodulin- and phospholipid-interacting proteins were identified,as well as post-translational modifications and protein-drug interactions [22].

For capturing and analysis of specifically labelled proteins, ligand-coated surfaces are available, like the SELDI ProteinChip (Ciphergen Biosystems Inc.,Palo Alto, CA, USA,, XNA on Gold (INTERACTIVA Bio-techologie GmbH, Ulm, Germany, and various BIAcore chips(Biacore AB, Uppsala, Sweden). Currently, however, the SELDI and the BIAcorechips provide only four or eight sample positions for parallel experimentation,and therefore are not further discussed here.

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Tissue micro-arrays have been developed for high-throughput molecular pro-filing of tumour specimens [23], which involved a robot punching cylinders(0.6 mm wide, 3–4 mm high) from 1000 individual tumour biopsies embeddedin paraffin and arraying them in a 45 ¥ 20 mm paraffin block (commerciallyavailable from Beecher Instruments, Silver Spring, MD, USA, On serial sections, tumours are then analysed in parallel by im-munohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) and RNA/RNA insitu hybridisation. This system allowed the microscopic scanning of an im-munohistochemistry array slide containing 645 specimens in less than two hours.It should be of great help for the simultaneous analysis of tumours from manydifferent patients at different stages of disease to establish the therapeutic im-portance of new candidate marker genes more rapidly [24].

3Generation of Protein Expression Libraries as a Resource for Protein Arrays

To generate protein arrays with large numbers of proteins, the main requirementis the source of these proteins. Therefore, the main requirement is to provide theprotein content to put on the arrays, which we do by generating cDNA libraries(reviewed [25]) in a protein expression vector. We have generated a non-redun-dant, human Unigene-Uniprotein set from a human brain cDNA library [4]. Thisset of clones contains over 10,000 clones that express different (non-redundant)human proteins derived from a human brain cDNA expression library. Theseproteins have been arrayed on membranes and on glass slides (protein chips).Wehave screened these high density, high content protein arrays with antibodies andserum from patients with autoimmune disease. Currently we are testing differentsurfaces (glass, plastic, coated surfaces) to optimise the protein chip microscopeslide format. Also, antibody arrays are being tested on these chip surfaces, withthe aim to develop chip-based assays and for possible applications in diagnostics,and perhaps in the future for detection of proteins in lysates, or in a sandwich assay format. The major current drawback of antibody arrays is the source ofstable binders or antibodies, where the binding specificity (or cross-reactivity)of the antibody is known.

The second required development was to express and purify thousands of pro-teins in parallel, which will be used to generate the protein arrays (reviewed [26]).We have moved from the initial E. coli expression system [4] to developing ex-pression vectors and systems, which are appropriate for high throughput inPichia pastoris [27] and in S. cerevisae [28]. We are currently also generating asystem to get improved expression of secreted proteins in E. coli.

4Characterization of Protein Expression Libraries – Quality Control

We have shown that cDNA libraries can be screened for protein expression onhigh-density filter membranes, which described the use of high-density filters forparallel DNA hybridisation, protein expression and antibody screening [4]. Such

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approaches make a large number of different protein products encoded by cDNAclones available for test experiments. We have also seen that when such proteinarrays are screened with serum from patients with auto-immune diseases, a subset of proteins can be identified on the array which can correlate with the disease. Such proteins require extensive characterisation, and large numbers of patients would be required to be screened. However, these selected proteinsmay be candidate diagnostic markers for the auto-immune disease screened.These experiments can generate a wealth of valuable information in a short time based on which promising subsets can be selected and used for the genera-tion of application-specific protein arrays, or further characterized as described below.

Generation of high-quality high-density protein arrays requires an efficientapproach to protein purification, identification and characterization of theirquality [29], as well as rapid arraying of these proteins. A MALDI time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry based technique has been described for the quality control of proteins expressed in 96-well plates [29–31]. In these experi-ments clones were selected from the hEx1 human foetal brain cDNA expressionlibrary and all necessary sample handling from E. coli cell culture to the massspectrometric analyses were performed in 96-well microtitre plates. The librarywas constructed in an expression vector that allows expression of N-terminalMRGS(His)6-tag fusion proteins. The expressed proteins were metal-chelateaffinity purified under denaturing conditions using Ni-NTA agarose as theaffinity matrix. The bound MRGS(His)6-tag fusion proteins were purified usingtwo different washing buffers, the first one optimised for removal of non-specifically bound proteins as well as other biomolecules present in the host cells,and a second, low-salt buffer, optimised for MALDI-TOF-MS. To identify andcharacterise the quality of the purified proteins, these were analysed in two dif-ferent ways.

In one experiment the bound proteins were digested in situ with the proteasetrypsin, and the released cleavage peptides were recovered and mass analysed byMALDI-TOF-MS. The recorded peptide molecular mass fingerprints were thenused to identify these proteins. Three examples are shown in Fig. 1 [30]. This ap-proach, called MALDI-TOF-MS peptide mapping, has become an important an-alytical tool for the rapid identification of small amounts of native proteins[32–37]. Typically, the proteins of interest are first separated by two-dimensionalgel electrophoresis or affinity enrichment followed by SDS-PAGE, the stainedspots or bands are excised, the enclosed proteins are digested in situ with a spe-cific protease, most frequently trypsin, and the resulting peptides are massanalysed. These data are compared with expected values computed from se-quence database entries according to the enzyme’s cleavage specificity. Finally, theresults are scored and the ranking suggests the protein being identified or not.

Mass spectrometric peptide mapping, combined with the high detection sen-sitivity of state-of-the-art MALDI-TOF mass spectrometers and their capabilityto analyse fully automatically many samples in a short time, has made possiblelarge-scale proteome research projects. Compared to native proteins, which canbe the subject of many different post-translational modification reactions that alter their primary structure and thereby render the identification difficult or

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impossible, the identification of recombinant proteins expressed in bacterial hostcells is simple and straightforward. In turn, the above strategy appears well suitedto screen large cDNA expression libraries for interesting clones or to identify allclones that produce the encoded fusion protein. Compared to DNA sequencingor other DNA based methods, this approach has the advantage that the identifi-cation is performed on the protein level; hence, clones that do not express the recombinant gene are discarded. Clones that quickly degrade the expressedpolypeptide chains are discarded too. These problems are difficult or impossibleto recognize and sort out solely based on DNA code. The obvious strategy is firstto screen on the protein level and then determine the DNA sequence of positivesclones for a detailed characterization. In a second experiment, the affinity puri-fied MRGS(His)6-tag fusion proteins were not digested with trypsin. Instead, theywere recovered from the stationary phase and a small aliquot (0.5 µl) of the elu-

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Fig. 1 a – c. MALDI-TOF-MS tryptic peptide mass maps of MRGS(His)6-tag fusion proteins ofthe hEx1 cDNA expression library. Following nickel-chelate affinity purification, the boundproteins were digested in situ with the protease trypsin and the cleavage peptides were massanalyzed. Based on these data, the purified proteins were unambiguously identified in the NCBIsequence database (release, September 2001): a PDZ domain protein 3¢ variant 4; b proteasomesubunit, alpha type 1 and c human bleomycin hydrolase. * signals that were assigned to tryp-tic cleavage products of the identified protein

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ate was analysed by MALDI-TOF-MS [29]. Figure 2 shows seven examples of themass spectrometric data obtained from different clones of the hEx1 expressionlibrary. A second, larger aliquot (5 µl) was analysed by SDS-PAGE. From the ob-tained mass spectra the hom*ogeneity and exact molecular weight was deter-mined for each protein. The gel electrophoretic data were used to confirm theirpurity.All these data can be generated in a short time for many samples and pro-vide a solid basis to judge the quality of the purified products.

In the above protocol, the use of MALDI-TOF-MS and SDS-PAGE is comple-mentary. The first technology yields accurate molecular masses (accuracy betterthan 100 ppm), which can be used to determine the exact length of the expressedsequence. In addition, MALDI-TOF-MS can resolve protein species that differ intheir primary structure only by a few atoms, and thereby reveal secondary mod-ifications, e.g. oxidation of methionine or trytophane residues, incomplete re-duction of cysteine-glutathione disulphide bridges (Fig. 2), or incomplete removal of N-terminal methionine. Furthermore, MALDI-TOF-MS can detectcontaminants that are smaller than the cloned product, especially peptides(<10 kDa), at a sensitivity level (low femtomol/picogram range) unsurpassed by any other analytical technique. However, the detection sensitivity ofMALDI-TOF-MS strongly declines with increasing molecular weight and abundant products of lower molecular weight negatively affect the detection ofhigher molecular weight components (signal suppression). This hampers or, inthe worst case, excludes the detection of contaminants or by-products whosemolecular masses exceed the molecular mass of the correct product. That limi-tation is compensated for by the additional use of SDS-PAGE, because in the sub-sequent Coomassie blue or silver staining procedure, with respect to the numberof molecules, the detection sensitivity for proteins strongly increases with in-creasing molecular weight, and in general smaller proteins do not affect the detection of larger proteins.

Possible contaminants include peptides, proteins or other molecules of thehost cell background, degradation products of the expressed fusion proteins, es-pecially those fragments that harbour the affinity tag, as well as expression prod-ucts whose primary structure has been modified during their expression, lysis ofthe cells or their purification. These can be detected as described above and inmany cases identified solely based on their molecular mass determined by massspectrometry or, in case of satellite signals, based on determined mass differencesthat are compared to expected mass shifts caused by known modifications. Ex-amples for this are shown in Fig. 2. In this case, the SDS-PAGE analysis revealedadditional bands whose identity is unclear; these can be excised and the con-tained proteins identified by MALDI-TOF-MS peptide mapping. Once identified,the next step is to calculate the molecular mass of the sequence retrieved fromthe database as well as N- and C-terminally shortened and, if necessary, all otherpossible subsets of it, and to compare these data with the molecular masses de-termined by MALDI-TOF-MS. It follows that the combination of MALDI-TOF-MS peptide mapping and the analysis of the intact proteins by mass spectro-metry and by SDS-PAGE supplement each other. Based on the generated in-formation and the required chip design and its applications, the scientist can decide for each protein whether a single-pass metal-chelate affinity purification

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Fig. 2 a – g. MALDI-TOF-MS of MRGS(His)6-tag fusion proteins of the hEx1 cDNA expressionlibrary. Following nickel-chelate affinity purification, the obtained eluates were mass analysed;M+ and M2+, singly and doubly charged molecular ions of expected expression products. Thenumbers of the first and last amino acid indicate assigned C-terminal truncated protein se-quences: a 40S ribosomal protein S25; b peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase A; c 40S ribosomalprotein S3A; d tubulin alpha-1 chain; e beta tubulin; f golgin-95. For some expression productsthe determined molecular masses exceeded the predicted values by 300 Da indicative of glu-tathionylation, and for one clone, expressing cDNA of CMP-N-acetylneuraminante-beta-1,4-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase, in addition a strong protein-dimer molecular ion sig-nal was recorded indicative of protein-protein disulphide bridges. These indications wereverified by reduction with DTT prior to the mass spectrometric analysis; g mass spectra ob-tained from this clone before (upper spectrum) and after (lower spectrum) reduction with DTT.+G, single glutathionylation, 2M+, singly charged protein dimmer

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is sufficient, this purification is not suited or an additional purification step isneeded (e.g. size exclusion chromatography for the removal of proteolytic degra-dation products).

5Applications of Protein Arrays in Proteomics

Protein arrays enable high-throughput screening for gene expression and mol-ecular interactions. The main advantage of a set of recombinant proteins is thatthis approach achieves the large-scale systematic provision of recombinant pro-teins for functional studies by making and arraying cDNA expression librariesand by allowing the direct connection from DNA sequence information on indi-vidual clones to protein products and back again on a whole genome level. Wehave proposed an application of these recombinant proteins in proteomics [38].We have recently shown that the spectra derived from proteins from 2D gels andrecombinant proteins can be used to compare and identify proteins from thesesources [39]. This approach makes translated gene products directly amenable tohigh-throughput experimentation and generates a direct link between proteinexpression and DNA sequence data. Since protein micro-arrays are a useful toolfor connecting gene expression analysis and molecular binding studies on awhole-genome level, if differentially expressed genes are identified using cDNAmicro-arrays, the same clones can be analysed simultaneously for protein ex-pression in different cellular systems, by mass spectrometry or by in vitro tran-scription/translation. On identical protein micro-arrays, expression clones can bescreened for binding to other proteins (e.g. antibodies) or to diverse moleculesfrom nucleic acids to small-molecule ligands. This versatility makes protein mi-cro-arrays a promising multi-purpose tool for diagnostic use.We have describedtheir use for ligand-receptor interaction studies, diagnosis and antibody speci-ficity characterisation [3]. For example, the low-density universal protein arraysystem (UPA) has been used for studying interactions with protein, DNA, RNAand small chemical ligand probes [7]. High-density protein filters of the hEx1 li-brary were screened with antibodies against the human proteins GAPDH andHSP90 alpha, and positives were confirmed by cDNA probing and sequencing [4].hEx1 protein filters have now been used by a number of groups to detect ex-pression clones using antibodies, single-chain Fv fragments or other protein-pro-tein or nucleic acid-protein interaction screening [3]. Lueking et al. have shownthat protein microarrays enable sensitive antibody specificity screening [27]. ThehEx1 library is currently being used for profiling of sera from patients with alope-cia and rheumatoid arthritis, along with sex-matched, age-matched normal sera.It is envisaged that such screenings will generate novel diagnostic targets, whichhave applications as a method of characterising the particular disease based onthe antibody profile of the patient, where such protein arrays could then be usedas a diagnostic or prognostic tools.

The interest and application of a high-throughput approach is focussed infinding all genes, their in vivo functions and the features of the correspondingproteins. Information on a gene’s expression is important for its potential ex-ploitation. A gene’s expression can be highly specific to a tissue, organ, cell type

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or disease and, as such, may be attractive as targets for development of highlyspecific therapeutics and diagnostics. Even a gene of unknown function may havemedical utility if its expression pattern can be determined. Diagnostic tests canbe developed for a disease marker if its presence or absence can be detected. Toachieve this goal, methods and technologies operating reliably with many sam-ples in high-throughput and in parallel are major requirements.

Such approaches make protein products encoded by cDNA clones available forthe generation of specific, well-defined protein arrays. This requires a highly par-allel approach to protein expression analysis, including the simultaneous ex-pression of large numbers of cDNA clones in an appropriate vector system andhigh-speed arraying of protein product [38].

6Future Prospects

Protein arrays appear as new and versatile tools in functional genomics and pro-teomics. An ever-increasing variety of array formats becomes available, e.g. mi-crotitre plates, patterned arrays, three-dimensional pads, flat surface spot arraysor micro-fluidic chips. DNA and proteins can be arrayed onto different surfaces,e.g. membrane filters, polystyrene film, glass, silane or gold. Increasing the out-put from protein chips involve increasing the quality of the data output, highspeed arraying, high throughput hybridisation devices with on-line detection,plus integrated image and data analysis tools.


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Received: April 2002

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Topological Proteomics, Toponomics, MELK-Technology

Walter Schubert

MelTec Ltd., ZENIT-Building, Leipziger Strasse 44, 39120 Magdeburg, GermanyE-mail: [emailprotected] of Medical Neurobiology, Otto von Guericke-University of Magdeburg,Leipziger Str. 44, 39120 Magdeburg, Germany

MELK is an ultrasensitive topological proteomics technology analysing proteins on the singlecell level (Multi-Epitope-Ligand-‘Kartographie’). It can trace out large scale protein patternswith subcellular resolution, mapping the topological position of many proteins simultaneouslyin a cell. Thereby, it addresses higher level order in a proteome, referred to as the toponome,coding cell functions by topologically and timely determined webs of interacting proteins. Theresulting cellular protein maps provide new structures in the proteome: single combinatorialprotein patterns (s-CPP), and combinatorial protein pattern motifs (CPP-motifs), bound to su-perior units. They are images of functional protein networks, which are specific signatures oftissues, cell types, cell states and diseases. The technology unravels hierarchies of proteins re-lated to particular cell functions or dysfunctions, thus identifying and prioritising key proteinswithin cell and tissue protein networks. Interlocking MELK with the drug screening machin-ery provides new clues related to the selection of target proteins, and functionally relevant hitsand drug leads. The present chapter summarizes the steps that have contributed to the estab-lishment of the technology.

Keywords. MELK, Whole cell fingerprinting, Topological proteomics, Toponomics,TOPONOME, Functional proteomics

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

2 Technological Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

3 A Disease Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

4 Topological Detection of Transdifferentiation: the Riddle of the Myogenic Stem Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

5 Why Explore Protein Networks? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

6 Search for Functional Protein Linkages on the Single Cell Level:the MELK-Tag Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

7 Automatic Recognition of Cell Structures In Situ . . . . . . . . . 203

8 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

9 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

10 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Adv Biochem Engin/Biotechnol (2003) 83: 189 – 209DOI 10.1007/b11117CHAPTER 1

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2003

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The knowledge of the proteome – the snapshot of the total protein output en-coded by a genome – provides important information on: (a) if and which genesare translated, (b) the relative abundance of expressed proteins and (c) the post-translational modification of these proteins. Large scale protein profiling tech-niques addressing these issues are constructed on the basis of a large number ofcells and tissue hom*ogenates. On the basis of proteins, which are extracted fromcell hom*ogenates these techniques provide insight into the protein systems‘working’ in a large number of cells and tissues at one time. Evidence indicatesthat these techniques are particularly valuable for the identification of proteins,which are specifically regulated under defined conditions, such as in disease.Whilst we are now ready to understand the nature of proteomes on the level ofthese analytical proteomic technologies, it is clear that these techniques provideonly a partial view of the functionalities in a proteome.We still face a significantnext problem to be solved: how are proteomes organized in a cell or a tissue? Thisquestion cannot be answered when cells are destroyed by hom*ogenisation pro-cedures, because the 3D information on the cellular distribution of the proteinswithin a proteome are lost. Further – if we were able to quantify the organizationof proteomes, or at least large fractions of proteomes in individual cells (i.e. manyprotein families in parallel) – is there any significant additional information re-lated for example to the identification of target proteins?

It is conceivable that the organization of complex unicellular and higher or-ganisms involves the proper spatial distribution of macromolecules, metabolites,ions and cell organelles, the interplay of these components, and their individualregulation due to functional requirements. The myriads of different cellular func-tions are the result of defined webs of interacting proteins (functional proteinnetworks) which are determined in time and space in every cell. Consequently,every protein having a molecular function by its biochemical properties (i.e. welldefined domains etc.) exerts cellular function(s) by interaction with other pro-teins, i.e. as an element within one or multiple different protein networks (Fig. 1).

190 W. Schubert

Fig. 1. Different protein networks are determined by the differential spatial location of theirelements (proteins). Translocation of protein 1 to protein complex (5, 6, 7, 8) leads to a new pro-tein network

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Within these networks every protein is determined topologically, i.e. has to be atthe right place at the right time to interact with other proteins, the latter beingalso defined by individual locations at the required time. How and when thesenetworks are formed is decided by every cell, more or less under control of othercells, i.e. cell-to-cell or cell-to-matrix interactions in tissues. Detection and quan-titation of cellular protein networks addresses higher level order functions in cel-lular proteomes. It can uncover directly the protein hierarchy within these inter-acting protein webs. To identify the myriads of different protein networks in aproteome is an important key to understand how a proteome encodes the manycell functions and behaviours, like cell polarization, migration, invasion, inter-cellular communication during morphogenesis etc. ‘Reading’ and translation ofthis information into drug discovery machineries requires technologies for thesimultaneous topological analysis of a large number of different proteins in mor-phologically intact cells and tissues.

The present chapter summarizes progress in identifying cellular patterns ofmany proteins in parallel on the single cell level. The underlying technology,MELK, can trace out directly the relative location of tens or hundreds of differ-ent proteins and other molecular classes in thousands of cells simultaneously.Principally, any complex protein pattern identified by this approach on the sub-micrometer to micrometer scale of a cell is a three-dimensional (3D) protein pat-tern that can be quantified by specific algorithms in different ways. The latter mayaddress the identity and quantity of the proteins within many subcellular vol-umes or the cell as a whole single “unit”, in which all identified proteins aremapped as combinatorial binary codes. This latter approach may be of greatvalue for fast searches for differences between a normal and a pathological tis-sue. Cells may be cultured, or isolated from body fluids, or present in tissue sec-tions obtained from biopsy material. The prospect of this ‘single cell 3D-pro-teomics’ technology is to analyse functional protein networks, which cannot bedetected in large scale expression profiles based upon tissue hom*ogenates.

2Technological Principle

To map tens or hundreds of different species or classes of molecules in mor-phologically intact cells a robotic imaging technology, referred to as MELK(multi-epitope-ligand-“Kartograph”) was established [1]. The technology, basedupon a special fixation of cells or tissues, uses large molecular libraries (i.e. an-tibodies, peptides, random proteins, lectines or any ligands) to detect and local-ize the many individual molecular species in cells by means of photonic signals,i.e. fluorescence. It is based on a biophysical principle of diffusion kinetics withindefined subcellular volumes (successive protein ligand aggregation stable diffu-sion channelling, SPLASDIC) (to be published elsewhere). Each individual mol-ecule in a cell is detected and registered as a spatial signal map, and aligned rel-ative to other molecular signals in the same cell. MELK is a fully automated highthroughput technology using multiple integrated pattern recognition and datamining algorithms to identify protein networks, which are specific or selective fora cell type or a cell state in health and disease.An integrated system of algorithms

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learns to interpret the patterns by data matching and identifies and prioritisestarget proteins directly from original or matched data. Basically, the technologyis a biology-driven pattern recognition system (to be published in detail else-where).

MELK analyses the topological order, i.e. the cellular organization, of the ma-jor molecular classes of a cell – proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids. Ittherefore addresses the organizational equivalent of genome and proteome in acell, referred to as a toponome 1 (Table 1). Consequently, a toponome contains allfunctional protein networks of a cell.

The following biological examples may explain the working of the technology.

3A Disease Example

It is a daily routine procedure in clinical medicine to substantiate a diagnosis bymeans of tissue biopsies. These clinical tissue samples (i.e. diagnostic biopsy ma-terial) with clearly distinguishable tissue compartments, i.e. histologically de-fined tissue structures, were found to be ideal to develop a topological approachto protein-systems in cells [2]. In particular muscle tissue samples of neuro-muscular disorders, having important impact on research in related fields[3–14], provided histologic criteria.

Mammalian skeletal muscle tissue is composed of structurally well definedskeletal muscle fibres, connective tissue bands separating individual fibres fromeach other, and a dense capillary network surrounding each muscle fibre. Indi-vidual muscle fibres are ensheathed by a basal lamina cylinder. Under physio-logical conditions small mononuclear satellite cells, which constitute an impor-tant source for muscle regeneration, are present [5]. However, under specificinflammatory disease conditions of polymyositis, a chronic autoimmune diseaseof the human T lymphocytes penetrate small blood vessels and first accumulate in the perivascular tissue compartments [8]. Cells then develop an enormous

1 The term toponome is composed of the Greek nouns topos (place, position, region) andnomos (order, law).

192 W. Schubert

Table 1. Synopsis of the MELK-technology

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migratory potential. They start to migrate into the connective tissue space be-tween muscle fibres (endomysium) and select one individual muscle fibre to pen-etrate the basal lamina cylinder. Interestingly, these cells ignore other basal lam-ina cylinders of neighbouring fibres. Figure 2 illustrates schematically thisprocess of T cell invasion, showing three characteristic steps. Stage 1 shows the‘pace maker’ T cell penetrating a basal lamina cylinder of a muscle fibre. In stage2, the initially invasive pace maker T cell has displaced the plasma membrane ofthe muscle fibre and has been followed by several other T cells behind the inva-sive front. In stage 3, successive accumulation of a large number of invasive T cellsinside the basal lamina cylinder has led to an almost complete compression anddisplacement of the muscle fibre. This compression finally leads to mechanicalrupture of the muscle fibre and loss of function.

A major goal is to understand the differential adhesive mechanisms at the T cell surface, which allow the T cells to organize themselves as an abnormal,

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Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of three characteristic stages of muscle invasion of T lymphocytesin a human chronic inflammatory muscle disease (polymyositis). Stage 1: after extravasationfrom the blood T lymphocytes have formed an abnormal coherent lymphoid tissue extendingacross different muscle tissue compartments: the perivascular (pv), and the endomysial (em)territories. One single T cell (the invasive front T cell, or pacemaker T cell) has penetrated thebasal lamina cylinder and started to displace the plasma membrane of a muscle fibre (arrow).This latter site is the target site of this disease. Note that all cross-sectioned multinucleatedmuscle fibres are ensheathed by a basal lamina cylinder, BLC (dark black line). Several T lymphocytes, which are assembled behind the invasive front, are in close contact with the BLand ready to follow the pacemaker T cell. Stage 2: progressed invasion of the BLC by T cells hasled to partial compression of the muscle fibre. Stage 3: T cell invasion is completed. All T cellsare inside the BLC. The muscle fibre is mechanically compressed and shows a small rim, readyto rupture

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aberrant lymphoid tissue compartment to select individual muscle fibres and finally drive the invasion towards the basal lamina cylinder. Important new clues to these mechanisms are obtained, when 17 different monoclonal anti-bodies against known cell surface receptor proteins with adhesive properties are used to map these proteins on the cell surface of invasive T cells [15] (Table 2).

These randomly selected 17 proteins, like any other proteins, do not di-stribute randomly on the cell surface. Rather, the level of each protein dependson the biological state of the individual cell and on the local environmental cues. The most simple case is that a protein, i.e. CD38, is present on the surfaceof all cells, or completely absent. However this is not the case. MELK analyses revealed that this protein is only present in a given tissue microenvironment.If these MELK analyses were performed for the simultaneous localization of17 different cell surface proteins, it became obvious, that the CD38 protein occursin specific combinations with 7 different other proteins out of 17 (Table 2).Equally, specific combinations were found of selected proteins in other mi-croenvironments inside the lymphoid tissue. Table 2 indicates these specific combinations on the level of individual T cells at defined sites of stage 1 of the T cell invasion (compare with Fig. 2). By this example it can be shown that, on the basis of parallel localization of a limited number of individual proteins on the single cell level, distinct stages of the invasion process can be identified.Consequently, many data sets of this kind, covering all proteins of a cell or a tis-sue, would be the MELK equivalent to data sets like genome or proteome.This data set is referred to as a protein TOPONOME. The smallest subunit in a protein Toponome is the single combinatorial protein pattern, briefly s-CPP(Table 2, horizontal lines: annotations 1 to 30). In the present example this would be equivalent to a combinatorial protein pattern of a single cell: each protein of an s-CPP is registered as a binary code per cell, i.e. present or absentabove a threshold level [1/0] (Table 2). A specific set of s-CPP which is charac-teristic for an individual biological state or function is referred to as combina-torial protein pattern motif, or simply CPP-motif. Table 3, which is a simplifiedrepresentation of Table 2, illustrates the CPP-motifs which are associated withdifferent T cells during the invasion across the muscle tissue. Principally,s-CPP and CPP-motifs can be found by MELK analyses at the cellular (see Ta-bles 2 and 3) and the subcellular level (not shown). On the subcellular level, s-CPPand CPP-motifs are associated with the different subcellular compartments, i.e.organelles or membranes.

Within a CPP-motif single protein species may be identified, which are presentin all s-CPP belonging to the corresponding CPP-motif. These proteins aretermed lead proteins. As outlined in Table 3, CD38 is a lead protein of motif2 within stage 1 of the T lymphocyte invasion process in the muscle tissue.Given the MELK analyses shown in Table 3, four different CPP-motifs can be distinguished, which are unique to the T cells moving from the perivascular environment across the endomysial environment towards the basal lamina cylinder of a muscle fibre. Hence this whole T cell translocation or migrationprocess can be described as a follow-up of defined s-CPP on the T cell surface until the T cell reaches the basal lamina cylinder. During migration, the trans-

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Table 2. Binary codes of cell surface proteome fractions, which are characteristic for T cell invasion inpolymyositis (15). Additional binary codes specific for non-T cells (endothelial cells, muscle cells) in muscletissue are also shown (fractions 6 to 8). These binary codes were obtained by simultaneous MELK-mappingof 17 different protein epitopes and ligand binding sites for carbohydrate structure, respectively (specificationin the upper horizontal line). Presence or absence of these epitopes or ligand binding sites (vertical lines) weremapped as binary codes [1/0] above a fluorescence threshold level. Each horizontal line gives the single com-binatorial protein pattern (s-CCP) binary code per single cell. Each s-CCP may be present in at least one cell.Each s-CCP is mapped to its topological site in the tissue: pv: perivascular accumulation of T cells (perivas-cular lymphoid tissue); pre-em: transitional area between perivascular and endomysial tissue; em: accumu-lation of T cells within the endomysium (connective tissue between muscle fibres), in which T cells migratetowards a target muscle fibre; pre-in: T cells contacting the basal lamina of individual muscle fibre; in: pene-tration of the basal lamina of individual muscle fibre by pacemaker T cells, thereby invading the basal laminacylinder. Note that the arrow denotes the invasion pathway of T cells entering the muscle tissue from the bloodcirculation (compare with Fig. 2)

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Table 3. Illustration of combinatorial protein pattern motifs (CPP-motifs), present on the sur-face of T cells during invasion of muscle tissue. The binary codes shown here are depicted fromTable 2 to illustrate the formal characteristics of CPP-motifs and of transitional elements (TE)(for details see text). Note the significance of CPP-motifs as signatures for specific territoriesin the lymphoid tissue. The large arrow indicates the direction of T cell invasion from theperivascular territory to the target site of muscle fibre invasion (compare with Fig. 2, stage 1).Small arrows indicate the leading proteins of the different CPP-motifs. The strong line denotesthe basal lamina, the thin line denotes the plasma membrane of the muscle fibre located insidethe basal lamina cylinder. One T cell, denoted as TE5 (the pacemaker T cell) has penetrated thebasal lamina cylinder. It is located between the basal lamina and the plasma membrane of themuscle fibre

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location of a T cell from one microenvironment to the next, i.e. from the perivas-cular area to the endomysium, is characterized by a particular s-CPP on the cell surface, termed transitional element (TE). TEs are intermingled between two characteristic CPP motifs. This is illustrated schematically in Fig. 3. In the present example, TEs obviously represent a functional state of a migratory T cell,in which the T cell surface adapts to a new microenvironment. Interestingly during this process of migration the T cell appears to acquire selectivity for penetration of the basal lamina cylinder by continuous reduction of the numberof proteins within the s-CPP on the cell surface: from seven proteins in CPP-motif 2 down to only two proteins in TE5 (Table 3). The latter is a specific as-sembly of the CD8 receptor protein and the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein (bAPP). bAPP/CD8 assemblies on the surface of T cells lacking the other 15 proteins, which were mapped simultaneously by MELK (TE5, Table 3) is highly non-random, and in this constellation was only observed in poly-myositis [15].

This observation raises the possibility that cellular ‘autoimmunity’ may occur,when T lymphocytes generate abnormal s-CPP and CPP-motifs on the cell sur-face to build up pathologic cell-to-cell interactions. Furthermore, MELK data sug-gest that organ-specific T lymphocyte homing in autoimmune disorders may bethe result of abnormal CPP-motifs on the cell surface of circulating T lympho-cytes (to be published).

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Fig. 3. Summary of Tables 2 and 3, illustrating the synopsis of s-CPP (annotations 1 to 18), CPP-motifs and TE on the cell surface of invasive T cells, in the different territories of the lymphoidtissue structures in polymyositis

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4Topological Detection of Transdifferentiation: the Riddle of the Myogenic Stem Cell

The different steps of the development of the topological proteomic approach to cell functions were in part based upon the study of muscle tissue sectionsshowing various stages of skeletal muscle regeneration [2]. These studies havemade possible the simultaneous mapping of proteins which are unique to theendothelial cells of the microvasculature and of proteins, which are restricted tothe myogenic stem cells and to regenerating structures within the basal laminacylinder [2]. By this simultaneous protein epitope mapping it was recognized that in a very early stage of repair of a ruptured muscle fibre, endothelial cells from the surrounding microvasculature invade the basal lamina cylinder of thedefective muscle fibre and terminate their migration in the defective zone (annotation 28 in Table 2). In a slightly later stage, these endothelial cells dis-sociate from each other and start to express proteins of the myogenic lineagecharacteristic for myogenic stem cells, whilst they still express proteins of the endothelial cell lineage. Cells then orient themselves longitudinally within thebasal lamina cylinder and are closely attached to intact fibre ends. In this stagethese cells continuously downregulate the endothelial marker proteins, whilstthey upregulate strongly the NCAM proteins which are characteristic for mono-nuclear myogenic stem cells (annotation 30 in Table 2). Cells then proliferate and fuse to form myotubes, bridging and finally repairing the defective zone.MELK-data sets revealed that the latter are characterised by unique CPP-motifs(annotations 23 and 24 in Table 2) [2].

Hence, on the basis of the relative localisation of seven reference proteins, ev-idence was provided for the presence of transdifferentiation of local endothelialcells as a mechanism to form myogenic stem cells in human muscle tissue. Theclassical view of muscle fibre repair however was that satellite cells, which are ofembryonic origin and reside within the basal lamina cylinder, are the source formuscle fibre repair [16].

Consequently, these topological data indicating transdifferentiation of localendothelial cells were strictly against the grain of what we think we know aboutfundamental aspects of muscle biology. They stimulated the discussion on thesource of myogenic stem cells and the nature of the satellite cells (i.e. communi-cation, controversial discussion by G. Cossu during the annual conference of theGerman society of Cell biology, Konstanz, Germany, 1992). These data also pro-vided the fundamentally new concept that adult, mature cells can transdifferen-tiate to a stem cell, when they receive the correct environmental cues.

Recently, by a combination of embryological, cell biological and transgenictechnologies, the Cossu group confirmed experimentally that satellite cells mayderive from the vasculature system [17].

The present example strongly validated the topological principle (proof ofconcept), that the simultaneous localisation of reference proteins “superimposed”on known structures in a tissue can uncover unknown cellular mechanisms.

Furthermore, the example may suggest that the simultaneous localization ofhundreds of different proteins by MELK will allow one to address transdifferen-

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tiation mechanisms in any adult organ, because it allows one to trace out cell typespecific programs of mature cells and of stem cells simultaneously.

5Why Explore Protein Networks?

Theoretical considerations indicate that recognition of the range from proteinstructure to molecular and cellular protein function requires a synopsis betweenlarge scale expression profiling, structural proteomic and topological proteomictechnologies. Each of these levels of recognition has its own rules and indications.This may be illustrated by the following example.

Given a normal and an abnormal cell both expressing four proteins at identi-cal abundances (Fig. 4), the normal cell exhibits assemblies of these proteins,above defined as s-CPP (see Chap. 3), restricted to the cell surface. In the abnor-mal cell, one protein is stored inside the cell and cannot reach the cell surface. Theresulting new s-CPP on the cell surface may exert new cell-to-cell interactions,which might be causing disease simply by the abnormal combination of other-wise normal proteins. New disease specific s-CPP of this kind is considered as a“tag” of a more extended pathogenic protein network (see below). This networkmay operate, for example, in a few tumour cells, a condition which may lead toinvasion and formation of metastases.

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Fig. 4. Schematic illustration comparing cellular protein patterns traced out by MELK (a sub-fraction of the cellular proteome, left hand side) with protein profiles (right hand side) as pro-vided by large scale proteome profiling techniques based upon tissue hom*ogenates. Note thatthe differences between the normal and the abnormal cell are undetectable by expression pro-filing

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Since only the spatial protein distribution, but not the level of the individualprotein, is altered, hom*ogenization procedures of these cells in order to extractand biochemically identify and quantify the proteins leads to identical proteinprofiles of the normal and the abnormal cells. In the present example the inter-esting target proteins are among the normal cell surface proteins forming ab-normal patterns, which would not be conspicuous in large scale protein analyses(Fig. 4, right hand side). Strategically, once the abnormal patterns have been iden-tified by MELK proteomic mapping, a procedure of ‘downstream’ analyses willfollow involving biochemical, structural and functional analysis of the identifiedprotein pattern/complex. Hence, the MELK pattern on analysis leads to the iden-tification of relevant functionally linked proteins or protein assemblies within acells toponome and thereby sets a window in the mass of proteins expressed ina tissue.

How can the topological information be quantified? Given two parameters: (a)the identity, and (b) the abundance of a protein. Given further that each proteincan be characterized, i.e. in a 2D Gel, at 50 to 100 abundance levels, and that 20 proteins are identified in a 2D gel on the basis of hom*ogenization of onemillion cells. The maximum of theoretical protein combinations related to theabove parameters will then correspond to an information of 10020 bits, at best.Given further that a cell-wise measuring of these 20 proteins simultaneously by MELK would allow one to quantify these profiles within approximately 2000different subcellular volumes in every cell, then the resulting maximum ofinformation related to one million cells is 2 ¥109 ¥10020 bits. The resulting gainof information is 2 ¥109 bits. Since the latter number reflects the cell as the topo-logical, organisational unit of the proteome, it contains the relevant informationon functional linkages of proteins, i.e. the functional protein networks. A func-tional protein network is considered to be (i) a specific protein complex, (ii) theinteraction of proteins by means of diffusible molecules (i.e. substrates ofenzymes), (iii) the interaction of proteins by directed transport of proteins,protein-substrate – or protein-protein-complexes or (iv). a combination of allthese modes of interactions. This is schematically shown in Fig. 1, where protein1 is an element of two different functional protein networks.

What is the interrelationship between combinatorial protein patterns (s-CPPor CPP-motifs) and a functional protein network? This may be explainedschematically in Fig. 5. Given a normal and an abnormal cell, both the normaland the abnormal cells are characterized by protein complexes at the cell surface.The protein complex of the normal cell consisting of six different proteins (7–12)is modified in the abnormal cell by absence of protein 8. This can be detected di-rectly on the single cell level by MELK. Functionally, this abnormal protein com-plex may result in abnormal cell-to-cell interaction. For example, in tumour cellsthis may lead to selective organ-invasion, when such tumour cells, circulating inthe blood, encounter the cell surface of organ-specific endothelium and adhereto it selectively by the abnormal protein complex. Since it is likely, that the ab-normal protein complex is interrelated to intracellular regulatory protein net-works operating in different compartments of the cell, the abnormal cell surfaceprotein complex, once detected as specific, can be regarded as a tag to search forother parts of the protein network associated with this tag on the single cell level.

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Simultaneously with this tag, intracellular proteins are systematically screened inan organelle-wise and a protein-family-wise manner. For example, proteins be-longing to signal cascades, enzyme families, etc. or proteins, which can be re-garded as reference proteins for subcellular organelles, are screened in parallelin the same cell. Each of these families may show new s-CPP in the intracellularcompartments of the abnormal cell. By matching MELK data sets of the normaland the abnormal cells, subcellular s-CPP, which are unique to the abnormal cellmay be identified. The latter are new tags, which then indicate the compartmentsor the family of proteins, which are specifically linked to the abnormal cell-sur-face protein complex, or tag (Fig. 5, s-CPP2). Such a new tag may be the startingpoint for a further directed MELK screening for proteins which are specificallyassociated with the corresponding compartment. One example, outlined in Fig. 5,

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Fig. 5. Schematic representation of a normal and an abnormal cell. The normal cell is charac-terized by the interaction of the proteins (1 Æ 6) with a cell surface protein complex (7 Æ 12);the abnormal cell is characterized by an additional protein network (4, 15–18) and absence ofprotein 8 in the cell surface protein complex. The difference map, obtained by matching, revealsa specific linkage of protein 4 to two different protein networks (arrowhead) and to the absenceprotein 8 in the abnormal cell. The different parts of the present protein networks are detectedas s-CPP by MELK

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shows that by this approach one new subcellular s-CPP (Fig. 5, s-CPP1) is foundthat is present in both the normal and the abnormal cell, whilst one additionals-CPP is unique to the abnormal cell (Fig. 5, s-CPP4). The example also indicatespresence of a protein (Fig. 5, protein 4) which is an element both of s-CPP2 ands-CPP4. Hence there is a functional linkage of the abnormal s-CPP3 and s-CPP4,and in addition there is a functional linkage of protein 4 with s-CPP2 and s-CPP4and with the absence of protein 8 on the cell surface.

6Search for Functional Protein Linkages on the Single Cell Level:the MELK-Tag Approach

The above examples are based on experiences with the topological proteomic ap-proach in selected fields [2, 15, 18].Although much remains to be learned in thefuture using MELK technology, the present knowledge on the selectivity of s-CPPmay allow some generalisations on the use of MELK to identify functional pro-tein networks.

Given the cell as the organisational unit of a proteome, it is likely that dis-turbances of this organisation, or specific dynamic changes due to different functional states of a cell, may be reflected by changes of the combinatorial protein patterns (protein assembles) in the different cellular compartments.Given further the experience that disease-specific CPP-motifs can be detectedwhen a sufficient number of different proteins (i.e. 20–40) belonging to a pro-tein family are mapped simultaneously by MELK [2] (new data to be published),there is an effective strategy to search for functional protein linkages on the single cell level.

At first, antibody libraries against many different protein families are con-structed on the basis of previous MELK-data sets or on the basis of protein spe-cific sequence information derived from the genome: for example 40 antibodiesagainst adhesion proteins of the cell surface, 40 antibodies against cell surfacechannel proteins, 40 antibodies against growth factor receptors, 60 antibodiesagainst reference proteins for diverse subcellular compartment, etc. Based on pre-vious MELK-data sets it is held that these antibody libraries must not be completeto find selective patterns. In a next step each of these libraries is used to searchfor s-CPP or CPP-motifs which are characteristic for a given biological state ofa cell or a cell type. Each individual approach in topological proteomics, i.e. thesequence of steps towards functional protein linkages, is based upon cell bio-logical considerations: for example, invasive tumour cells are first screened fortheir adhesive cell surface proteome fraction, because abnormal invasion is mostlikely due to abnormal adhesive functions, etc. Opposed to that, metabolically altered liver cells will be first screened with MELK antibody sets against sub-cellular enzyme systems, and so forth.

Once an s-CPP or CPP-motif characteristic for a given biological state has beenfound by one of the above “search libraries” the latter is classified as a tag, whichnow allows for in-depth search for proteins which are specifically linked to it. Thisin-depth search may be performed in several ways: (i) the MELK screening is ex-tremely extended by using antibody libraries against other protein families likely

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to be present in the same compartment of the detected tag; (ii) the MELK screen-ing is extended for search-libraries specific for proteins present in subcellularcompartments other than that of the identified tag; (iii) the MELK screening is extended for search libraries specific for proteins, the compartmentalisation of which within the cell is unknown. Together the advantage of this MELK-tag approach is that it rapidly leads to the detection both of a relevant protein family and the associated compartment as a first tag for in-depth analyses. Fur-thermore MELK can be correlated with 2D-gel based large scale protein pro-filing techniques allowing one to optimise the identification of proteins linked to disease processes. Finally, it is also feasible to use naive antibody libraries to screen for s-CPP or CPP-motifs. This approach may be particularly suited to identify, among a large number of naïve antibodies, relevant antibodies to be used to isolate the underlying proteins recognised as being specifically linkedto disease.

It is held that all tags which, by definition are found to be specific for a bio-logical state of a cell, are functional in the sense that they constitute part ofa functional protein network, which unequivocally “enciphers” the cor-responding biological state. In many cases, for example in cells in vitro, this can be tested experimentally. Details are beyond the scope of the present chapter.

7Automatic Recognition of Cell Structures In Situ

The first step in a topological proteomics approach, as outlined above, is high-throughput MELK reading of cells using the SPLASDIC detection principle, in tis-sue sections [1, 2]. In a next step, detection, quantitation, matching and classifi-cation of a large number of cells related to their expressed proteome fractions,their topology and their relative locations in a tissue according to the above de-scribed elementary units (s-CPP, CPP-motifs) is performed. We have developedseveral algorithms for the automatic detection of any random structure in situ,one of which is a general pixel/voxel algorithm for the quantitation of proteomicpatterns within a given volume of a cell (i.e. 60 ¥ 60 ¥ 60 nm) (to be publishedelsewhere). In addition there is a more specified algorithm adapted, for example,to the high-throughput measuring of mononuclear cells, i.e. lymphocytes, in tis-sue sections [19–24].

Detection algorithms related to automatic cell detection, which were reportedhitherto, are based on the idea of fitting a model to a gradient ensemble [25, 26],wave propagation [27], boundary tracing [28] or use of Hough Transformation[29, 30] to detect circle-like objects. Cells in tissues show however considerablevariation of their shapes and sizes due to migration, cell to cell interaction, tis-sue-specific constraints and so on. These variations render it difficult to definea model fitting for all possible cell types. To address these high variables we havechosen migratory lymphocytes as a biologically relevant example to construct a neural cell detection system (NCDS), which uses an adaptive neural classifierto map each image point P in a fluorescence micrograph to an evidence valueC(p). Π[0;1]. The magnitude of the evidence value estimates the probability

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for the image point to be occupied by a fluorescent cell.A local maximum searchin the evidences of all image points combined with a thresholding procedure then can deliver the described positions of fluorescent cells. This classifier is a particular species of an artificial neural net which has turned out to be very efficient in fast learning of non-linear classification tasks from even small train-ing sets.

Figure 6 illustrates the functionalities of the NCDS, referred to as Local Lin-ear Map (LLM). To analyse the stabilities and reproducibility of the LLM re-sults we have compared detection of lymphocytes in inflammatory muscle tissue with lymphocytes in the tonsil, which is a tissue containing lymphocytesin the form of densely packed cellular nets, a condition rendering it extremelydifficult to distinguish cellular boundaries [19]. Figure 7 illustrates a low magnification of fluorescent lymphocytes in muscle tissue and in a tonsil together with the output images of the LLM. These analyses have shown that the NCDS recognizes at least 95% of the cells correctly and can trace out 40,000 cells within 3 h. The prerequisite for this approach is that a suffi-cient number of MELK data sets are available in the form of fluorescence images.

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Fig. 6. Example illustrating a Local Linear Map approximating a function f (x), x Œ ¬2 (dottedplane) with five nodes, LLM’s nodes’ wi

in form Voronoi cells of the input space. The plane is ap-proximated by projections of the cells (one sketched as dark grey plane). An input vector x ismapped to C(x) in the output space. First, the nearest neighbour wk

in to the input is selected,then the input is mapped via the coupled matrix Ak (dashed arrows)

f (x)



input space


ut s









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Fig. 7 a Рf. Three steps of cell detection for lymphocytes in muscle tissue and tonsil tissue areillustrated: The first row shows the two input recorded by our standardized technique of: a mus-cle invasive lymphocytes; b lymphocytes forming dense clusters within the tonsil. In both ex-periments the cells were immunolabeled against CD4. In the second row the evidence maps for:c muscle invasive cell; d clustering cells in the tonsil are presented. The evidence valuesC(x) Π[0; 1], calculated by our neural classifier were mapped to grey values.A high value standsfor high evidence for a fluorescent cell. The large white boxes in the corners show enlarged regions of each image and evidence map respectively. Following the arrows one can observethat high evidences correspond to positions of fluorescent cells. Local maximum analysis and thresholding delivers the final cell position within white frames, for both: e muscle tissue;f tonsil



e f



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The topological MELK proteomic approach has multiple implications in func-tional proteomics:

1. MELK allows one to address protein networks on the single cell level at the cel-lular and the subcellular level. It leads to the detection of functional linkagesof proteins, which escape detection in large scale protein profiling techniquesbased on cell hom*ogenates.

2. MELK allows one to detect these linkages in very small samples, down to onlyone cell. This is relevant because many cellular processes are based upon thespecific actions of one or few cells. Examples are: (a) invasive tumour cells dur-ing minimal residual disease; (b) invasive pacemaker T lymphocytes in au-toimmune disorders, such as polymyositis [15]; (c) single endothelial cellstransdifferentiating to a muscle stem cell giving rise to an army of regenerat-ing myogenic cells [2], and so forth.

3. Since cellular protein networks can be detected, which are specific signaturesof different time-points during a dynamic change of a cell (biological statesduring cell polarisation or migration etc.), the corresponding MELK data setsare predictive concerning the cell fate, i.e. transdifferentiation of endothelialcells [2], translocation of invasive T lymphocytes in polymyositis [15]: once acomplete MELK data set specific for different time points during such pro-cesses is identified, this data-set indicates both the origin of the cell and itsdestination.

4. The MELK-tag approach by using antibody search libraries for subcellular ref-erence proteins allows one to search for disease-specific CPP-motifs on the ba-sis of data-matching (normal vs pathologic tissue or cells). Thereby previouslyunknown disease-specific linkages of proteins can be assigned both to onespecific cell type, multiple cell-types, or individual biological states of a celltype in the target sites of disease, i.e. small diagnostic biopsy samples. Sincethis approach allows one to detect simultaneously many different cell types insitu, it is possible to construct characteristic MELK-fingerprints of whole cel-lular systems.

5. On the basis of characteristic MELK-tag data sets a directed in-depth-search“around” the tag can be performed using large, extended antibody libraries derived from protein-specific sequence data provided by genomic in-formation. Finally this MELK-tag search leads to the detection of lead pro-teins on the basis of disease-specific CPP-motifs. Lead proteins are consideredto be first order target proteins, because they are specifically linked to disor-ders.

6. MELK provides a new platform to interlock target identification/prioriti-sation/validation with the industrialized drug discovery process. Particular interest is focused on the possibility to select hits or drug leads on the basis of their ability to shift an abnormal protein network to normal. This is a means by which hits or drug leads binding to a target without influencing cel-lular dysfunction can be selected out at an early time point in the drug devel-

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opment process. Furthermore, hits or drug leads may be identified by MELK,which generate non-physiologic new protein networks likely to indicate un-wanted side effects. Similarly, MELK can be used to screen patients’ cells dur-ing clinical trials to identify drug effects on the cellular level and to correlatenewly occurring non-physiological CPP-motifs with corresponding clinicaldata during treatment. The latter approach may raise the possibility that sideeffect targets could be identified in specific groups of patients, which wouldopen new avenues for therapeutic intervention.

Finally, it will be interesting to link MELK with genomic approaches to cell func-tion. For example, it might be examined if and how genomic mutations specifi-cally influence functional protein networks in a cell, denoting the genes which arespecifically interrelated.


ToponomeComplete topological organization of the major molecule classes in a cell, as re-vealed by simultaneous mapping on the single cell level. It is the synopsis of allmolecular networks in a cell, comprising networks of proteins, carbohydrates,lipids and nucleic acids.

Functional protein networks (FPN)Networks of proteins, which are specifically linked to cell type, biological state ofa cell or disease. FPN are detected by topological proteomic approach usingMELK on the single cell level.

MELK technologyMulti-Epitope-Ligand-Karthographie (syn. whole cell fingerprinting), a high-throughput technology exploring the toponome.

s-CPPSingle combinatorial protein pattern, as revealed by MELK. The smallest elemen-tary unit of a toponome, related to the topological protein complement of a cell.

CPP-motifA specific set of s-CPP, which is characteristic for an individual biological stateor function.

Topological proteomicsResearch field of functional proteomics detecting functional protein networks onthe single cell level, i.e. by using the MELK technology.

Lead proteins (LP)Proteins, which are present in all s-CPPs of a CPP-motif. LP show the strongestlinkage to the CPP-motif. In case of abnormal CPP-motif in disease, LP are con-sidered to be first-order target proteins.

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Received: April 2002

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